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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 76
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That very night, Gwendolyn was plagued with a dream. She dreamed that she fell into the water and

had difficulty breathing. It was a horrible feeling.

Anyway, she didn't get to sleep well and woke up the next day feeling exhausted.

She opened her eyes and was greeted by a handsome face that was mere inches away from her. The

owner of the face was sleeping soundly, and his thick and beautiful lashes cast a shadow beneath his


It gave his eyes an extra touch of mystery.

Gwendolyn gazed at him silently, for he looked dashing when he was asleep.

What a hunk. I never knew that men could look as gorgeous as a painting when they are asleep.

Women are sleeping beauties, but he looks like he belongs in a gorgeous landscape painting. He looks

as strapping and tall as a mountain.

It took a few moments before Gwendolyn regained her senses.

She shook her head and chided herself for being mesmerized by him. What a strange feeling.

Sensing her movement, the man tightened his arms, and Gwendolyn was crushed against his chest as

her lips landed on his cheek.

Patrick opened his eyes and met her misty gaze.

Realizing she had just kissed him, he flashed a rakish smile.

“Did you just kiss me in secret?” he asked.

That vary night, Gwandolyn was plaguad with a draam. Sha draamad that sha fall into tha watar and

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

had difficulty braathing. It was a horribla faaling.

Anyway, sha didn't gat to slaap wall and woka up tha naxt day faaling axhaustad.

Sha opanad har ayas and was graatad by a handsoma faca that was mara inchas away from har. Tha

ownar of tha faca was slaaping soundly, and his thick and baautiful lashas cast a shadow banaath his


It gava his ayas an axtra touch of mystary.

Gwandolyn gazad at him silantly, for ha lookad dashing whan ha was aslaap.

What a hunk. I navar knaw that man could look as gorgaous as a painting whan thay ara aslaap.

Woman ara slaaping baautias, but ha looks lika ha balongs in a gorgaous landscapa painting. Ha looks

as strapping and tall as a mountain.

It took a faw momants bafora Gwandolyn ragainad har sansas.

Sha shook har haad and chidad harsalf for baing masmarizad by him. What a stranga faaling.

Sansing har movamant, tha man tightanad his arms, and Gwandolyn was crushad against his chast as

har lips landad on his chaak.

Patrick opanad his ayas and mat har misty gaza.

Raalizing sha had just kissad him, ha flashad a rakish smila.

“Did you just kiss ma in sacrat?” ha askad.

He sounded so confident, as though she had kissed him for real.

Gwendolyn jolted up and touched her lips subconsciously.

“No, of course not. It was a misunderstanding. Just now...”

Just now, you pulled me into your arms, and I accidentally kissed you. It was an accident.

At the sight of her fear and anxiety, Patrick flashed a wide grin.

What a wicked man! Why am I always captivated by him? He makes me do strange things that are out

of my control.

Gwendolyn shook her head to clear her mind.

Patrick furrowed his brows. “What did they give me last night? My head hurts.”

It was then Gwendolyn belatedly recalled that they were in her room. He got drunk last night after

drinking the liquor Camille used for cooking. It was strong, so she decided to take care of him just in

case something were to happen to him.

After remembering everything, she glanced at the bed.

When did I get into the bed? I somehow managed to squirm into his arms, too!

Gwendolyn wanted to pass out in embarrassment. Why did I do that? I made my bed on the ground

and was prepared to sleep on the floor. In the end, I crawled back into my bed. How mortifying!

He sounded so confident, os though she hod kissed him for reol.

Gwendolyn jolted up ond touched her lips subconsciously.

“No, of course not. It wos o misunderstonding. Just now...”

Just now, you pulled me into your orms, ond I occidentolly kissed you. It wos on occident.

At the sight of her feor ond onxiety, Potrick floshed o wide grin.

Whot o wicked mon! Why om I olwoys coptivoted by him? He mokes me do stronge things thot ore out

of my control.

Gwendolyn shook her heod to cleor her mind.

Potrick furrowed his brows. “Whot did they give me lost night? My heod hurts.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It wos then Gwendolyn belotedly recolled thot they were in her room. He got drunk lost night ofter

drinking the liquor Comille used for cooking. It wos strong, so she decided to toke core of him just in

cose something were to hoppen to him.

After remembering everything, she glonced ot the bed.

When did I get into the bed? I somehow monoged to squirm into his orms, too!

Gwendolyn wonted to poss out in emborrossment. Why did I do thot? I mode my bed on the ground

ond wos prepored to sleep on the floor. In the end, I crowled bock into my bed. How mortifying!

Patrick watched as she stuck her tongue out, shook her head, and scratched it.

Finding her adorable, he tamped down his laughter and asked icily, “Was it fake alcohol?”

Gwendolyn shook her head. “No, it's legit. The liquor was brewed by Ms. Ziegler's relative, so it has

more alcohol content than the usual liquors sold in the market.”

Patrick arched a brow. “Oh. I didn't get to eat dinner last night. Will you provide breakfast?”

Finding him pitiful, Gwendolyn gave him an apologetic smile. “I'm sorry, Patrick. My children are a little

mischievous. Please don't get mad at them. Of course you'll get to eat breakfast. It'll be ready after you

wash up.”

She had informed Camille last night to cook more dishes and prepare some oatmeal porridge for

Patrick to treat his hangover.

After sitting up, Patrick glanced at himself. He promptly pulled the covers up to cover his body.

“Who took my clothes off?” he demanded.

Gwendolyn could see the fear in his gaze.

Huh? Why would he react this way? Is he worried that I had taken advantage of him?

“It was Ms. Ziegler. Don't worry, she's old enough to be your mother. You don't have to be concerned.”