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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 85
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Patrick had already finished his meal. He looked at the time and said, “I'm going to take a thirty-minute

nap. Please remember to wake me up at half-past one.”

He proceeded to stand up and leave.

Gwendolyn was left sitting all alone on the most comfortable seat available. She was thoroughly

enjoying the delicious food.

The only problem was that she could feel everyone around her staring at her. When she turned her

head to look, they all retracted their gazes and pretended that they were not looking at her.

Gwendolyn continued to eat her food while keeping her head lowered. The staff cafeteria at Lowen

Group served very good food. It was probably even better than a five-star restaurant.

To her, every single dish here was delicious. As she ate her food, a figure suddenly sat down beside


Gwendolyn slowly lifted her head up, only to see Liam smiling at her.

“Ms. Ashton, is the food here appetizing?” he asked.

Gwendolyn quickly chewed and swallowed her food. She then drank a mouthful of fruit juice.

“Mr. Derner! You haven't eaten anything yet, right?” she asked.

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It seemed that Gwendolyn and Liam were the only ones who arrived late. Patrick was also late, but

since he was the CEO, he did not need to line up. Because of him, Gwendolyn also did not need to line

up for food.

Liam nodded. “I'm always the last one to leave the office. I'm used to it by now.”

Gwendolyn lowered her head and continued eating. Liam looked at her as she stuffed her face eagerly.

It seemed that she really liked the food here.

A smile flitted across Liam's face. It's not often that Mr. Lowen adds another table in his office.

Everyone in the company believed that Gwendolyn would become the CEO's wife one day.

Her colleagues were all super jealous of her.

Liam could not deny that he felt the same way because he observed that Patrick treated Gwendolyn

differently. Therefore, he wanted to get into Gwendolyn's good books as well.

“Ms. Ashton, there's also some ice cream over there. You should try them. They're Haagen-Dazs ice

cream,” Liam suggested.

Gwendolyn turned her head to look. The food that she ate just now was a little greasy. Besides, she

was also craving something cold. And so, she got up and walked toward the dessert section of the


A group of female colleagues was lining up to get some ice cream. When they saw her coming, they all

made way for her.

One of them said, “Ms. Ashton! You first!”

Gwendolyn had never been treated like this before. She was stunned for a moment before politely

saying to them, “Thank you!”

She opened the fridge and took out a box of ice cream. Then, she walked back to her seat while the

others looked at her.

After sitting down, Gwendolyn proceeded to speak while eating the ice cream.

She said, “Mr. Derner, I feel like my colleagues in Lowen Group are very kind. They seem to look after


They're so courteous that they even let me cut the line to grab some ice cream. They're so nice!

Liam almost spat out the food in his mouth. He quickly drank some soup before replying, “Yeah,

everyone in Lowen Group is very kind.”

Of course, Liam did not dare to say what was really on his mind. Everyone is treating you like the boss'

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wife, Ms. Ashton. Of course they're nice!

Gwendolyn felt very satisfied after finishing the ice cream. The lunch here is free and also plentiful. It

really makes me want to work at Lowen Group until I retire!

When she finished her lunch, she happily returned to Patrick's office and lay down on the couch.

Even the CEO's couch is comfy. It's so soft! And it feels so good to lie down on it.

Gwendolyn set her alarm to ring at half-past one. That was when she would have to wake Patrick up as


When it was half-past one, Gwendolyn woke up and turned off the alarm. She felt refreshed. That was

a very good nap.

Without delay, she got up from the couch and did some brief stretching exercises before heading over

to the lounge.

She saw Patrick sleeping with his hands above the blankets on his chest. His eyes were closed and his

breathing was relaxed. He looks so peaceful sleeping like that.

Gwendolyn sat beside him on the bed. Then, she gently shook him to wake him up.

“Mr. Lowen, it's time to wake up,” she said.

Patrick opened his eyes lazily upon hearing Gwendolyn's voice. He saw how close her face was to him.

She was still pouting those pink lips of hers.