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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 889
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Chapter 889 I Will Grant Your Wish

Huntley couldn't help but chuckle. He currently lay within her grasp. If she desired to end his life, she had the power

to do so at any given moment.

After a brief hesitation, his voice strained, he added, “Take good care of yourself.”

Juliana offered no retort. Instead, she pivoted and raced out of the room.

Giving up wasn't in her nature.

Dad mentioned that the classified information Sofie possesses originated from Uncle Philip's illegitimate child, right?

Then, I'll investigate that individual. Being a computer expert, they likely possess the means to obliterate that data.

Even if it results in Tucker assuming leadership, I'll embrace it if it safeguards the family. That man is up to no good,

and eventually, the elders' union will surely overthrow him. My immediate priority is preventing him from going

down with Sofie.

At the same moment, inside Tucker's residence, the study was alive with activity.

Tucker, holding his father's mobile, was engaged in a conversation with Sofie over the phone. “I regret to inform

you, Ms. Carr, that your scheme has fallen through. The old man is presently confined under my house arrest.”

A burst of soft laughter resonated through the speaker. “Indeed, the new tide washes away the old. You're even

more ruthless than your father. Yet, I fear your tenure as the head of the family will be short-lived. Once the

contents of what I possess are disclosed... the Hoffman family might find itself besieged by international lawsuits,

and their industrial empire will suffer a colossal blow. To be frank, we may find ourselves in a predicament where

we both perish together. Is this the outcome you wish to witness?”

Tucker's grip on his phone tightened.

If he could help it, he certainly wouldn't want to drag his entire family down along with the old hag.

For so many years, he had been scheming and plotting, biding his time for the chance to ascend above all. Now

that he had finally achieved his desired position, why would he be willing to be dragged down by her?

“I'm reaching out to you today, Ms. Carr, to present a proposition. Hand over those confidential files, and I'll release

your son. How does that sound?” he proposed.

Sofie's laughter escalated, carrying an undertone of pure mockery. “If I were to trade this confidential document for

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my son's release, wouldn't I be relinquishing my hold over you? Wouldn't I be placing myself at your mercy down

the line?”

Tucker remained silent.

His intention was far from granting freedom to this mother and son. Even if a deal were struck now, he harbored

plans to eliminate them in the future.

In this regard, her apprehensions were indeed warranted.

“So, you're unwilling to forge this deal? Very well then, proceed and divulge those confidential files. I'll end your

son's life, followed by yours. Let's descend into hell together,” he retorted coldly.

As soon as Tucker concluded his words, he promptly terminated the call.

After suppressing his pride for countless years, now that he wielded substantial influence, why should he persist in

enduring? If that woman was determined to wage war until the final blow, he was prepared to stand by her side

throughout the ordeal.

The following day dawned. Within the research base, Bailey stirred awake from a deep slumber.

The previous night had been an ordeal courtesy of Artemis. She felt as though she had been trampled by a vehicle.

Creating a human life? Absolute nonsense! He's merely exploiting the situation to get intimate with me. That man—

his vigor is genuinely staggering. Now, whenever I lay eyes on him, my scalp would prickle.

Throughout her years, Bailey had never cowered before anyone, yet in the end, it was a man who rendered her

quivering, at the mere sight of a bed.

Just thinking about it pisses me off.


A text message notification chimed within the room.

Bailey's instinctive response led her hand to stretch toward the bedside table. In this simple motion, she grasped

the truth—she didn't retain an ounce of strength, as though she had been utterly drained.

That scoundrel! He really drained all of my strength! I guess he won't stop until he's reduced me to a wreck.

Summoning great effort, Bailey eventually retrieved her phone. Upon perusing the text message, a faint crease

formed between her brows.

The message, sent by Juliana, outlined the extent of Huntley's betrayal. Presently, Tucker held sway over the entire

Hoffman family.

The recollections of Artemis' words from the previous night surged into Bailey's consciousness. Surprisingly, they

closely echoed Juliana's account.

Why would Huntley choose to relinquish his authority to Tucker? Could it be that he was aligned with Tucker all

along, deliberately getting close to Julie to beguile her father and seize control?

After a moment of contemplation, Bailey dialed Zeke's number.

The previous night, Artemis had intimated that if Bailey sought the answer, she should direct her inquiry to her


Fine, I'll ask him then!

Upon connecting the call, she posed the question without preamble, “Zeke, why did Huntley relinquish his authority

to Tucker?”

Zeke emitted a subdued sigh, his voice carrying a deep, husky tone. “He's aiming to free Juliana. He believes that

only with the downfall of the Hoffman family will Juliana relinquish her aspiration to lead the clan.”

Bailey was taken aback.

So, this was Huntley's intention from the start. I must say, I'm impressed by him. The extent of his affection for Julie

must be profound, to employ such an extreme strategy to grant her freedom.

“Zeke, do you also think that the Hoffman family should be eradicated?”

Zeke's response was laced with a contemptuous snicker, his tone casual as he replied, “Whether the Hoffman

family faces destruction or not holds no relevance to me. But if they want to trap my woman and confine her for all

her days, I'll vehemently oppose that. All in all, there appears to be but one way to completely free Juliana, and that

is the annihilation of her family.”

With a tinge of helplessness, Bailey couldn't resist issuing a warning. “If this continues, Juliana might eventually

grow to resent you.”

“No, she won't resent me. I remained entirely uninvolved in this affair from start to finish. The flames won't singe

me,” Zeke responded coolly. “Huntley merely requested my intervention to rescue them, father and daughter,

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during dire times. At most, I stood on the sidelines, withholding a helping hand.”

Upon absorbing his explanation, Bailey couldn't suppress a rueful chuckle.

These men—always able to rationalize love, yet somehow disregarded the emotions of the women they

maneuvered and kept in the dark.

“Very well. Since you've decided to let them destroy the Hoffman clan, I have nothing more to say. Zeke, I wish you

the best of luck. May you emerge unscathed at the eleventh hour and win Julie's affection. My concern, however, is

that you might eventually become deeply embroiled, inadvertently hurting Juliana's heart, thereby placing

yourselves at odds.”

As soon as Bailey finished speaking, she promptly ended the call.

This cutthroat spectacle was what she had anticipated. Nonetheless, as events unfolded, Bailey feared it could

potentially wound Juliana.

Whether it was Huntley or Zeke, they continuously contended that they sought to bestow freedom upon Juliana, and

that was why they orchestrated the downfall of the Hoffman family. What they failed to realize was that this was her

home, housing her dearest and most cherished individuals.

Within a mansion in the countryside, situated in the living room, Sofie forcefully flung a section of surveillance

footage onto the tabletop.

Raising her gaze, she fixed a furious glare upon Zoey seated across from her, her voice seething with anger. “You

insolent child, you actually conspired with outsiders to steal my possessions! Are you even aware that the classified

document is my lifeline? If it's stolen from me, I'm as good as dead.”

With her intentions laid bare, Zoey's demeanor remained entirely composed. Given that Sofie was already privy to

her motives, covertly seeking that information held little purpose now.

“Hmm, I had initially intended to allow you a few more days of ease, but it seems you've precipitated your own

demise. Well then, if that's the situation, I'll grant your wish. After all, you hold no significance for me any longer.”

Sofie's countenance transformed into an icy mask, her impulse urging her to spring up from the couch. Yet, her

attempt was promptly thwarted as the black-clad bodyguard stationed beside her moved in an instant, adeptly

restraining her.

“You—do you intend to turn against me as well? For what reason? Have I not treated you kindly?”

The bodyguard abstained from answering, opting instead to issue a terse command to Zoey. “Do it already! Once

Damien is back, we won't be able to handle her.”