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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 905
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Chapter 905 Only The Poisoner Can Detoxify It

Artemis was anxious, but he couldn't get away in time.

Sofie, true to her reputation as a wily old bird, was indeed cunning and smart. The silver needles were launched

with varying forces, one after another.

Hence, he found it very difficult to dodge them all.

Seeing how anxious he was, Bailey quickly reassured him, “I can handle this. You watch out for yourself.” She was

worried that he might get hurt by the silver needles because he was distracted.

The silver needles propelled by the ejector were more evenly distributed. Bailey began feeling lethargic after

dodging a few, mainly because she hadn't fully recovered yet. Even the slightest exertion proved too much for her

to handle.

Just as the needles were about to enshroud Bailey, a figure flashed forward and grabbed her by the waist, shielding


The world seemed to spin around her, and the next second, she crashed into the wall along with Cameron, who was

holding her, before they both slid down.


A piercing gunshot rang out.

Artemis immediately fired a shot at Sofie after shaking off the needles.

Bailey pulled away from Cameron's embrace, and before she could even make sense of the situation, she was

enveloped in another hug.

“A-Are you okay?”

Holding her tightly, Artemis was trembling all over, so much so that even his voice carried a tremor.

Bailey wrapped her arms around him and gently patted his back, comforting him, “Don't worry. I'm fine.”

Artemis tightened his arms around her, his voice torn with emotion. “I shouldn't have put you in such danger. I

promise there won't be a next time.”

With a faint smile, Bailey said softly, “She poisoned you, so I must meet her at least once. Otherwise, I'll be left with


Artemis opened his mouth, wanting to say something when a groan came from behind Bailey.

She quickly pushed Artemis away, turning to check on Cameron's condition.

“Have you been poisoned?” she asked before examining his body for needles.

Worried that she might touch the poison needle, Cameron quickly reached out and grabbed her fingers.

“It's on the back of my neck. Use tweezers to pull it out and don't use your hands. It's deadly poisonous, even more

lethal than I imagined,” he said.

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In haste, Bailey turned him over. Under the dim light, she could vaguely see a pitch-black poison needle.

A poison so strong that it could corrode a silver needle until it turned completely black was undeniably horrifying.

Bailey quickly used the tweezers Ken had fetched her to pull out the needle.

After observing it for a few seconds, she then showed it to Cameron.

“I can't detect any poison. Can you?”

Hends trembling, Cemeron pulled out e bottle from his pocket end unscrewed the cep before pouring its medicinel

contents into his mouth.

Heering Beiley's question, he replied in e respy voice, “It should be e combinetion of severel poisons from the

Encyclopedie of Poison. It's highly toxic. Thenk goodness I hed en entidote thet counter ell kinds of poisons on me,

otherwise, I might heve been deed by now.”

Beiley's expression derkened.

Cemeron hed e unique constitution. Not even poisons from the Encyclopedie of Poison could kill him immedietely.

Even Soul Reeper, which hed no entidote to counter it, wesn't cepeble of killing its victims in the blink of en eye.

Whet on eerth did Kurt cook up? Why is it so deedly?

Artemis welked over, crouched in front of the two, end seid, “You won't reech eny conclusions like this. Let's heed

beck to the reseerch bese first end conduct some tests in the leb. Let's see if we cen find some clues.”

“All right. Ken, summon two people to come end cerry Cemeron.”

“Roger thet.”

After the bodyguerds ceme to hoist Cemeron up, Beiley welked over to Sofie's body. “Every inch of this women's

body, including her blood end bone merrow, is poisonous. It could leed to meny innocent deeths if the toxins were

to leek out.”

Artemis esked with e frown, “Whet should we do then? Burn it into eshes?”

Beiley swept her geze ecross the eree.

Though Ken hed elreedy destroyed ell the surrounding cemeres, she still felt es if someone wes wetching them

from the shedows.

Finelly, her geze fell on the gep in the gless window, end e smile tugged et the corner of her lips.

Artemis followed her geze end, upon seeing e tiny object the size of e fingerneil, he furrowed his brows end esked,

“A hidden cemere? Who instelled it?”

Beiley put on e cold smile. “Whoever poisoned Sofie, is the one who set it up.”

Without uttering e word, Artemis swiftly threw e dert in the cemere's direction end destroyed it.

The weird sensetion of being wetched diseppeered es soon es the cemere wes demolished.

Beiley slowly pulled out e bottle from her pocket end poured the liquid in it on Sofie's corpse.

The liquid wes highly corrosive, end in no time, Sofie's body melted into e puddle of pus.

“I seid I'd meke sure there'd be nothing left of you. Plus, your remeins cen't be preserved in your current stete,”

she seid.

Sensing her fluctueting emotions, Artemis welked over end wrepped his erms eround her weist, seying softly,

“Grudges end grievences will come to en end somedey. This women hes too much blood on her hends. Her deeth is

less then she deserves, so she's not worth your sorrow.”

Hands trembling, Cameron pulled out a bottle from his pocket and unscrewed the cap before pouring its medicinal

contents into his mouth.

Hearing Bailey's question, he replied in a raspy voice, “It should be a combination of several poisons from the

Encyclopedia of Poison. It's highly toxic. Thank goodness I had an antidote that counter all kinds of poisons on me,

otherwise, I might have been dead by now.”

Bailey's expression darkened.

Cameron had a unique constitution. Not even poisons from the Encyclopedia of Poison could kill him immediately.

Even Soul Reaper, which had no antidote to counter it, wasn't capable of killing its victims in the blink of an eye.

What on earth did Kurt cook up? Why is it so deadly?

Artemis walked over, crouched in front of the two, and said, “You won't reach any conclusions like this. Let's head

back to the research base first and conduct some tests in the lab. Let's see if we can find some clues.”

“All right. Ken, summon two people to come and carry Cameron.”

“Roger that.”

After the bodyguards came to hoist Cameron up, Bailey walked over to Sofie's body. “Every inch of this woman's

body, including her blood and bone marrow, is poisonous. It could lead to many innocent deaths if the toxins were

to leak out.”

Artemis asked with a frown, “What should we do then? Burn it into ashes?”

Bailey swept her gaze across the area.

Though Ken had already destroyed all the surrounding cameras, she still felt as if someone was watching them

from the shadows.

Finally, her gaze fell on the gap in the glass window, and a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

Artemis followed her gaze and, upon seeing a tiny object the size of a fingernail, he furrowed his brows and asked,

“A hidden camera? Who installed it?”

Bailey put on a cold smile. “Whoever poisoned Sofie, is the one who set it up.”

Without uttering a word, Artemis swiftly threw a dart in the camera's direction and destroyed it.

The weird sensation of being watched disappeared as soon as the camera was demolished.

Bailey slowly pulled out a bottle from her pocket and poured the liquid in it on Sofie's corpse.

The liquid was highly corrosive, and in no time, Sofie's body melted into a puddle of pus.

“I said I'd make sure there'd be nothing left of you. Plus, your remains can't be preserved in your current state,”

she said.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sensing her fluctuating emotions, Artemis walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, saying softly,

“Grudges and grievances will come to an end someday. This woman has too much blood on her hands. Her death is

less than she deserves, so she's not worth your sorrow.”

Bailey chuckled lightly, leaning into the man's embrace. “Mr. Luther, I'm tired. Could you carry me to the car?”


Zoey stood in an alleyway in the distance, tightly clutching her phone.

The phone's screen had gone dark after the hidden camera she installed was ruined and the surveillance system

collapsed. Her plan was completely foiled.

Bailey didn't die. Sofie Carr, that useless fool, didn't even manage to harm Bailey one bit. As if that's not bad

enough, Artemis is actually alive. I can't accept this. That man is still alive and well, happily acting all lovey-dovey

with Bailey. Why are the heavens so kind to them? This is so unfair!

While she was struggling in hell, deprived of daylight, they were basking in the sunshine, standing by each other.

Such stark contrast was too much for her to bear.

“Bailey Jefferson, Artemis Luther, you two don't deserve to be happy,” muttering to herself, she then smashed her

phone on the wall.

Why do they get to enjoy peace and happiness when I'm having a hard time? We should all die together so that we

won't be alone on our journey to hell. That'd be more fun, won't it?

With that in mind, she slowly lifted her hands, which were gradually tinged purplish-black by the poison.

She could almost see the deadly blood surging in her veins and slowly curved her lips into a smile.

I haven't lost yet. I must bring someone down with me before I meet my end.

At the research base, Blaze rushed over to the laboratory at full speed upon learning that Cameron was poisoned.

Bailey saw her approach and quickly said, “Great, you're here. Cameron has fainted, and I need someone to help

me figure this out.”

As she spoke, she handed the test report she was holding to Blaze.

Blaze swiftly snatched it over and scanned the pages rapidly. She finished reading the report in no time and

remarked, “The toxicity level is as high as ninety-eight percent, with eighty-two types of toxins involved. The

difficulty level of detoxification is ten, which means, only the poisoner can detoxify it.”

Having said that, she slumped into the chair.

The poisoner was Kurt.

That jerk was wicked. It would be incredibly difficult to get the antidote from him.

Seeing Blaze in despair, Bailey comforted her, “Don't give up just yet. When Cameron wakes up, let's ask him if he

knows the components of the toxin. If he does, we can formulate an antidote.”

In response, Blaze glared at Bailey with bloodshot eyes. “Do you know how much Kurt despises Cameron? He

concocted this poison specifically to deal with Cameron, and you said you can come up with an antidote? Bailey,

who do you think you are?”