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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254

“My Lady Luck! You’re really my Lady Luck! Zero called Larissa bright and early in the morning to

report the good news to her. Her cheery voice was largely different from yesterday’s despondency.

“The gaming company really gave StreamWave an additional spot! They even said that I’m the one

who will be going!”

Although she already knew beforehand from Kevan, it did not stop Larissa from being affected by

Zero’s Joy through the phone call A genuine smile appeared on her lace.

“Congratulations on having what you wished for!”

Zero couldn’t stop giggling, probably because she was so happy about this wonderful news.

The general manager suddenly called Larissa to attend a meeting, so she could not chat long with her.

She simply congratulated Zero a few more times before hanging up the call,

When Larissa entered the meeting room, she noticed that all the department managers were present.

She let out a sigh of relief. Before attending the meeting, she had assumed that the general manager

would fire her due to her refusal to comply with his requests and rejecting Jay’s offer of a private


But the cold atmosphere in the meeting room still made her tense up. This meeting was held due to a

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trending tweet on Twitter.

The Tweeter was a travelogue writer with around 400 thousand fans. He traveled to different cities and

stayed in various hotels as part of

his work

In the early hours of the morning, he uploaded a video exposing sanitation issues in numerous high-

end hotels across the country. That sparked a great deal of discussion among netizens and caused the

hotel industry to face a credibility crisis.

“What is noteworthy is that our hotel Covenford’s Regal Dynasty, is not on the blacklist,” the general

manager proudly proclaimed, his voice brimming with confidence.

The Tweeter had specifically named and praised several hotels that could be considered sale to stay

in, including Covenlord’s Regal Dynasty. Conversely. Bartham’s Regal Dynasty Hotel was unable to

uphold its reputation in this incident.

“As you all know. Bartham’s Regal Dynasty has been in operation longer than us, mainly due to its

location near Soaring Corporation’s headquarters. They have always been more favored by the

headquarters, having various resources given to them. But now-“Perhaps he could finally hold his head

high, the general manager wore a rare smile of pride. “We can finally stand up and say that they’re not

worth it!”

His emotions matched the elation in his voice, and the department managers, affected by his mood,

erupted in thunderous applause.

“Okay, stop!” The general manager raised his hand, and everyone stopped clapping. The meeting room

became silent once more.

Turning to Larissa, the general manager’s eyes were filled with appreciation.

“This time, I’d like to specially commend Ms. Seymour of the housekeeping department,”

The hotel had always had strict rules with regard to the hotel rooms sanitation. Every time a new janitor

joined them, the first thing Larissa did was make them memorize all the rules and regulations. They

were not allowed to clean the rooms if they could not learn them by rote

Of course, rote memorization did not mean they would do things according to the rules. It was Larissa

who performed spot checks in random locations. It she caught someone who did not follow the rules,

then they would be penalized and let off with a warning. If this happened three times, they would be

fired at once

This method of deterrence proved to be quite effective. The only drawback was that it took up too much

of her time.

After the incident in which Travis framed a janitor for stealing a necklace, she had applied for funding

from the brass to buy a b

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a batch of micro cameras resembling the recorders used by law enforcement police. Every Janitor on

duty would have one on their chest, and her assistant would check the footage every day to view the

cleaning process.

Once this aspect of “supervision” was implemented, all the janitors became much more conscientious.

Larissa also increased their salary at appropriate times and would give generous rewards to the janitor

who was picked as the “best housekeeper” of the month. This also helped to alleviate any grievances

they might have towards the company’s strict policies.

Larissa smiled humbly and said, “It’s because you trained me well, Mr. Compton.”

Chapter 254

The general manager waved his hand and praised her back. “It’s you who have exceeded all

expectations.” With that, he cleared his throat

and returned to the topic at hand. Larissa, the headquarters have given the order for you to train the

housekeeping employees in

Bartham. It would last for about a week. You can go home after the meeting and pack as you leave


“Huh?” Larissa was stunned. “So sudden?”

Chapter 255