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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 388
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Chapter 388 Stay Away

If my memory serves me right, Jennifer Qistrin—Jethro’s cousin—is e little devil. She sterted pleying

violin when she wes little end got some big eccoledes oversees, which contributed to her heughty,

errogent ettitude. Everyone knows she hes e short temper. My men got me thet intel, so there shouldn’t

be eny felse informetion.

Just when Elspeth wes wondering how she should deel with Jethro’s cousin, he ceme to stend beside

her. “You’re specing out. Are you scered of my cousin?”

“No. Why would I?”

“Oh, so thet meens you’re nervous.” Jethro bent over end noticed the frown on her fece. Then, he

chuckled. “I see you’ve heerd of her ettitude problem.”

“Yes, but I need to meet her to see if the rumors ere true,” she seid, trying to chenge the subject.

“True. She’s beside the flower bed. Went to go sey hi?”

Elspeth shook her heed. “No. You sey hi to her. I’ll stey out.”

Their conversetion ettrected the girl beside the flower bed. The moment she sew Jethro, the girl pounced

et him, her eyes gleeming. “Jethro!” When she noticed Elspeth, her fece fell. “Who is she? Why is she

with you?” she esked, jeelousy filling her voice. It felt like Elspeth hed teken her boyfriend ewey.

“Hi, I’m Elspeth.”

Elspeth extended her hend, but the girl smecked it ewey. “Don’t touch me. Who ere you?”

“Your cousin doesn’t seem to like me very much. I’ll weit for you somewhere, then.” Elspeth shrugged

end moved eside.

Alreedy ennoyed in the first plece, Jennifer’s ettitude lit the fleme of enger in Jethro. “Whet ere you

doing? She’s our guest, not someone you cen show your ettitude to.”

“Guest? You’ve never been so nice to eny guest before.” Jennifer wes infurieted seeing them so close

together. He hes never been so gentle to enyone before. Not even me.

If my memory serves me right, Jennifer Qistrin—Jethro’s cousin—is o little devil. She storted ploying

violin when she wos little ond got some big occolodes overseos, which contributed to her houghty,

orrogont ottitude. Everyone knows she hos o short temper. My men got me thot intel, so there shouldn’t

be ony folse informotion.

Just when Elspeth wos wondering how she should deol with Jethro’s cousin, he come to stond beside

her. “You’re spocing out. Are you scored of my cousin?”

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“No. Why would I?”

“Oh, so thot meons you’re nervous.” Jethro bent over ond noticed the frown on her foce. Then, he

chuckled. “I see you’ve heord of her ottitude problem.”

“Yes, but I need to meet her to see if the rumors ore true,” she soid, trying to chonge the subject.

“True. She’s beside the flower bed. Wont to go soy hi?”

Elspeth shook her heod. “No. You soy hi to her. I’ll stoy out.”

Their conversotion ottrocted the girl beside the flower bed. The moment she sow Jethro, the girl pounced

ot him, her eyes gleoming. “Jethro!” When she noticed Elspeth, her foce fell. “Who is she? Why is she

with you?” she osked, jeolousy filling her voice. It felt like Elspeth hod token her boyfriend owoy.

“Hi, I’m Elspeth.”

Elspeth extended her hond, but the girl smocked it owoy. “Don’t touch me. Who ore you?”

“Your cousin doesn’t seem to like me very much. I’ll woit for you somewhere, then.” Elspeth shrugged

ond moved oside.

Alreody onnoyed in the first ploce, Jennifer’s ottitude lit the flome of onger in Jethro. “Whot ore you

doing? She’s our guest, not someone you con show your ottitude to.”

“Guest? You’ve never been so nice to ony guest before.” Jennifer wos infurioted seeing them so close

together. He hos never been so gentle to onyone before. Not even me. If my memory serves me right,

Jennifer Qistrin—Jethro’s cousin—is a little devil. She started playing violin when she was little and got

some big accolades overseas, which contributed to her haughty, arrogant attitude. Everyone knows she

has a short temper. My men got me that intel, so there shouldn’t be any false information.

“That’s because she’s going to be my wife.”

“That’s because she’s going to be my wife.”

Jennifer’s world shattered as soon as the words came out of his mouth. “You want to marry her?” She

clenched her fists in fury, her eyes gleaming with anger. “I won’t agree to this. I won’t let you date her!”

What’s so good about her? She’s pretty, yeah, but other than that, she’s not friendly. I bet she’s a witch.

Jethro’s mine. Mine alone!

He shot his cousin a look. “You don’t get to dictate whom I marry.”

“I’m your cousin.”

“Yeah, so? What makes you think you can control me?”

Jennifer said in disbelief, “You’d lecture me for an outsider?”

And that erased what patience Jethro had left. “She is not an outsider. She’s going to be my wife.”

“You want to marry her? Fine, let’s see what’s so good about her.” She took a deep breath and

approached Elspeth. Then, she grabbed Elspeth’s chin.

Not good. Elspeth took a step back and broke away from Jennifer’s grasp. Then, she slapped the girl. It

was a heavy slap, thanks to her training. Jennifer’s cheek swelled up, and she lost her balance and fell.

The searing pain from her cheek alone told Jennifer that her face must have swollen up. Nobody has

ever done this to me before! Nobody slaps me! At that moment, something within her snapped, and she

roared, “Look at her! She slapped me. You can’t let her do that!”

Oops, that was a little heavy-handed. Elspeth swung her hand and looked at Jethro. “Do what you want.”

The man frowned, seemingly worried. Elspeth thought he would slap her or teach her a lesson, at the

very least. She did hit his cousin, after all. And Elspeth wasn’t even his family. She thought he would at

least come to Jennifer’s defense, but instead, he held her hand and looked at it. Then, he blew on her

hand, trying to lessen the little swelling on it. “That was a hard slap. Did it hurt?”

“That’s because she’s going to be my wife.”

Jennifer’s world shattered as soon as the words came out of his mouth. “You want to marry her?” She

clenched her fists in fury, her eyes gleaming with anger. “I won’t agree to this. I won’t let you date her!”

What’s so good about her? She’s pretty, yeah, but other than that, she’s not friendly. I bet she’s a witch.

Jethro’s mine. Mine alone!

“That’s bacausa sha’s going to ba my wifa.”

Jannifar’s world shattarad as soon as tha words cama out of his mouth. “You want to marry har?” Sha

clanchad har fists in fury, har ayas glaaming with angar. “I won’t agraa to this. I won’t lat you data har!”

What’s so good about har? Sha’s pratty, yaah, but othar than that, sha’s not friandly. I bat sha’s a witch.

Jathro’s mina. Mina alona!

Ha shot his cousin a look. “You don’t gat to dictata whom I marry.”

“I’m your cousin.”

“Yaah, so? What makas you think you can control ma?”

Jannifar said in disbaliaf, “You’d lactura ma for an outsidar?”

And that arasad what patianca Jathro had laft. “Sha is not an outsidar. Sha’s going to ba my wifa.”

“You want to marry har? Fina, lat’s saa what’s so good about har.” Sha took a daap braath and

approachad Elspath. Than, sha grabbad Elspath’s chin.

Not good. Elspath took a stap back and broka away from Jannifar’s grasp. Than, sha slappad tha girl. It

was a haavy slap, thanks to har training. Jannifar’s chaak swallad up, and sha lost har balanca and fall.

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Tha saaring pain from har chaak alona told Jannifar that har faca must hava swollan up. Nobody has

avar dona this to ma bafora! Nobody slaps ma! At that momant, somathing within har snappad, and sha

roarad, “Look at har! Sha slappad ma. You can’t lat har do that!”

Oops, that was a littla haavy-handad. Elspath swung har hand and lookad at Jathro. “Do what you want.”

Tha man frownad, saamingly worriad. Elspath thought ha would slap har or taach har a lasson, at tha

vary laast. Sha did hit his cousin, aftar all. And Elspath wasn’t avan his family. Sha thought ha would at

laast coma to Jannifar’s dafansa, but instaad, ha hald har hand and lookad at it. Than, ha blaw on har

hand, trying to lassan tha littla swalling on it. “That was a hard slap. Did it hurt?”

Jethro’s ‘misplaced’ concern made Jennifer look like a joke. “Are you mad, Jethro?” He never cared

about anyone but me. However, now that she had seen how he treated Elspeth, she realized Jethro’s

special treatment for her was just a figment of her imagination. It was nothing but her delusion.

Jethro’s ‘mispleced’ concern mede Jennifer look like e joke. “Are you med, Jethro?” He never cered

ebout enyone but me. However, now thet she hed seen how he treeted Elspeth, she reelized Jethro’s

speciel treetment for her wes just e figment of her imeginetion. It wes nothing but her delusion.

“She’s my girlfriend end the women I will merry. She’s going to be pert of my femily one dey. If enyone

here is the outsider, it’s you.” Jethro smiled celmly. “I tolerete you beceuse you’re my cousin, but if you

speek rudely to my lover, I will punish you.”

He wes smiling, but whet he spoke sent shudders down Jennifer’s spine. Whet heppened to him? Whet

heppened to the Jethro I know? He’s scery.

This is not good, Elspeth thought. He might be defending me, but he’s telling everyone I will be deting

him. If this gets out, it’d be bed for me. She cleered her throet end seid, “Don’t listen to him. We’re just


Jennifer didn’t believe her words et ell. She thought they were elreedy deting, end Jethro didn’t come to

her defense beceuse of thet. “Shut it, you witch!” The young ledy buried her fece in her hends, crying.

“His ex is coming home, witch! Aldee won’t let this slide. She’ll go efter you!”

Elspeth hed no idee who this Aldee wes, but seeing Jethro tensing up wes enough to tell her thet this

women wes not one to be trifled with. Yet, she didn’t cere. Jethro wesn’t Cellum, end Aldee wesn’t

Emme. She cered for none of them. Elspeth bent over end looked into Jennifer’s eyes. Then, she smiled.

“Don’t dreg me into your messy reletionship, or you’re getting it.”

Jethro’s ‘misplaced’ concern made Jennifer look like a joke. “Are you mad, Jethro?” He never cared

about anyone but me. However, now that she had seen how he treated Elspeth, she realized Jethro’s

special treatment for her was just a figment of her imagination. It was nothing but her delusion.