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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 Hold Him Hostage

Caspian saw Quentin suddenly charging toward him and delivered a punch right to

Quentin’s forehead.

“Ahh!” A miserable cry echoed as Quentin felt his head ringing, and he was sent flying


A loud thud filled the room as he crashed into the wall.

Following that, Quentin lay on the ground with his injured head. Bloodstains covered a


area on the walls.

He was shaking, his face pale, and he was utterly defenseless.

Zoey couldn’t believe that Caspian had managed to disable Quentin with just one punch.

Caspian was always treated as a good–for–nothing, but now she realized how well he had

hidden his true abilities.

Unfortunately, Willow wasn’t here right now. Otherwise, she would undoubtedly be

shocked to see him like this.

Many people were aware of how powerful the Flying Dragons were in Southlake City, but

in front of Caspian, they seemed utterly insignificant.

Initially, when Zoey found out that the Flying Dragons members killed Lilith, she believed

that Caspian would never be able to seek revenge successfully.

However, at this moment, she understood that the Flying Dragons, feared by many, were

like ants in front of Caspian.

At this moment, her admiration for Caspian grew immensely.

Caspian didn’t rush to kill Quentin immediately. Instead, he first untied the ropes from


“Caspian, with all this violence, won’t you get caught?” Zoey asked with concern, flexing



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“Don’t worry, I haven’t killed anyone. It’s all Sylvia’s doing. She’s a general officer. I don’t

think it’s a problem for her to take down some thugs and wipe out a gang,” Caspian



“That’s good, then. Please get me out of here. I don’t want to stay in this terrifying place,”

Zoey said, looking at therous corpses and the blood–stained floor all around.

“There’s no rush. Let me finish Quentin first,” he replied, then walked toward Quentin.

At this point, Quentin had lost all ability to resist.


Seeing Casplan approach furiously, he was overwhelmed by fear and quickly begged,

“Please, don’t kill me. Just tell me what you want. We can talk it out.”

“I don’t want anything from you. I just want to see you die in fear. When you killed my

foster mother, I didn’t see a shred of compassion in you.” As Caspian said that, he

stomped his foot hard on Quentin’s chest.

Quentin’s features contorted at this attack, as he couldn’t breathe.

“Caspian, this place has a complex layout. I’m sure the Flying Dragons have set up an

ambush. It won’t be easy to get out, especially while ensuring Ms. Yanez’s safety,” Sylvia

reminded Caspian as he was about to finish off Quentin.

At her words, Caspian understood what she was implicating.

If he and Sylvia just broke through the enemy’s ranks, it would be relatively easy, but with

Zoey in their care, the situation became more complicated.

They were exposed, and the Flying Dragons remained hidden. If the Flying Dragons

decided to strike, protecting Zoey without harm would be almost impossible.

To ensure a safe escape, they had to hold Quentin as a hostage for the time being.

At this thought, Caspian lifted his leg and told Quentin, “I won’t kill you today, but in five

days, I will. If you want revenge, come after me. I want to see what the Flying Dragons are

really capable of!”

Caspian’s words mirrored what he had said at the York Residence.

Quentin still had some use. Killing him too quickly was too lenient for him. It would be

better to let him struggle in endless fear for a few days and deal with him later.

When Quentin heard that he had a chance to survive, he was overjoyed. With some time

to prepare, the Flying Dragons could certainly kill Caspian.

“Sylvia, give me a gun,” Caspian requested.

“Here.” Sylvia understood his intentions and handed him her submachine gun.

The next moment, Caspian aimed the gun at Quentin’s forehead. “Your life is in my hands.

Tell your men to stay back, or you’ll meet your end!”

‘Alright, don’t be impulsive. I’ll order them to stand down,” Quentin replied, realizing that

Caspian was using him as leverage to escape from Paradise Clubhouse.

Yet, as long as he was alive, he would have plenty of opportunities to seek revenge

against Caspian.

“Follow me, Zory. I’ll get you out of here,” Caspian said, taking Zoey’s hand.


“Okay” ” The moment he took her hand, she felt a shiver down her spine, and a blush

crept onto her face

Meanwhile, Sylvia subdued Quentin and led him outside.

“Guys, don’t do anything. I’m getting out of the room!” Quentin shouted several time

prepared to leave the room.

Now that he was a hostage, he couldn’t afford to let his men open fire. Or else, he would

surely meet his demise.

Hidden in the dark corners of the corridor, Quentin’s men relaxed upon hearing his words,

assuming that he had taken care of the enemy.

However, when they saw Quentin slowly walking out with a gun pointed at him from

behind, their jaws dropped. Their leader was being held hostage!

Seeing this situation, none of them dared to take action.

Caspian and Zoey proceeded behind them, leaving the private room.

“I’m scared. Can you protect me?” Zoey had never experienced such a situation, and she

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felt quite overwhelmed.

“Don’t worry, no one can harm you,” Caspian reassured her.

As they left the private room, Zoey saw the floor covered in corpses. Instantly, she

trembled in fear, her legs qualing

There are too many bodies here. I can’t take another step.” She quivered as she spoke

“Hold onto me. I’ll carry you out.” With that, Caspian lifted Zoey by her waist and leaped


the corpses

Shocked, Zoey let out a shout. However, the experience felt surreal, almost like a dream.

With Zoey in his arms, Caspian stepped over the bodies and eventually reached the end of



Then, he held Zoey’s hand and continued walking, with Slyvia following behind them.

Put away your guns quickly! Don’t point them at me!” Quentin shouted as he saw his men

aiming their weapons at him.

His men immediately complied, lowering their guns and aiming them at the floor. They

were shaken since their leader had been captured.

Sylvia and Caspian continued to move forward, one in front and the other behind.

After the earlier gunfire, Paradise Clubhouse’s customers had long fled the scene. Only a



make a sound.

Sylvia kept Quentin subdued, while Caspian held Zoey. They made their way unimpeded to


main hall.

At this moment, Paradise Clubhouse was eerily quiet, with the music and lights completely

turned off.

“Caspian, you and Ms. Yanez should go ahead. I’ll cover from behind,” Sylvia said
