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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 58
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58. An Enemy MORGANA Kian had not been wrong, Thanatos was a beast. Last night he gaveorgasm after orgasm, my body feeling overly sensitive to the point of painful, yet he didn’t stop. Murmuring his love toin between eatingout, | don’t think he realised that even if he wasn’t pounding into me, he was still tiringout. However, | wouldn't have changed anything. | had loved every moment of it, and somehow | felt like | had beceven more complete with Kian. Thanatos was a part of him- a part of me.

It had been special and the love that he was so desperately trying to show pulled at my heartstrings. He had ended by lettingdrink from his neck before v and that he'd cback soon to ‘feast on my pretty little pussy.” He had gone and even when Kian returned, kissing my forehead and shoulders, clearly concerned(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com), | had whispered how | was fine and that I loved him before falling asleep in his arms, fully content.

al Today | was barely able to walk, but with a few glasses of blood and a soak in the bath, we left. It was good that | was riding on Thanatos’s back today because | don’t think | would have been able to continue on foot for so many hours.

Kian smirked atwhen I finished getting dressed, pulling my hair into a high ponytail.

“So you clearly enjoyed your twith Thanatos.” He snickered annoyingly.

I glared at him, despite the smile I tried to hide.

“Actually, I did, and whilst making love... | heard something interesting in his mind...” “Oh?” Kian said. Unlikehe wasn’t dressed, only wearing a towel around his waist as he was going to shift very soon.

“Yes, it was rather funny to hear him refer to something as Mini Kian.” | said, bursting into laughter.

That made him shut up. He clenched his jaw, pullinginto his arms. “There's nothing mini about it.” He growled.

“I know, but I still love the name.” | said breaking into another fit of laughter.

He watchedand | saw a small smile cross his lips, making my heart skip a beat.

On “So does Mini Kian want to cout to play?” | giggled. “Keep at that and | assure you, if it comes out to play, you won't be walking for at least a week. “He growled, taking hold of my hand and kissing it softly.

“And after last night... | barely can.” | said. He pulledclose, kissing my lips softly. “I love you, my little she- devil. I'm afraid riding onall day might just make you a little sore, and not in a good way, but we need to do this.” He said, brushing his thumb along my cheek.

“I can handle it.” | said, giving him a tight hug before we stepped outside. Kian locked the inn door with a padlock, although we knew if someone wanted to break in, nothing would stop them. Placing our luggage down, he took a deep breath.

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This was it...

He shifted into his huge wolf and | picked up the bags, slinging them onto my back then climbing onto his huge back. | entwined my hands into his fur before he broke into a run, makinggasp.

If running on feet was fast, this was even faster. His paws barely touched the ground. | knew that this was going to be one tiring ride, but | was ready for it.

Although there was a way to avoid the forest and reach Elandorr faster, it would be more noticeable, and | knew Kian had thought over everything before deciding on this. | just hoped our journey would be pretty straightforward...

A few hours had passed, and we were travelling through the forest. Apart from the stray animals that would cross our path, a few snakes and a poisonous nettle, we had a fairly smooth journey. | used my ability to knock a few wild animals away, those that Thanatos didn’t rip to shreds. | wished I could tell him to take a break but | knew he knew exactly what he was doing.

The moment the sun began to dip in the sky, | becwearier of our surroundings.

“Kian, how long until we reach the edge of the forest?” | asked softly.

All | could see was the dense forest of trees in every direction. Closing my eyes as | tried to hear his thoughts.

The usual shrill sound filled my head, but it was what | heard that made my heart thunder.

... bide our time, it's getting darker and then we will attack.” ‘Kill the Alpha first...

The voices were so soft yet so sinister that it sent a cold shiver through me. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)We weren't alone ... but where were they? | closed my eyes, trying to focus on my surroundings. | needed to tell Kian...

| leant down to his ear. How do | tell him without being heard? ‘Not alone.’l whispered so faintly | wasn’t sure he heard. Closing my eyes as | tried to read his mind.

..What? Morgana, can you hear me?’ “Yes.” | murmured back.

‘We aren't alone?” “No.” ‘An enemy?’ “Yes.” | murmured in his ear.

Try pinpointing their location. Once we get something, I'll attack. The fact we can’t sense them... It's Fae..

“Ok.” | murmured, caressing his fur and remaining calm.

We both knew this may happen, after all, from the attacks we knew Fae were moving through our kingdom.

wa | could throw sdaggers and see if any hit anything, or... My gaze fell to Kian’s bow that was on my back. | could use the knives as my first attack, following with a few arrows. Luckily, the blades had poisoned tips, perfect to use against fae.

| stroked Thanatos’ fur, hoping he understood me, | needed him to keep moving.

“Keep running.” | murmured, slowly removing a few knives from Kian’s pouch slowly.

| closed my eyes, trying to focus on reading the minds of those aroundonce again.

...on it, you attack from the left. The sun is almost gone, let it set then.” ‘Make sure the poison hits first.” ‘Understood Falian.” | took a deep breath. Now was the tto use my speed and capabilities. Several daggers were at the ready and I knew | had one chance. Taking three daggers in each hand, | spun around, throwing them in all directions. | heard a grunt and a stain of blood, raising my hand as a blast of light crushing towards us from the left. | slammed it back with a wave of power, taking the bow up, as a tall, slender man with dark hair and glowing eyes appeared, holding his own bow and arrow.

“Oh, so you knew?” He whispered.

| didn’t entertain the enemy...

“Kian keep running!” | said, now sensing several presences.

Fuck, they must have been following us for stime! | raised my bow and began shooting arrow after arrow as fast as | could. A hundred years of practice was a long tto perfect the art. My hands were a blur, each arrow aiming to kill, shot with precision and power. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)However, the fae were fast and powerful.

Another, which had the power of fire, kept sending spiralling balls of fltowards us. Kian growled and | knew he wanted to turn around.

“Kian on three.” | murmured, that would giveenough tto jump off his back. “Three!” | shouted.

1 did a backflip, landing on my feet, drawing my sword and slicing the head of one of the fae straight off. | blasted another back with my hand before appearing before him in a flash. He knockedback, the ground trembling and roots erupted from the ground, wrapping around my entire body and slammingto the ground brutally. Pain spasmed up my back, knocking the breath from me.

Kian bit my attacker's head off and rushed towards me, only for a Fae to intercept him.

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| broke free, blasting the tree roots back and grabbing the sword | had dropped moments earlier, just as another fae with blazing red hair and eyes raised his own sword.

“Let's dance.” He said, flashinga deadly yet beautiful smile.

“I will let you lead.” | said coldly.

He smirked, his sword suddenly coated with fire. He spun it, lunging atin a fluid movement. His move remained beautifully elegant despite the clear aim to killburning in his eyes.

“How kind of you; a vampire working alongside a werewolf, marked by one... You chose the wrong side, my lady.” He said, his silky voice laced with a darkness.

I spun around, drawing my other sword as well, and blocked him before taking the offence.

“I chose the correct side, it is you who did not!” | spared myself a moment to see Kian tearing through the fae, even with their powers. He was powerful, yet | could see how fast they were... No ordinary werewolf could last against so much.

“Care to share a name, my beauty?” He murmured.

“None of your damn business!” | snapped icily.

| sent a blast towards two who were working on creating a huge ball of fire to throw at Kian, knocking them backwards before | managed to nick the man beforeacross the cheek. His eyes flashed and he hissed, darting forward. At the last moment, | realised he was aiming for my weak point, the very spoint that Kian had said | needed work on...

| barely managed to knock his sword aside, plunging my own straight into his chest. His eyes widened, but just then | felt a searing pain rip through me. A scream escaped my lips as agony made my entire body convulse, | fell to my knees as the man fell face forward, dead. | looked down at my body, clutching my waist, and saw the dagger that was impaled into my waist. | yanked it out with shaking hands, looking at the darkened blade.


A menacing growl! ripped through the air as | saw Kian stumble.

No... the mate bond connected us. He was feeling my pain...

Through stinging eyes, | looked around, seeing only two fae remained.

| am Morgana, Queen of Clair De Lune and the King’s mate, and | will NEVER give up.

| forced myself to my feet, just as Kian pounced on one of the two, ripping him to shreds. | raised my sword, gripping my waist with the other hand and with everything | had, | threw it towards the final fae who was heading towards Kian, crackling electricity swirling around his hands.

My knife impaled him just as Kian turned, shifting back to human form, his eyes on me.

| gave him a small smile, hoping he understood I'm ok, before | toppled face forward to the ground, the smell of blood and dirt filled my nose. The searing, excruciating, overwhelming pain pullinginto its folds...