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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 171
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Chapter 0171 "What do you need?" Damien and Dane ask in unison. Raven starts making a list as I watch Mallory drift into unconsciousness. "Hurry. But be careful, we don't know where Salem is." She mutters as the men disappear out the back door.

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Raven works to clean Mallory's stomach, prepping it for whatever she needs to do. I find myself unable to move. I was inches away from getting my revenge for what she had down toand yet6 I couldn't say the words.

"Damien will never forgiveif she dies.” Raven mutters, pushing intestines back in the gaping wound My eyes flicker up to her, but she isn't looking at me, instead, she is too focussed on saving Mallory.

If I stop her from helping Mallory, it would put her matebond with Damien at risk. She will hatefor taking away her chance at happiness. I couldn't lose the one friend I have.

"Can you save her?" I ask quietly 'I think so." she givesa tight lipped smile. "The wound higher up has already healed which is a good sign. But I think her stomach is a bit like my leg. I won't be able to tell until I can get in there properly." She sighs. "I know you have issues with her, Neah. I know a million ideas are probably running through your head right now, but this is what I signed up for. Saving people and helping them has always been my dream. Please don't letleave her to die." It's your choice. I will stand by you no matter what you decide." Nyx murmurs "Is there anything I can do to help?" It was so hard forcing the words from my mouth. Raven givesa small smile. “Giveyour hand." She takes my hand and places it on Mallory's neck. "Normally, I would listen to her pulse, but it's not clear. Her body is going through mass amounts of trauma so you have to trust what you feel. Do you feel it?" I nod.

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"Tellif anything changes, even the slightest little jump." The men returq after what felt like forever. Accompanied by Eric, Klaus and Eric' s.boys. The boy's eyes ares wide as they see Mallory but Eric guidesthem straight past and into another part of the house ast hear one-of the boys asking if the woman of? the table is dead Content belongs to I watch Raven work. She's patient and calm, and completely in her element. The only sounds that could be heard is from the work she is doing.

"Now it's upto her." She steps back, admiring-her work. Mallory was lucky. Tere was enough flesh that once everything was back in its right plage it had begun to knit itself together. Content belongs: to < I stumble from the kitchen, not quite believing that I had let her live. Dane's hand catches mine, stoppingfrom going any further. "Talk toNeah." "There is nothing to say.

"You were going to let her die. “I didn't though, did 1?" The words sound so spiteful helped. His hands move to my shoulders. "I wish you would talk tamore." "I do talk to you."

"Not recently. You are so short tempered all fhe tand if you are not, it lasts for all of five minutes before yourlose your temper. And.ho ma teow many times I have ~ aske edyou not to do it, Nyx keeps blockingfrom reading your reind. I can't help if you keep blockingout." Content belongs to His crimson eyes bore into my own, makingfeel small and seen

| open my mouth to speak, but the words disappear into thin air like they were never supposed to be heard. Ashburn X