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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 162
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Chapter 162

“Are you sulking?” he asked.

Olivia wasn't exactly sulking. It wasn’t just about him failing to wake her up-it was more about how he seemed

to have taken his steam out of her lately. “No,” she replied defiantly. “If there's nothing else, I'll be heading out.


Tyler knew the real issue but didn’t seem interested in fixing it. “Stay tonight. We don’t want rumors starting.”

They had just gotten “married,” and with his dad back home, they had to show srespect. Olivia realized she

couldn't act however she pleased without caring about consequences anymore.

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After a moment, Olivia gave in. “Fine.”

Tyler let go of her arm. “That's settled. You're free to do whatever else you like. There aren't many rules here.”

He left, leaving Olivia feeling neglected. The IVF had been forced on them, so why was he treating her like she'd

wanted this all along?

Meanwhile, Colleen had already started gossiping. By the tTyler cdownstairs, Maisy had heard

everything. “Did you two have a fight?“:

“Colleen told you?” Tyler asked.

“She said you made her cry!” Maisy glared. “How could you treat her like that? She's your wife, not one of your

employees! You need to be more considerate. She's just a young girl who recently started college. You're more

mature than her!”

Tyler nodded, trying to placate her. “Understood. I'll keep that in mind.”

Maisy wasn’t buying any of that, “Sure you will. Honestly, can’t you treat her with a bit more enthusiasm? You

just got married!”

Tyler's frown deepened, but he held back his retort. “I know. | don’t need you to remind me,


“Good. Off you go, then. | can’t believe | have to teach you how to be a husband.”

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Colleen hadn't just told Maisy; she'd also informed Ana. Tyler ran into them while wandering in the garden. He

noticed his mother giving him knowing glances as Colleen rambled on.

Tyler glared at Colleen, who quickly shut her mouth.

Ana smiled as she arranged flowers. “Don’t worry, Colleen. Tyler loves his wife. He knows how to treat her right,

doesn’t he?” She emphasized “loves his wife” loudly enough for Tyler to hear.

He looked on coldly.

Meanwhile, Olivia composed herself before leaving the room. Colleen approached her in the main

hall, hugging her arm. “Are you okay? Tyler didn’t mistreat you, did he?”

“N-No! He didn’t. Not at all.”