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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet (Thalassa and Elowen)

Chapter 1973
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Chapter 1973 Chapter 1973 "Really? This one?" Alaric hesitated, eyeing the sleek car in front of him.

"Absolutely, I told you, this is the one. Are you buying or what?" Hertha snapped, mistaking his hesitation for reluctance to pay.

"Buying, buying, I'm on it," Alaric hurried, pulling out his credit card and following the salesperson to the cashier.

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He had planned to splurge on something more expensive, but he almost upset her with his indecision. This was not the moment to waver.

Alaric paid in full without a second thought.

Turning to Hertha with a grin, he teased, "I heard that when a woman tries to save a man money, it's because she sees a future with him. Hertha, are you...?" "Cut that smug smile. I'm just avoiding future debts," Hertha rolled her eyes at him.

"Sir, ma'am, your car is ready to be taken hnow," the salesperson, beaming with professional joy, handed Hertha the receipt.

This was perhaps the quickest sale the salesperson had ever made a whopping $40,000 in one go, marking a successful day's work.

Taking the receipt from the salesperson, Hertha walked towards the shining red Mustang, ready to slide into the driver's seat.

Not far off, a mocking voice broke the air, "Well, if it isn't Hertha? A middle-class girl dreaming of a Mustang. I bet the salesperson thought they'd wasted their time." The voice was unmistakably snide. Hertha turned to see Georgia, her face gaunt as if sculpted from bone, her elaborate makeup doing little to hide her disdain. Georgia was arm-in-arm with another woman, evidently from a wealthy background, judging by her haughty gaze. As Hertha reached for the car door, Georgia's word's made her pause. Instead, she brandished the sales receipt in Georgia's face, a cold smile playing on her lips. "See this? I bought it. The middle-class girl you look down on just bought what you consider a luxury. Looks like I've taken the salesperson's quota for the day. How does that feel?" The salesperson, quick to catch the awkward moment, approached with a restrained smile, addressing Georgia, "This customer just purchased a car from us." Georgia, caught off guard by Hertha's actual purchase of a Mustang, retorted, "A Mustang, really? It's just about $40,000. That's barely more than my daily.

swet allowance. Still a pauper's see." Hertha couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity.

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| Her laughter grew louder, hands on hips, as she couldn't contain her amusement any longer.

"What's so funny?" Georgia snapped, visibly irked.

"I'm laughing at your ignorance," Hertha managed between chuckles. Just then, Alaric joined them.

Catching his eye, Hertha pulled him

close, standing united in front of Georgia. She playfully tapped his chest, "This car, bought with $46,000, she's calling you a pauper for it. Makeswonder why she's so desperate to marry a 'pauper' like you." Alaric's gaze turned icy as he looked at Georgia.

Georgia's face fell, hastily correcting, "I was talking about Hertha, not you, abouty vel Alaric. Don't listen to her nonsense."

Hertha, barely hiding her mockery, countered, "So, who was it again saying $40,000 was just daily pocket change, and only paupers buy cars worth that much?" Ashburn X