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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 180
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Chapter 0180

| smile, my hands coming to rest on his neck and chest. “Thank you.” | say and | drift back to a dreamless sleep.

When | wake in the morning, he is gone but the blankets still have the warmth of his body on them, so | know he

hasn't been gone long. | sit up, realizing | need to use the bathroom and hoping I'm strong enough to get myself


I slowly slide off the bed until my feet are on the floor. This time, | hold on to the bed as | stand. My legs feel a

little bit stronger and | use the bed as a crutch as | walk to the end. From there, | have about five steps until | get

to the door of the bathroom. “You can do this, you can do this’, | chant to myself.

Just as I'm about to take the first step, the door opens and a freshly showered Liam walks in. “Whoa, whoa, what

are you doing?” He's in front onin three large strides, scoopinginto his arms.

“I need a

to use the bathroom.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

‘Geez, | wasn't gone that long and you were out when Cyran finally jumped down.” He says as he walksto

the bathroom. He setsdown in front of the toilet. Okay, | don’t care how weak | am, I'm not peeing in front of

this man.

He looks at me, his eyes squinting. “I’m going to step outside, but the minute you are done, you letknow

and I'll cback and get you, deal?”

I smile, “Deal.”

He walks out but leaves the door open. I sigh, it's more than | expected but | would have liked the door to be

closed. Thankfully, | have to go so badly that it doesn’t matter. | finish up, and stand, using the counter to get to

the sink. I've just turned the water on before he’s right behind me, hands on my hips holdingsteady.

“Doc Phillips will be by soon. | have food being sent up for you. You will need to stay on bedrest again today and

continue to drink and eat to regain your


It sounds like he’s giving instructions before he leaves. “Are you going somewhere?” | ask.

“I have to go into the city. My company offices are there, and | have to take care of sthings that have been

sitting while | was waiting for you to wake up.”

“I'm sorry, | didn’t...”


He cutsoff. “It was my decision to stay here, and | have been able to do sthings electronically, but

today there are things that | have to do in person. Dustin will be here and he will check up on you periodically

while I'm gone. What can | get you to keep you entertained while I'm gone? Books, music, crochet?”

I look at him in the mirror. “Crochet?”

He shrugs. “Just trying to cover all the bases.” He smiles and my stomach flutters. Seriously, this man is

dangerous when he smiles.

“Books and music sound good.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He nods. “All done here?” When | nod, he picksup and walks out of the bathroom. He stops frowning. “Bed or

couch?” He asks.

“Couch.” | can see he’s not terribly pleased with my choice. “Or the bed if that's better.”

“No, this is fine.” He says before gently puttingon the couch. “I'll be right back.”

Before he gets to the door, it opens and Dustin walks in with a tray of food. “Good morning, Angel. You gave me

quite a scare last night.”

“I'm sorry about that.” | say, not wanting to talk about it again.

“Nothing to apologize for.” He says, putting the tray in front ofand sitting down beside me. His arm goes

around the back of the couch behind me. “So, | hear we're going to be spending the day together.”

Liam's growl has my head shooting up to look at him, but his eyes are on Dustin. | see his eyes glaze over and

look at Dustin to see his have as well. They are mind

linking and don’t wantto know what is being said. I'm surprised when Dustin's smile gets bigger and Liam

stomps out.

Cooper Author