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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 194
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Chapter 0194

Rik looks atand an understanding passes between us. These women, these Guardians, give their lives for

those they love and protect. It’s not something either he or | am willing to live with. Ill have to find a tto

speak to him to see if he’s found a way to keep Cara from taking a bullet, real or metaphorical, for him.

Anders goes to follow Clint. They have been friends most of their lives. | pull Angel in and kiss her forehead.

“Let's open the wine. Would you like some?”

Cara dries her eyes. “I'm sorry, it’s a lot to find out that your mother made such a sacrifice for you.”

Rik runs his thumbs across her cheeks helping to wipe her tears. “Yes. It's very difficult to know that someone

you love would trade their life for yours.” He says to her and gives her a meaningful look. So, this isn’t a new

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conversation for them. | definitely need to speak to him about it.

Cara reaches out her hand. “I won't be having any, but I'm happy to pour wine for everyone.”

Angel steps away from me. “I've actually never had any.” She looks atand shrugs as | hand the wine to Cara.

“I never really had the opportunity.”

| step up to her again, putting my hand on the small of her back. “Why don’t you try it and see if you like one of

them, there's a white and a red, since | didn't know what we were having for dinner.”

Rik turns toand smiles. “Oh, Thursday nights are always steak nights. It's apparently a thing that our fathers

have been doing for years. It’s only since Cara and | started dating that | was invited to attend as well.”

“Joke’s on you Alpha, because tonight it’s ribs for dinner.” Cara says to Rik and | can see the love in both their

eyes. | look at Angel. Yeah, | want that in our future.

“I hear congratulations are in order.” | say to Rik.

“Yep.” He says giving Angel and | each a glass of wine. “I can’t wait to meet my little Peanut. Did Cara tell you

we're having a girl?” | see Cara roll her eyes behind his back.

“We don’t know it's a girl yet.” Cara says and Rik looks at us and mouths silently, ‘It's a girl.

Clint and Anders walk out, Clint still sniffling and looking like he just sobbed his


heart out, which I'm guessing he did.

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Angel walks over to him. “I'm so sorry.”

Before she can say anymore, he stops her. “No, I'm glad you told me. Lily wantedto know and it makes some

things that happened in those last couple of days make sense. And before we get to our dinner, | want you to

know that I'm so thankful that we've found you, or that you've found us. | know that the bond that we shared

when you were Andra is no longer there, Donovan can feel that the bond is different, but there is still a familial

bond. | hope that Alessia can feel it too?” Angel nods her head. “Good. We are family. | don’t know what has

happened to you or why no one could find you for so long, but you are here now and you are not alone. We are

all your family now.” Clint gestures around the


Angel looks around and sees everyone nodding in agreement. | see her eyes well with tears and | walk to her,

running my hand over her hair. She sniffs and looks up at me. “I'm okay, it’s just been so long since | had anyone

to call family.”