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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 313
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Chapter 0313

| was serious last night when | asked Eli to markrather than let sstranger mark me. Better the devil you

know, right? At least | hope so. | may not believe in the mate bond, but | have a better chance with someone

who might actually care aboutthan with someone who only wantsfor the strength | can bring to their

pack, someone who will treatlike a commodity and a breeding machine.

I know I'm a Guardian, and I’m supposed to be this strong wolf that all the Alphas want, but I'm terrified. | don’t

know how to fight. Up until a couple weeks. ago, | thought | was a human. A human that was doing everything |

could just to survive, much less learn how to fight or defend myself.

So, as much as | hate this feeling of dependence, I'm thankful that Eli is here with me. He makesfeel safe, or

at least safer than | would feel if | was running alone. | wasn’t expecting to get any sleep last night, but after

laying on his chest, smelling his intoxicating scent and listening to the steady beat of his heart, | fell into a deep

sleep. When | woke, | had slept more soundly than | can remember sleeping in years. If | hadn't woken up

practically on top of him, it would have been great. As it was, | could tell he was not immune to our close

proximity. His hard length had been pressing against my thigh.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| listen as Eli talks to Alpha Rik on the phone. | can hear another male voice in the background but can’t decipher

what he is saying. It sounds like the red wolves. know we are on the run and since they have territory in Texas

and Louisiana, we need to divert from our course quickly and head north again. | listen as they talk through our

trek north to Oklahoma, then turning east and working our way to North Georgia.

| miss the question that is asked, but Eli turns to look at me. “No, we're not at that point yet.” He says and | can

guess the question. Can't he just mark me? Then there would be no need for this running.

Part ofis ready to agree, but then | remember my father, and | would rather run forever than live like that


| turn and look out the window at the miles and miles of flat nothingness. | hear Eli disconnect the phone. “We

have a plan. I'm not sure how good it is. If the red wolves are watching the bus stations, we're screwed. At the

next station, if it looks safe, we're taking off in our wolf form. | need to get a map so we can skirt the pack

territories, but it may be safest.

| just nod. “I'm sorry you're being dragged into this. | know this would be easier


if | would just let you mark me.”

He puts is fingers against my lips. “You have your reasons to not trust the mater bond. | can respect that, and |

can wait. As long as it doesn’t mean that you end up mated to someone else.”

I turn to look back outside. We sit in silence for a while.

“That car should have passed us a long tago.’ Maia says in my head.

I look and there is a car keeping pace with the bus. She's right, it seems like it's going very slow considering

we're in the middle of nowhere.

“Eli. Maia says this car is keeping pace with the bus. Do you think it’s the red wolves?”

He leans past me, looking out the window. | hear him curse under his breath before he grabs his phone and hits

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

speed dial.

“They're following the bus.” He says as soon as Alpha Rik picks up.

“How far are you from the bus station?” The voice asks but it doesn’t sound like Alpha Rik.

“Thirty minutes. We're just coming up on the town.”

“Give the phone to Grace.”

Eli looks at me, then handsthe phone.


“Grace, this is Alpha Liam. Do you recognize my name?”

“I know you've been talking to Eli.”

“But you don’t remember who | am?” “No. Should 1?”