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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 373
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Chapter 0373

“Next, | have applied for this pack to becofficial. Alphas Rik, Liam and Anders supported our claim, and we

should know in the next couple of days if the application was approved.” The room erupts in loud cheering and

foot stomping. “Once the application is approved, we will have an official ceremony naming all of your ranked

pack members and when everyone has pledged their loyalty to us and this pack, we will have a pack link.” More


| wait for the cheering to die down again. “I had to choose a nfor our pack. Your Luna and | chose together,

and we hope that you all agree, that while it isn’t traditional, it is exactly what our pack is. Our pack’s nwill

be Safe Haven.” There is a moment of utter silence before the room erupts into applause, howls and cheers.

I smile. “I'm guessing that means you all agree.” | say and receive several

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“My next announcement is related to our pack becoming official. While | was away, | also applied for our new

pack to participate in the Tournament of the Moon Goddess this year. The tournament will take place in three

months’ time. If you are interested in participating, Carlos and | will be having additional training sessions to get

pack members ready to participate.” There is a lot of chatter and quiet discussion at this announcement.

“I know that this might be scary for sof you. Most of you here ran from your previous pack. But remember,

we will have an official pack and you will be part of that pack. Your previous Alpha or ranked members cannot

take you from our pack.” | say but stop as | hear Grace growl beside me.

“And if they try, they will have to go through me.” Grace snarls with Maia overlaying in her voice. “We do not live

in fear. And you do not have to cower away from those that have mistreated you in the past. So, do not let that

be a factor in your choice to participate in the tournament.”

| can see that this has significantly impacted the pack members, but I still have possibly the most important

announcement left.

“Finally,” and | receive a lot of laughter since this ‘announcement’ has gone on for nearly 30 minutes. “Alpha

Liam and Alpha Rik have offered to loan this pack the money needed to rebuild our homes and buildings. Alpha

Liam owns his own company, and that company has a construction business. He is willing to hire as many of our

pack members as would like to work. He will pay us for rebuilding our pack. The repayment of the loan will come

from the salaries that are you paid


to build. Carlos, Noah and | have agreed that 50% of the salaries of everyone who works will go back into the

loan. The rest belongs to you. It may sound like a lot of money taken from your pay, but remember, right now,

you are not getting paid anything to rebuild, and it will take a lot longer to finish everything that needs to be

done in this pack. Also, when the construction is complete, everyone will have their own home. Also, anyone who

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wants to continue working for Alpha Liam will have the opportunity to apply after our work here is complete.”

| turn and look at the omegas. “I also confirmed that anyone that may not be strong enough to help with the

actual construction can also be hired to do things like painting, trimming, adding gutters, things like that. So,

everyone is eligible to participate if you would like. Please think about it and let me, Beta Carlos or Gamma Noah

know if you would like to participate. | told Alpha Liam | would have a list for him by Wednesday. Any questions?”

| answer a couple of questions, but mostly everyone looks like | did at first, overwhelmed and needing to take

tto think about everything that I've told


Grace and | sit back down and begin eating, listening to the happy chatter goin on around us.



It looks like Safe Haven will becan official pack soon