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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 572
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Chapter 0572


A couple of months after Anders and Calista take over the pack, we receive an invitation to celebrate

birth of Liam Holstin, Alpha Leander and Luna Fetulla’s child. Calista and | are excited to see Estella

again and meet her new son, while Clint and Anders begin talking of the work they can accomplish while we are

in Shadow Falls pack. Look at Cali and roll my eyes, making her glagte,

We drive to Shadow Falls, leaving Charles in charge of our pack for the weekend. There are several milestones

that are important in a pack, especially when it comes to ranked pack members. The birth of the future Alpha is

one of them. Many packs have been invited to this momentous occasion.

Alpha Leander asked us to ca day earlier than the others. When we arrive, he escorts us into his

office, Luna Estella joining us. Because we are in an alliance, and have been friendly for many years, the feeling

in the room is relaxed. We sit around a table together, Calista and | hugging Estella when she

comes in.

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“I'm sure you are wondering why | have asked you to chere earlier than the others.” Alpha Leander begins.

“As you know, the birth of my son is very important, not only toand Estella, but also to the pack. Our

relationship with Alpha Benjamin has been tenuous at best in these last couple of months. He seems to have

becmore aggressive, power-hungry since we last saw him at your birthday party.

Alpha Anders.”

“Please, we are all friends here, callAnders. And yes, my father and | have noticed the sthing. While

Alpha Jerhas been labeled as an enemy to our pack, Alpha Benjamin seems to have almost

beccloser to him. We have men watching both packs to make sure they do not plan an attack

against us.”

Leander is nodding his head in agreement. “We have noticed the same. And what you may not know is that,

after the incident in your pack with Guardian Lily, we also labeled Alpha Jerand the Silver Dawn

pack enemies of the Shadow Falls pack.”

| can tell Anders was not aware of this. “Our alliance with Canyon Ridge has always been very strong.

Any act against your pack, is seen as an act against ours. Therefore, your enemies are our enemies. Which

bringsto my request today. Your pack is strong, stronger even than mine. What | would like to

request is that, while you are here for the party, would you allow your Guardians to watch over my mate

and our son, ensuring nothing happens to them. If | could have found a way to not invite Alpha Benjamin to

these festivities without practically declaring war, | would have. However, | do not want him here and |

do not trust him.”

He looks at Anders and Clint. “You have both found your mates. You understand the concern | feel and the need

to protect mine. And, while you do not yet have an heir or children of your own, I'm sure you can understand

that a parent's love of their children is second only to the love of a mate.”

| watch as Clint and Anders mind link before Clint links me. “Would you be willing to watch over Estella. It would

look more natural if you and Calista were around her and the baby.”


| look at Anders, giving a brief nod of my head. | see Leander’s entire body relax, as does Estella’s. | turn to her.

“Looks like I'll be getting lots of tholding that new baby of yours. Where is he?”

After deciding the best approach to watching over both Estella and Liam, Estella has her Beta female bring him

in. Calista and | coo over baby Liamn, while Estella watches with the total love of a mother in her eyes. “I knew |

loved him while he grew in my stomach, but the moment I held him? It’s like nothing I've ever felt before. In a

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moment, something insidechanged, and | never want to change it back. I've never been a jealous mate,

never felt particularly possessive or protective of Leander. But with Liam, | swear if anyone ever threatens my

child, they will see fury like they've never seen before.”

We talk of babies and our plans for having them, saying we want to put it off for a couple of years to adjust to

our new roles and just enjoy being together before we bring a child into the mix. “I think that’s a great plan.

Leander and | took a year before trying. It only tookgoing into heat once and now we have Liam.” She says

smiling at her mate as we talk over lunch.

That night in bed, Clint is more amorous than normal, which is saying something. “What's gotten into you?” | ask

him, laughing.

“I liked seeing you holding that baby today. | can’t wait until your stomach is growing with my child, watching

you hold our baby girl or boy.” He says, nuzzling my ear.

| can feel my body responding to him. It doesn’t take much. There has never been a twhen | didn’t want

more, want him like I hadn’t just had him insidefor hours.

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Chapter 0573