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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 167
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“You're my wife as long as we're still married. If other men want to be with you while we're still married,

they can only be adulterers and bear the risk of tarnishing their names.”

Dylan left after leaving a warning with a hostile expression.

In the kitchen, Nina was leaning on the cool wall as she asked Avery who was busy cleaning, “What is

up with him? He has forced you to marry him like a madman. What does he want? I don't even see his

love for you. His possessiveness over you is just so simply unbelievable.”

Even without asking, Nina knew Avery was planning to wear that pair of shoes with Cayden's children.

But how did that freak find out? I'm sure he already knows. Otherwise, he wouldn't have threatened

Avery to keep her fidelity as his wife and even burnt that pair of shoes over the fire on the stove.

Avery's eyes blinked as she opened her mouth to speak. “An ex-convict's mentality is crooked.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have broken the law. Hence, everything they did might be strange in our eyes,

but not to them. You're right about one thing, though. Indeed, he has no interest in me. From the

women he had in the past, I can see that I am not his type, so there's only one reason left for him to

force me to marry him.”

“What is it?” Nina asked.

Avery put the burnt shoes into a bag, planning to throw them away when she went down later.

“He's Cayden's cousin.”

“What? They're cousins... Then you...” Nina knew she should pity Avery for her predicament as she

was her best friend.

Nevertheless, she could not imagine that such a drama actually existed in real life.

“I think they have grudges against each other. They might look friendly on the surface, but Dylan is

always competing with Cayden.” Other than that, I couldn't think of or find any other reason for Dylan to

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marry me.

An adult won't just randomly choose his marriage partner, no matter how stubborn or twisted he is.

A shudder rippled down Nina's back.

The dispute between rich guys is definitely not something an average person can imagine.

“And so you became the scapegoat between two men.” Nina sighed.

Avery nodded.

It was eight-thirty at night, and Nina was packing her bags. “I'm going back.”

“Are you not staying here with me?” Avery thought Nina would stay with her.

“I can't.” Nina's hands didn't stop moving as she explained, “I don't want to listen to my mom's nagging,

but I'm worried about her heart condition. My parents should already be asleep at this hour, and I feel

better staying under the same roof as them.”

Avery empathized with Nina, so she didn't ask her to stay.

“Drive safe.” Avery sent Nina out and watched as her back disappeared.

Avery returned to her empty room.

She was about to get into bed after washing up, but the doorbell rang.

Avery had changed into her pajama and didn't think twice when she crossed the room to get to the

door. Before she could look into the peephole, she heard a familiar cry.

It was Rory's.

Throwing all her concern out the window, she opened the door quickly.

Cayden was carrying a crying Rory in one arm and holding onto an angry Zachary with his other hand.

“What's wrong?” Avery reached for Rory.

Cayden dragged Zachary into the room.

“Bad Zach! Hmmph!” Rory cried into Avery's shoulder.

“Don't cry, Rory. You'll hurt your eyes for crying so much.”

Avery shot a confused gaze at Cayden as she tried to calm her daughter down with heartache and

awkwardness like a new mother.

“Zach dirtied Rory's new shoes.” Cayden went to the restroom after explaining.

Avery didn't comment on how comfortable he was in her place. It was as though he was at home.

Zachary didn't think he was at fault. “It's just a bit dirty. I-I have even cleaned it for her.”

“Bad Zach! Bad Zach!” Rory refused to accept his explanation and continued weeping.

Soon, the tap turned off, and Cayden came out of the restroom.

Avery finally coaxed Rory to stop crying after a long while. She gently removed the bandage on Rory's

eye to check on it. Following the doctor's instructions, she dried the tears carefully, disinfected the area

around Rory's eyes, then put on a new bandage.

“Ms. Ery, can I have some water?” Zachary was thirsty after apologizing to Rory.

“Sure, let me get it for you.” Avery set Rory down and went to the kitchen.

The water she boiled earlier was not too hot, so she poured two glasses.

When she returned to the living room, Avery saw that Rory had gotten off the couch and sauntering

around her house.

Avery passed a glass of water to Zachary and another to Cayden who sat on the couch. Zach

immediately gulped half the content of the glass down his throat.

“I want to sleep with you, Ms. Ery.” Rory suddenly clung onto Avery's leg from the back.

Losing her balance, Avery accidentally tipped the glass over Cayden. He couldn't reach for it in time, so

the water poured onto his crotch.

“I'm sorry, I—” Avery searched for a box of tissue frantically.

Cayden looked down at the wet stain between his legs and got up from the couch with a deadpan

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expression, leaving for the restroom again.

Avery tried to relieve the awkward situation, so she focused on breaking the ice between Rory and

Zachary. In the end, Zachary finally returned to the brother who loved taking care of his sister, and Rory

wasn't upset over him ruining her shoes anymore.

Avery noticed the door to the restroom was still shut even after the kids had reconciled with each other.

Feeling concerned, she knocked on the door.

It was opened immediately after.

The tall man standing underneath the dim yellow light had creases on his forehead as he patiently

wiped on the wet stain on his pant.

“I couldn't handle both of them at the same time, and I didn't have the energy to keep up with them, so I

brought them over to you,” Cayden explained calmly. He continued to dry his pants with a white towel.

“Thank you for sending them over to me.” Avery was thankful. It was a parent's responsibility to care for

her children, but sometimes, it was also a blessing.

Cayden didn't respond and merely glanced at himself in the mirror.

Avery added, “What are we going to do with your pants? Should I give Xavier a call to have him send

another pair over? How are you going to leave later otherwise?”

Cayden breathed in Avery's scent that was filling up the small room. “Xavier isn't omnipotent and he

has his own life. He's most probably out on a date right now.”

Avery was stunned at the news. It'll be terrible to intrude on his date.

“Since it's already dark outside, I think no one will be able to see you if you walk out like this.” Avery

mulled over the options.

Suddenly, Cayden's temper spiked. He threw the towel into the sink.

He was staring intently at her, yet his voice was the usual deep baritone when he spoke. “If the

paparazzi camping around my house catches me like this. Can you imagine the headlines in the

tabloids? They will probably be along the lines of Cayden rejected by his lover and sent home in a

wretched state, seeing as I'm leaving your house late at night with a bulge and wet stain over my

private area.”