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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 182
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“What did you see? Hurry up and tell us,” the colleagues to the side observing the lady with the

binoculars urged her.

Being new to the finance department and relatively more impressionable, the girl holding the binoculars

naively described what she saw.

Everyone, however, swiftly dispersed in concert after they heard her account of things.

“It's true, what I'm telling you,” said the female co-worker, clutching the binoculars very innocuously.

One of her peers turned and looked at her. “Yeah, some story that is, young lady. You might as well go

on and pen submissions for the romance magazines since you're that good at coming up with stories. I

might have believed you if you had said that that woman from the design department was sitting on Mr.

Moore's lap, seducing him, smothering him with kisses, and unbuckling his belt to throw herself at him.

Mr. Moore putting a coat on that woman, helping to dry her hair, and massage her calves? Seriously?”

Another of her lady colleagues picked up the outdoor equipment. “The woman from the design

department doesn't look half-bad, but there are obviously much prettier ones from the public relations

department. I've never heard of any scandals involving Mr. Moore and any of his subordinates from the

public relations department, so it makes me quite skeptical about him getting involved with that woman

from the design department. In any case, I'm going to just keep an open mind about this for now.”

Then the crowd gradually scattered.

The newcomer from the finance department stood rooted to the spot, stupefied. She whipped the

binoculars toward her boss' personal car once more. It was already leaving.

While she watched the vehicle make its gradual exit, she began to doubt whether an issue with her

brain was affecting her ophthalmic nerve, which had caused her own eyes to play tricks on her.

Could I have been mistaken about what I saw?

Meanwhile, Yvonne and her co-workers from the design department were traveling back to the city

center in the same vehicle.

When they first arrived, the bus that ferried them was filled with chatter, mostly revolving around

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Yvonne and their big boss. On the way back, however, no one was in a chatty mood. Those who

wanted to fiddle with their phones fiddled with their phones, while others who feigned napping did so


The sobriety of the mood left Yvonne, who was originally the toast of the town, fuming.

Yvonne was the first to alight the moment the bus reached the company doorsteps.

The rest of her colleagues, of both genders, twitched their lips. They were in the opinion that Yvonne

was full of it.

In place of the vainglory she had before, right now, there was only shame.

It was as though their boss had given Yvonne a slap in the face in full view of everyone else who was


All of them started to make the way off the bus.

“Are you all right, Ms. Yantz?” said the last person on the team to get off the bus to Yulissa. The latter

was still in her seat with her forehead leaning against the window.

The head of the design department turned around. “I'm okay. Just a little car-sick. You go on ahead.”

“All right!”

And thus, off went the last employee as well.

With her eyes to the fore, Yulissa spotted Yvonne through the windscreen of the bus. The latter was

standing right in front of the entrance to the Trident Group building.

Shortly after, a yellow sports car pulled up in front of the latter.

Yvonne thumped an angry foot against the car door. Tossing her outdoor gear into the backseat, she

then got into the car.

Yulissa thought, From her personal style and the car she drives, Yvonne looks every bit the part of a

wealthy heiress. Her personality and upbringing aside, Yvonne's family background made her at least a

decent match for the CEO. Besides, there have not been other women around Mr. Moore. Whether

they are socialites or movie stars, he has had no contact with them whatsoever. That makes Yvonne,

who was parachuted into the design department, a woman well-suited to stand beside the CEO in

every respect.

Naturally, as the head of the design department, it is my duty to see to it that this future lady boss

placed under my charge is well taken care of. But from the looks of it, it would seem now that I've been

betting on the wrong horse. I believe the fact that Mr. Moore left with Avery would soon rock the entire

company. The design department could soon be affected, as the woman Mr. Moore fancies is from our


Yet, she felt no sense of pride as the head of the design department. Quite to the contrary, what she felt

was a sense of dread.

In order to pander to Yvonne, she had not been too kind to Avery. The job of making coffee and serving

drinks usually ought to be done by the newbies. Yvonne was still under probation, while Avery had

received her confirmation about a month ago. Over that duration, however, the menial task in question

had nonetheless been fulfilled by Avery.

Even on the day before when Yvonne had given some feedback about how filthy the floor was, Yulissa

had used her position as department head to get Avery to sweep the floor and have it mopped

thoroughly. That was all done for the sake of Yvonne's comfort.

To think that in the end, it was just a load of hot air from Yvonne because Avery is the one who is

attached to the CEO!

The thought of Cecelia and Nina getting the privilege to ride with Xavier while herself, in spite of being

the head of the design department, had to squeeze in a bus with the remainder of the regular

employees, left her feeling quite discouraged.

A while later, Yvonne hit the showers after reaching home and was preparing to turn in for the day.

Before she slept, she could not refrain from ringing up to confide in Allie. “I can't take this anymore,

Mdm. Allie. Cayden publicly embarrassed me today. I'm sorry to let you down, but I've decided to

tender my resignation first thing on Monday.”

On the other end, Allie asked, “What's wrong, Yvonne? Don't cry. Slow down and tell me what

happened, and I'll have it sorted out for you. Tell me, what did Cayden do to embarrass you?”

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Coincidentally, Yvonne's mother overheard the entire account of what Yvonne had described when she

walked into her daughter's room.

Turning to hush her own mother, Yvonne then turned the phone to hands-free mode between her own


After taking in everything, Allie sounded disappointed as she said, “Are you daft, Yvonne? Avery's

attached. She's legally married to another man!”

Dumbstruck, Yvonne ceased her sniveling as though she had suddenly sobered up.

In her esteem, Avery was forced into marriage by Dylan. Considering the despicable nature of the

whole affair, she thus did not internalize that as a fact.

Allie's mention of it sparked in Yvonne some other ideas of her own.

Unaware of the details, Olivia was seething at the aggrievement suffered by her daughter and the

notion of another woman trying to hit on Cayden. “Who is this b*tch who dared fight with you over your

man? A married woman, at that? Is such a petty matter deserving of you coming home to cry over it?

Teach her a lesson and show her what's what. Do you even need me to teach you that?”

“Thank you for the reminder, Mdm. Allie. I know what I must do now.” Yvonne's tears made way for a


Elsewhere, Avery was carried upstairs by Cayden.

Owing to the masterful massaging from his large mitts, her calf was no longer cramping.

Regardless, that was not sufficient to assuage Cayden's worries.

After Avery got home, she quickly got changed into something more comfortable. Heading into the

kitchen to pour him a glass of water, she then urged him to attend to his own work. “I'm fine now, so

you really should get back to it.”

She was deeply gratified today by everything Cayden had done to make it clear that he did not have

that sort of relationship with Yvonne.

“Are you happy that I took concrete steps to draw the line between Yvonne and myself?” said the man

calmly as he drank the water.

Having her thoughts seen through, Avery watched while he set himself upright and came her way.

Closer and closer he approached until she found herself bundled into the corner with his hot breath

bearing upon her.