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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 331
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Avery stared at the poise Claire, who was drinking coffee, with disbelief in her eyes. The fondness that she felt for

the latter vanished instantly.

I know many oppose my relationship with Cayden because of our social differences. I didn't expect, though, that

this woman, who had just met me for the first time, would ask me to break up with Cayden too.

Avery's voice was hostile when she spoke as she lost all respect for Claire. “Mrs. Lambert, it doesn't matter what

kind of motive you harbored when you asked me to break up with Cayden. I won't leave him.”

The words spoken by Claire were mean and hurtful as she played around with the coffee cup in her hands with

unspeakable elegance. “Avery, you are now looking at your relationship with Cayden through the rose-tinted

glasses. The thing is, relationships and marriage are two different aspects of life. For your marriage to work, you

two must be a compatible match. Marriage doesn't only involve two people but two families. Cayden is Allie's son,

and Allie is my long-time friend. I know her well. She would never agree for a woman like you to marry Cayden. A

marriage that one's parents did not give blessings would not last long. Besides, what do you think you can bring to

the Moore family and Cayden? No, you will be a burden to them!”

Avery's breathing quickened. “Whatever happens to Cayden and me in the future is none of your business. All I

need to focus on now is that he loves me, and I love him. I've got to admit it. I didn't come from a wealthy family.

But that's not a reason to ruin our relationship.”

There was an edge to Claire's voice as she chuckled softly. “You're living in a dream world! Ms. Rumpley, are you

convinced that being in love is enough in a marriage? Being compatible with your family background is one thing.

There are other things to consider too. What about your views, values, knowledge, career growth speed, and

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financial capability? You two need to be compatible in these aspects too. I'm sure you are aware of Nickie's

background. She has our support. Once she marries Cayden, she will help to expand his social circle and provide

him with many resources that will greatly benefit Trident Group!”

Claire continued, “Besides, Nickie has gotten the best education since she was young. She was always at the top of

her class. Even though she currently works in the entertainment industry, she has received training in various skills

from a young age. She and Cayden are people from the same world. They deserve to be together because of that.

I'm asking you to break up for your good. Maybe you won't see the problem now. But, one day, when Cayden falls

out of love with you because he realizes you are not the one for him and breaks up with you, the most excruciating

pain will hit you.”

Avery got up from the wicked chair abruptly. Even though her body was trembling, the woman propped her body

straight. The aura she radiated indicated that Avery was unwilling to admit defeat.

She said to Claire firmly, “Mrs. Lambert, you keep telling me that Nicole is the best match for Cayden. Have you

asked Cayden's opinion regarding that? Did you ask him whether he likes Nicole or not? Yes, compatibility is

essential in marriage. I'll give you that. But don't forget that a loveless marriage is worse than being dead! I don't

know the reality behind your marriage, and maybe Mr. Lambert spoils you so excessively that you are unaware of

the tragedy of being in an unfortunate marriage.”

Avery went on, “Here's what you should know, Mrs. Lambert. Forcing two people who are not in love into a

marriage would be hell for them. Not only is living together torturing, but breathing in close proximity to the other

torment them! Cayden does not love your daughter. Do you wish your daughter would be stuck in a loveless


At first, Avery thought Claire would furrow her brows in anger and that she would retaliate to everything Avery said.

The worst-case scenario? She might even throw a check in Avery's face and humiliate her like they were in some


If that happened, Avery could argue with Claire in a fit of her frustration. To Avery's surprise, all of that didn't


Claire merely acted like usual after hearing Avery's words. She was calm, gentle, and patient. Her demeanor made

it seem like Avery was the one in the wrong.

In a flash, Avery kept her guards up.

She's so great at suppressing her anger. Mrs. Lambert is no ordinary woman. No wonder she is the wife of an


Claire laughed when she noticed the wariness in Avery's eyes. The woman placed her cup back on the table before

voicing gently, “Avery, it's my mistake for showing up without informing you beforehand today. I wanted to do

something for Nickie because she has been in love with Cayden for so long, and it's rare for her to fall in love. I

hope you don't mind me. Please forgive a mother who wants to ensure her daughter's wellbeing.”

Claire's attitude toward Avery was pleasant. It was as if her conversation with Avery earlier was just a concerned

mother who wanted the best for her child.

Her attitude is humble, and she is willing to admit her mistake first. There's nothing I can retort to her now.

Even so, Avery felt like the air on the terrace was making it difficult for her to breathe.

Claire got up from the wicked chair and stared at Avery with a loving and caring expression. Mixed emotions flashed

across Claire's eyes when they landed on Avery's facial features, similar to hers. “That's all I have to say today. My

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words may have caused you some grief, but it's all true. I do not wish to force you to do something you are

unwilling to do. It's just that I think Nickie and Cayden would be a better match. You are an intelligent girl. Maybe

you should think about what I said.”

Avery sat on the chair as bitterness and hurt crept into her heart after Claire left. She tried to tamper her feelings

by gulping the coffee down her throat. However, the tasty coffee turned bland and bitter when it hit her throat.

Oh, so Nicole is in love with Cayden! Now I know why she always picks on me. Luckily for me, I genuinely believe

that Cayden loves me. If that weren't the case, I would be infuriated by what Mrs. Lambert has to say today. Who

knows? I might even misunderstand his relationship with Nicole as a result of my conversation with Mrs. Lambert. I

must take precautions when I meet her again. She is not someone that is easy to deal with.

Avery sighed resignedly. Cayden's perfection was a form of pressure and trouble in her life sometimes.

Meanwhile, in the lobby on the first floor, Silvia swirled the red wine in her glass before clinking her glass with the

troubled Claire as she swept a few glances at the terrace.

A slim, beautiful woman stood there, eliciting a feeling of forlornness and loneliness.

With feigned casualness, Silvia remarked, “Did you realize this, Claire? Just now, when I saw you talking to that girl

named Avery on the terrace, I thought she was your daughter. I would have believed in that if you were not

someone I know. Both of you are similar in terms of facial features, figures, and mannerisms. I can't help but

wonder how is that possible?”

Silvia and Claire were best friends, and her husband's family was close to the Lambert family. Hence, Silvia and her

husband were invited to George's birthday party too.

She was just chit-chatting with her friends on the first floor when she saw Claire talking to Avery on the terrace.

Their similar facial features and figures make me think that they are a mother-daughter duo.

Her attitude is humble, and she is willing to admit her mistake first. There's nothing I can retort to her now.