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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 474
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“W-What? Aren't you worried about yourself at all?” Avery's heart pounded as she stared at Cayden in shock.

In the past few days, she had been living in misery, for she could not think of a way to resolve the issue.

In fact, she had nightmares every night, dreaming that Cayden was taken away by the police. When she woke up

from those nightmares, she would find herself covered in sweat, but there was nothing she could do.

To her surprise, Cayden did not panic upon finding out about the disk with records of his bribery.

Does he know what kind of terrible consequences awaits him once the disk is revealed to the public?

Right then, Cayden grabbed Avery's chin tightly until it hurt.

“Why didn't you tell me about this? Do you know that the first thing I did when I found out the disk is why you called

off the engagement was sigh in relief? But I'm angry, too. Why didn't you tell me about it?”

The light in Avery's eyes dimmed.

She did not know how to tell him about it as she did not want him to feel hurt at all.

Avery found herself in a trance as she studied Cayden's livid expression. It seemed like he was only angry whenever

she made a mistake.

Tightening her fists, she averted her gaze from him and said in a low voice, “I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have

hidden this from you, but I'm scared. I'm scared that your future will be compromised because of this.”

Hearing that, Cayden stiffened.

Staring at her lips which he had reddened with his punishment, he hoarsely squeezed out, “Don't you know which is

more important between my future and you? You should tell me everything instead of bearing this burden all alone.

By doing that, not only would you worsen the misunderstanding between us, but you'll end up stepping into

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someone else's trap. Do you understand?”

Avery kept her gaze locked on the watch on Cayden's wrist instead of looking at him. “I'm sorry...”

“Don't ever say that you're sorry again. You have to come to me first if you ever encounter something like this

again. It doesn't matter what it is because I'll find a way to deal with it,” said Cayden as he shook his head.

He had no idea where to start correcting Avery's habit of apologizing to others all the time.

Avery quietly hummed in agreement, but at that moment, her stomach grumbled and broke the tension of the


Her face heated up as she was a little embarrassed.

Cayden laughed. “Are you hungry? You're not being a good enough mother. How can you be so stubborn despite

bearing our child in you? You're starving both yourself and the baby. How can I not feel bad about that? Come on,

I'll take you to eat.”

With that said, Cayden lifted Avery into his arms to head toward the dining room.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Avery uttered in embarrassment. “Put me down. I know I'm pregnant, but I'm

not disabled. I can walk on my own.”

Moreover, she was not the only person inhabiting that body—she was far heavier, and she was afraid of tiring him


Looking at her, Cayden said, “You're my wife, so who do I carry but you? Zach or Rory? They're big kids now, and

they'll have their husband and wife to carry. They won't need me anymore.”

Avery was speechless.

Did he even hear himself? If the two kids didn't look so much like Cayden, I'm going to start wondering if he's really

their father.

In the dining room, a beautiful piece of music was playing, and the roses on the table smelled fragrant.

The table was filled with plates of delectable dishes suitable for pregnant women, and they were all dishes that

were cooked according to the advice of the nutritionist Cayden hired. In other words, they were exceptionally

nutritious for the baby and the mother.

It was as if a spell had been broken after Avery's conversation with Cayden back in the living room. Thus, Avery's

weighed-down heart felt much lighter.

Maybe the things I thought were unsolvable were nothing to Cayden. Forgive me for my assumptions. I thought

hiding this from him would be good for him, but it was only making him worry about me and making me stressed

out. The two of us being honest with each other makes communication much easier.

Cayden then took a piece of meat from the stew and gave it to Avery, who then slowly brought it to her lips.

However, she only managed to take a bite before a thought popped into her head. In a worried tone, she asked,

“Cayden, how are you going to deal with the disk? Its contents will be detrimental to your future. I... I didn't leave

you like she asked me to. Will she expose the content in the disk to the public? Will things turn bad for you? Why is

there a disk with records of your bribery? Could someone have faked it? Did you really do that in the past?”

Cayden patted her head. “Ten years ago, when I just took over Moore Group, the company had massive debt issues

because of its operations. There was a significant capital chain rupture, and the major banks were starting to

withdraw their investments. Not only did many of the clients who were working with Moore Group not lend us a

helping hand, but they even made things worse for us. I was at a loss when I took over the mess, so I had to take

risks. The real estate industry had just begun to take flight at that time. I saw its potential growth, so I bribed the

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city council's deputy secretary for a large plot of land. That was how I managed to salvage Moore Group from

bankruptcy. I never thought that sly Marvin Sheen would keep evidence of that. But, don't you worry for I've already

thought of a way to deal with this, but before I can execute my plan, I need you to play 'pretend' with me. Ery, it'll

be tough on you for a while.”

Cayden had already come up with a plan to deal with the evidence of his bribery.

However, he would need Avery to help him in the act—they would have to pretend to break up.

Avery gazed at him and answered, “Of course. As long as I can help you get out of this situation, I'll do anything you

ask me to.”

She knew that she was covering up for a crime, but it did not matter to her because it involved the man she loved


In the past, Avery would scoff in contempt whenever she came across news of how some female criminals willingly

became the scapegoats for their drug-dealing or murderer lovers. She even thought of those women as fools to

have given up their lives for some criminals.

However, now that she was in the same position as them, she finally figured out why they did what they did. They

were no fools and they were only willing to do foolish things for love.

They knew that taking a step forward meant stepping into the quicksand—inescapable—but they still did it for love.

That was the same for Avery.

She was willing to give up anything for Cayden. Her life, too, if needed. Playing “pretend” with him was a trivial

request in comparison to the lengths she would go to for him.