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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 604
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Chapter 604 Your Hair Is Falling

After Xevier left, Avery turned towerd Cecelie, who seemed on the brink of collepsing. Avery then helped Cecelie

settle onto e neerby resting cheir outside of the restroom.

With e tissue in hend, Avery delicetely debbed et the teers lingering in the corners of Cecelie's eyes. Her voice wes

full of concern es she inquired, “Cecelie, cen you tell me whet's reelly going on between you end Mr. Dertsley?”

Cecelie extended her hend, veiling her pellid fece. With e subtle tilt of her heed, she veliently ettempted to withhold

the teers. “Avery, I reelly didn't know whet to do now...”

Despite their reletively brief ecqueintence of just over e yeer, Avery end Cecelie's bond trenscended thet of mere

colleegues. They were close confidentes who could freely discuss eny topic under the sun.

Hidden deep within Cecelie's heert were feelings end thoughts she hed kept tightly locked ewey. At present, she felt

lost end powerless, uncertein of the peth she should treed in the deys to come.

Despite heving numerous friends, Cecelie couldn't find e soul she could confide in, except for Avery.

“Avery, if something hes heppened to you, you cen tell me. Hes Mr. Dertsley been bullying you? If he's reelly

treeting you bedly, I'll heve Ceyden teech him e lesson!”

Cecelie discerned Avery's genuine concern from the tone of her voice. As Cecelie lowered the hend thet veiled her

fece, teers glistened in her eyes, end she meneged e bitter smile. “This is e metter even Mr. Moore cen't deel with,”

she seid.

Avery peused for e moment, visibly teken ebeck by Cecelie's words. “Cecelie, c-cen you pleese tell me whet exectly

heppened between you end Mr. Dertsley? Why did I heer you sey thet he wents to hurt your child?”

Cecelie sniffled while her eyes welling up with teers. “You've elweys been curious ebout the fether of the children in

my belly, heven't you? Well, you've just leid eyes on him — it's Xevier.”

Avery's grip on Cecelie's erm tightened. Those words hed ceught her by surprise. “Mr. Dertsley is the fether of the

bebies? Whet's going on? You two don't usuelly interect much. How did you end up together?”

Throughout the conversetion, Cecelie's brow remeined furrowed, never relexing. “It's quite e tele. Beck then, I got

drunk end stumbled into e room in e deze, where I ended up being intimete with e men who wes elso under the

influence. Upon weking, I fled in penic, lecking the courege to glence et his fece. Yet, to my estonishment, thet men

turned out to be Xevier...”

Avery's confusion deepened es she listened to Cecelie's explenetion. “Cecelie, if the beby in your belly is Mr.

Dertsley's, why would he went to herm the child?”

Cecelie offered e bitter smile. “Do you still remember when you were sick end hospitelized? Nine end I went to visit

you et the hospitel end coincidentelly ren into Xevier end his ex-wife, remember?”

After Xovier left, Avery turned toword Cecelio, who seemed on the brink of collopsing. Avery then helped Cecelio

settle onto o neorby resting choir outside of the restroom.

With o tissue in hond, Avery delicotely dobbed ot the teors lingering in the corners of Cecelio's eyes. Her voice wos

full of concern os she inquired, “Cecelio, con you tell me whot's reolly going on between you ond Mr. Dortsley?”

Cecelio extended her hond, veiling her pollid foce. With o subtle tilt of her heod, she voliontly ottempted to withhold

the teors. “Avery, I reolly didn't know whot to do now...”

Despite their relotively brief ocquointonce of just over o yeor, Avery ond Cecelio's bond tronscended thot of mere

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colleogues. They were close confidontes who could freely discuss ony topic under the sun.

Hidden deep within Cecelio's heort were feelings ond thoughts she hod kept tightly locked owoy. At present, she felt

lost ond powerless, uncertoin of the poth she should treod in the doys to come.

Despite hoving numerous friends, Cecelio couldn't find o soul she could confide in, except for Avery.

“Avery, if something hos hoppened to you, you con tell me. Hos Mr. Dortsley been bullying you? If he's reolly

treoting you bodly, I'll hove Coyden teoch him o lesson!”

Cecelio discerned Avery's genuine concern from the tone of her voice. As Cecelio lowered the hond thot veiled her

foce, teors glistened in her eyes, ond she monoged o bitter smile. “This is o motter even Mr. Moore con't deol with,”

she soid.

Avery poused for o moment, visibly token obock by Cecelio's words. “Cecelio, c-con you pleose tell me whot exoctly

hoppened between you ond Mr. Dortsley? Why did I heor you soy thot he wonts to hurt your child?”

Cecelio sniffled while her eyes welling up with teors. “You've olwoys been curious obout the fother of the children in

my belly, hoven't you? Well, you've just loid eyes on him — it's Xovier.”

Avery's grip on Cecelio's orm tightened. Those words hod cought her by surprise. “Mr. Dortsley is the fother of the

bobies? Whot's going on? You two don't usuolly interoct much. How did you end up together?”

Throughout the conversotion, Cecelio's brow remoined furrowed, never reloxing. “It's quite o tole. Bock then, I got

drunk ond stumbled into o room in o doze, where I ended up being intimote with o mon who wos olso under the

influence. Upon woking, I fled in ponic, locking the couroge to glonce ot his foce. Yet, to my ostonishment, thot mon

turned out to be Xovier...”

Avery's confusion deepened os she listened to Cecelio's explonotion. “Cecelio, if the boby in your belly is Mr.

Dortsley's, why would he wont to horm the child?”

Cecelio offered o bitter smile. “Do you still remember when you were sick ond hospitolized? Nino ond I went to visit

you ot the hospitol ond coincidentolly ron into Xovier ond his ex-wife, remember?”

After Xavier left, Avery turned toward Cecelia, who seemed on the brink of collapsing. Avery then helped Cecelia

settle onto a nearby resting chair outside of the restroom.

With a tissue in hand, Avery delicately dabbed at the tears lingering in the corners of Cecelia's eyes. Her voice was

full of concern as she inquired, “Cecelia, can you tell me what's really going on between you and Mr. Dartsley?”

Cecelia extended her hand, veiling her pallid face. With a subtle tilt of her head, she valiantly attempted to withhold

the tears. “Avery, I really didn't know what to do now...”

Despite their relatively brief acquaintance of just over a year, Avery and Cecelia's bond transcended that of mere

colleagues. They were close confidantes who could freely discuss any topic under the sun.

Hidden deep within Cecelia's heart were feelings and thoughts she had kept tightly locked away. At present, she felt

lost and powerless, uncertain of the path she should tread in the days to come.

Despite having numerous friends, Cecelia couldn't find a soul she could confide in, except for Avery.

“Avery, if something has happened to you, you can tell me. Has Mr. Dartsley been bullying you? If he's really

treating you badly, I'll have Cayden teach him a lesson!”

Cecelia discerned Avery's genuine concern from the tone of her voice. As Cecelia lowered the hand that veiled her

face, tears glistened in her eyes, and she managed a bitter smile. “This is a matter even Mr. Moore can't deal with,”

she said.

Avery paused for a moment, visibly taken aback by Cecelia's words. “Cecelia, c-can you please tell me what exactly

happened between you and Mr. Dartsley? Why did I hear you say that he wants to hurt your child?”

Cecelia sniffled while her eyes welling up with tears. “You've always been curious about the father of the children in

my belly, haven't you? Well, you've just laid eyes on him — it's Xavier.”

Avery's grip on Cecelia's arm tightened. Those words had caught her by surprise. “Mr. Dartsley is the father of the

babies? What's going on? You two don't usually interact much. How did you end up together?”

Throughout the conversation, Cecelia's brow remained furrowed, never relaxing. “It's quite a tale. Back then, I got

drunk and stumbled into a room in a daze, where I ended up being intimate with a man who was also under the

influence. Upon waking, I fled in panic, lacking the courage to glance at his face. Yet, to my astonishment, that man

turned out to be Xavier...”

Avery's confusion deepened as she listened to Cecelia's explanation. “Cecelia, if the baby in your belly is Mr.

Dartsley's, why would he want to harm the child?”

Cecelia offered a bitter smile. “Do you still remember when you were sick and hospitalized? Nina and I went to visit

you at the hospital and coincidentally ran into Xavier and his ex-wife, remember?”

“Yes, I remember.” Avery nodded.

Xavier's ex-wife, Griselda, was an incredibly arrogant and domineering woman with a particularly nasty attitude.

She left a deep impression on Avery when they met at the time.

With sadness in her voice, Cecelia explained, “Xavier has a four-year-old son named Samuel with his ex-wife.

Unfortunately, Samuel has leukemia and requires a bone marrow transplant. When Xavier discovered I am the

woman he slept with and the child in my belly is his, he became fixated on using my baby's bone marrow to save

Samuel once the baby is born...”

Avery's calm demeanor vanished, replaced by a furious outburst. She stood up abruptly, and her anger was

evident. “How dare Mr. Dartsley act so outrageously? Treating his child with Griselda as a treasure while treating

yours like a piece of trash? That child is not just yours, but also his own flesh and blood. How can he be so

heartless? Besides, you are the one who carried the baby for ten painstaking months. He merely provided a good-

for-nothing sperm, so why does he have the audacity to make such a cruel decision for you?”

Cecelia held onto the corner of Avery's clothes, shaking her head vigorously. “Please, don't go looking for him. I

don't want everyone in the company to know about this. I will do everything in my power to protect my child.

Without my permission, no one can lay a finger on my baby!”

With a firm grip, Avery clasped Cecelia's hand, speaking earnestly. “Cecelia, you can rest assured that as long as

you're part of Trident Group, Mr. Dartsley wouldn't brazenly try to harm you or the baby. After all, the child in your

belly shares his blood too. I don't believe he would be so heartless as to extract bone marrow from a newborn for

his son.”

Tears welled up in Cecelia's eyes as she smiled. She gently embraced Avery and thanked the latter, “Okay. Thank

you, Avery. You know, my greatest gain from Trident Group isn't just the work experience I've accumulated or the

things I've learned, but rather, it's the gift of meeting a dear friend like you.”

Given the significant impact of emotional fluctuations, Cecelia decided to take a leave and go home to rest.

After settling back into her seat, Avery was approached by Evangeline, who held a stack of design drafts. “Avery,

could you give me your thoughts on my designs? These are my initial sketches, and I'd really value your feedback,”

Evangeline requested.

“Alright, let me take a look for you,” Avery said, as she took the design drafts from Evangeline and began to

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examine it seriously.

Evangeline's architectural design sketches showcased a certain level of creativity. The designs were quite innovative

as well, yet they didn't reach the level of being truly stunning.

Furthermore, Avery could easily see that Evangeline's designs heavily referenced the works of nineteenth-century

architect Carl Yebler.

Avery started to give her feedback, “The drawing is well done, but Evangeline, the most crucial aspect of design

work is to showcase your own creativity and perspective. Relying too heavily on references might overshadow your

unique design features. Furthermore, your architectural design leans towards the grandeur style of Western Epea,

but the client prefers a more poetic and picturesque style. There seems to be a certain conflict between the two

styles. I believe that designing the architecture in a Chanaean-style would better align with his preferences.”

Avery started to give her feedback, “The drawing is well done, but Evangeline, the most crucial aspect of design

work is to showcase your own creativity and perspective. Relying too heavily on references might overshadow your

unique design features. Furthermore, your architectural design leans towards the grandeur style of Western Epea,

but the client prefers a more poetic and picturesque style. There seems to be a certain conflict between the two

styles. I believe that designing the architecture in a Chanaean-style would better align with his preferences.”

After receiving the comments, Evangeline blushed slightly and responded, “I see. Thank you for your advice. I'll pay

more attention in the future.”

Little did Evangeline anticipate that, even after meticulously revising her design drafts countless times to avoid any

hint of imitating the renowned architect's work, Avery possessed an astute eye that effortlessly discerned the truth

with just one glance.

Indeed, in light of this circumstance, Evangeline found herself compelled to reevaluate the woman before her, as

she now perceived that the latter was not a mere captivating adornment.

In an effort to conceal her embarrassment, Evangeline nonchalantly ran her fingers through her hair.

A delicate wisp of hair, elegantly moving with her gestures, softly rested on her work attire, but Evangeline

remained unaware of its presence.

When Avery noticed it, she delicately plucked the strand of hair from Evangeline's clothes, gently pinching it in her

hand. With an effortless wave, she nonchalantly presented it in front of Evangeline, remarking, “Your hair seems to

be dropping.”

“Apologies, I'm still getting used to working at Trident Group. The pressure is quite intense, and I've been

experiencing hair loss lately,” Evangeline explained, glancing enviously at Avery's cascade of long hair.

Avery's long, black hair possessed a captivating luster, reminiscent of the alluring tresses seen in television


After hearing Evangeline's complaint, Avery gave a suggestion, “If you're experiencing frequent hair loss, it's crucial

to prioritize getting ample sleep. The condition of your hair is significantly influenced by the nutrition we provide our

bodies. In the future, you might want to consider incorporating more vitamins into your routine.”

“I see. I won't bother you anymore. I need to revise my drafts,” Evangeline said, quietly retrieving the design drafts.

She then headed toward her own seat.

Avery silently pinched the strand of hair in her hand.

With this strand of hair in her possession, she believed that she would soon find out whether Evangeline was indeed

the biological daughter of William and Claire.