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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 620
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Chapter 620 Xavier

Cecelia lay in her hospital bed, receiving her IV therapy. As she gazed at her newborn daughter beside her, the

thought of the perilous scene she had just experienced made her eyelashes tremble incessantly. In fact, it even

made breathing particularly difficult for her.

Cecelia lay in her hospital bed, receiving her IV therapy. As she gazed at her newborn daughter beside her, the

thought of the perilous scene she had just experienced made her eyelashes tremble incessantly. In fact, it even

made breathing particularly difficult for her.

She gently stroked the baby sleeping soundly beside her, her voice tinged with sorrow as she spoke to Avery, “This

is my eldest child. The younger one didn't develop as well as the first. Because I was forced to induce labor, the

second child's life is now in danger, and she's currently being resuscitated in the emergency room...”

Whenever Cecelia thought of her frail younger daughter, her heart ached as if being cut by a knife. It felt as though

an invisible thread was mercilessly coiling around her neck.

As she spoke, her tears began to fall once again.

Seeing her state, Avery hurriedly pulled out a tissue to wipe away her tears. “Cecelia, your baby will definitely be

safe and sound. You've just given birth. You can't cry... A new mother's eyes are the most vulnerable. What if you

damage your eyes by crying? Don't assume that I'm just trying to scare you. When I was studying abroad and

working part-time at a hospital, I saw this happen. There was a Ustranean woman who had postpartum depression,

and she cried every day. As a result, she went blind from crying. You can't let yourself become like that. You still

have two adorable babies to take care of.”

The comfort from Avery allowed Cecelia to suddenly come to a realization.

Indeed, no matter how desperate she felt at this moment, she couldn't let herself break down. If she did, who would

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take care of her baby?

Upon hearing the news of Cecelia's hospitalization from Avery, Nina quickly came over with a basket of fruits.

At the entrance of the hospital corridor, she saw Xavier standing like a statue outside a certain patient's room.

He was smoking sullenly, an unpleasant expression on his face. It seemed like he was burdened with endless


“Mr. Dartsley, you're here too,” Nina greeted him, then pointed to the door of the hospital room he was facing and

asked, “Is Cecelia staying in this room?”

“Mm.” Xavier's gaze fell on that door, a twinge of pain in his heart.

Seeing him hesitate to enter, Nina found it very strange and couldn't help but ask, “Mr. Dartsley, why are you

standing outside the ward? Why don't you go in?”

Xavier stuttered a bit, “I... I'm good. I wanted to step outside for a smoke. They don't allow smoking in the ward.

You go ahead and check on Cecelia. She's not in the best condition right now.”

Upon waking up, Cecelia was consumed by hatred toward him, repeatedly yelling at him to get lost.

Yet, she was so frail in the ward. Their other baby was still fighting for her life, so how could he bear to abandon

them? To leave the three of them alone?

Therefore, he remained outside her hospital room, pacing back and forth between the baby's emergency room and

her room. But he dared not enter to face her accusing and hateful gaze.

Witnessing Xavier stubbornly refusing to enter and observing him walk hastily toward the emergency room in

disarray, Nina shook her head and proceeded directly into the ward.

When Nina saw Cecelia in the hospital room, completely unharmed, she finally let out a sigh of relief and let her

anxiety fade away.

Casually placing the fruit basket on the table, Nina leaned in with immediate concern for Cecelia. “Cecelia, are you

okay? Avery mentioned that something happened to you. I was so worried that I rushed over from home. What

exactly happened? How did you suddenly give birth? Wasn't there still a month left until your due date?”

Due to the time urgency, Avery didn't provide much explanation to Nina over the phone, leaving her completely

bewildered when she saw that Cecelia had unexpectedly gone into premature labor.

Avery then explained the ins and outs of the matter to her.

After hearing this, the hot-tempered Nina couldn't contain her anger and stomped her foot, “That woman, Griselda,

is just too outrageous! Does she have any respect for law and order? Just because her family holds power and

influence, she thinks she can bully Cecelia however she pleases? If I had been there, I would have definitely given

that woman a few slaps. Who does she think she is, treating people like this?”

Seeing Nina's indignant expression as she fumed on behalf of her, Cecelia gave a faint smile. Her voice was

unusually firm as she said, “Nina, I'm fine now. Today's events were unexpected, but from now on, I will take good

care of my babies. Griselda won't get the chance to touch them again.”

After considering Cecelia's current situation, Avery began to offer her advice. “Cecelia, I don't think Griselda has

given up at all. Since she couldn't obtain the baby's bone marrow this time, she will undoubtedly seek another

opportunity to kidnap the baby. How about this? I'll ask Cayden to find two reliable bodyguards for you. It might be a

bit inconvenient for you and the baby for a while, and there might be some restrictions on your freedom...”

Cecelia stared at Avery, her eyes shimmering with touched tears. “Thank you, Avery,” she said, “I don't feel upset

at all. I just feel bad for causing trouble for you and Mr. Moore.”

Through this incident, she came to realize the formidable influence of the Whitman family. Without someone close

to protect her, her baby could be at risk of being taken away at any moment. If a similar event occurred in the

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future, she might not be as fortunate as she was earlier.

In her desperation to save her son, Griselda had become reckless and unhinged. For the safety of her two babies,

she had no choice but to accept Avery's suggestion.

“Ah! Ah!”

The baby, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up from her dreams.

The delicate cry of the baby shattered the silence of the hospital room.

Curious, Nina moved closer. She had never seen such a small baby before.

She couldn't resist poking the baby's cheeks, and with surprise on her face, she exclaimed, “Cecelia, your

daughter's skin is so fair, just like yours. But right now, it's hard to tell who she resembles, huh?”

Avery gently halted Nina's hand from touching the baby's face, picked up the baby, and began to soothe in a soft

voice, “Sweetheart, don't cry, okay? Mommy is very weak right now. Be a good baby and don't make mommy sad


She gently patted the baby's back, her movements incredibly careful and delicate.

Due to a newborn's delicate and unstable brain, and their neck lacking support, even a slight excessive movement

from an adult could potentially harm the baby. Therefore, Avery was extremely cautious and gentle in her

movements while handling the baby.

Cecelia noticed her daughter gradually stopping her cries under Avery's soothing, but she became concerned when

she saw the baby's little mouth continuously opening and closing. Worried, she asked, “Avery, what's wrong with the


Avery explained, “The baby is probably hungry, Cecelia. You should feed her some milk. However, since you've just

given birth, you'll need the baby's help to stimulate milk flow. This process might be a bit painful for you.”

She handed the baby to Cecelia, lifted her clothes, and quietly indicated what she should do.

The baby, driven by natural instinct, latched onto Cecelia and nursed with relish.

The vast ward fell silent in an instant.