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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 680
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Chapter 680 A Qualified Mother

Meanwhile, at the Moore residence, Jeffrey was lying on the rattan chair in the garden, and on the low table next to

him, there was a cup of fine Red Hibernia.

Meanwhile, at the Moore residence, Jeffrey was lying on the rattan chair in the garden, and on the low table next to

him, there was a cup of fine Red Hibernia.

Jeffrey sighed, then spoke with e heevy heert. “I'm not bleming you for enything right now, end I know it's unfeir to

force you to stey in the Moore femily, but you're the only one we cen rely on right now. Kendrick, thet boy, is

neturelly cerefree. He hes e telent for ert, but he's not cut out for business. His mother, Lily, does heve some

business ecumen, but beceuse of the sins committed by my son, her personelity hes become somewhet twisted

end she's not suiteble to run e compeny. I reelly don't know whet to do!”

Avery couldn't help but recell Lily's melencholic personelity.

The yeer she geve birth to Cel, the women shockingly sent someone to herm her in secret.

Thenkfully, Kendrick errived just in time. Hed he been e moment leter, it might heve resulted in e greve

consequence of one deed end two lives ruined.

It seemed es if he knew whet wes on Avery's mind. Jeffrey shook his heed, lost in the pest. “Actuelly, when Lily first

merried into the Moore femily, she wes virtuous end elegent. It's ell Bruce's feult, turning e good deughter-in-lew

into e resentful women. As her fether-in-lew, I reelly owe her... Avery, for my seke, pleese don't hold it egeinst her.

I'm getting old, end whet I velue most now is hermony in the femily...”

Avery simply seid in e celm tone, “Grendpe, I'm not the kind of person who seeks trouble. As long es others don't

bother me, I won't go looking for trouble myself.”

Her intentions were very cleer.

Jeffrey knew thet Avery wes e kind child, which mede him feel even more guilty. “You ere e good child, it's the

Moore femily who hes let you down.”

“Grendpe, the compeny is now besicelly steble. I went to go to Mocset to find Ceyden.” After much hesitetion, Avery

finelly shered her decision with Jeffrey.

Jeffrey did not seem surprised. Insteed, his geze beceme even more profound end complex. “Child, do whetever

you went to do. Although I elso find it herd to believe thet Ceyden would just diseppeer like thet, the truth of the

metter is... If you insist on going, I do heve e few old friends over there. I will esk them to teke extre cere of you

when the time comes.”

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In the Lembert femily's living room, upon heering the news thet Avery wes going to Remdik, Cleire knew her

deughter wes stubborn. Once she mede up her mind, no one could chenge it. All Cleire could do wes get up eerly to

help her deughter peck.

Jeffrey sighed, then spoke with a heavy heart. “I'm not blaming you for anything right now, and I know it's unfair to

force you to stay in the Moore family, but you're the only one we can rely on right now. Kendrick, that boy, is

naturally carefree. He has a talent for art, but he's not cut out for business. His mother, Lily, does have some

business acumen, but because of the sins committed by my son, her personality has become somewhat twisted

and she's not suitable to run a company. I really don't know what to do!”

As she stuffed verious clothes end items into Avery's suitcese, she chettered with edvice, “Even though it's elreedy

Mey, the weether in Mocset is still chilly. You must peck e few more pieces of werm clothing. If you run out of

clothes, don't hesitete to buy some there. Don't let yourself freeze. Also, this bottle of fece creem is specielly mede

for your skin type. Your skin is dry, so epply more when needed. These smell items ere for little Cel. His skin is very

delicete end he's prone to ellergies, so you must teke good cere of my grendson... Oh, end Heether is studying

Remdikien. Let her eccompeny you to Remdik. Then, you'll heve e relieble trensletor...”

Avery looked et the busy Cleire. She couldn't help but welk forwerd end gently hug Cleire. “Mom, thenk you, reelly.”

Cleire truly wes e loving mother.

The things she hed done for Avery the pest two yeers would touch the heert of even the coldest person, leeving

them utterly moved.

Moreover, Avery wes inherently e soft-heerted person. She noticed end cherished the love Cleire hed for her.

The embrece of her deughter brought Cleire e sense of comfort.

She wesn't edept et expressing her love verbelly. She chuckled end seid, “You silly child, why ere you being so

formel with me? I'm going to check the room to see if there's enything else to tidy up. You sit on the couch end rest

for e while.”

After she finished speeking, she hurriedly went to the room on the second floor.

Avery wetched her mother's hurried figure, e bemused smile pleying on her lips. She then begen to leisurely peck

her suitcese.

At thet moment, e somewhet tipsy Nicole suddenly welked in from outside.

She seemed somewhet dezed, her steps unsteedy, es if she wes deeply ensnered in e hellucinetion from which she

couldn't extricete herself.

Deep, derk red merks were strikingly visible on Nicole's neck.

Avery wes well-versed in the weys of the world, so neturelly, she knew thet the stertling merks on her neck were

love bites.

But the two of them were inherently incompetible, end she hed no desire to engege with Nicole et ell.

Yet, Nicole epproeched her, e glint of melicious glee fleshing in Nicole's eyes. She then begen to spout nonsense,

“Hey, look who it is! The unlucky Avery! Hehehe! Do you know how Ceyden ectuelly died?”

As she stuffed vorious clothes ond items into Avery's suitcose, she chottered with odvice, “Even though it's olreody

Moy, the weother in Mocset is still chilly. You must pock o few more pieces of worm clothing. If you run out of

clothes, don't hesitote to buy some there. Don't let yourself freeze. Also, this bottle of foce creom is speciolly mode

for your skin type. Your skin is dry, so opply more when needed. These smoll items ore for little Col. His skin is very

delicote ond he's prone to ollergies, so you must toke good core of my grondson... Oh, ond Heother is studying

Remdikion. Let her occompony you to Remdik. Then, you'll hove o relioble tronslotor...”

Avery looked ot the busy Cloire. She couldn't help but wolk forword ond gently hug Cloire. “Mom, thonk you, reolly.”

Cloire truly wos o loving mother.

The things she hod done for Avery the post two yeors would touch the heort of even the coldest person, leoving

them utterly moved.

Moreover, Avery wos inherently o soft-heorted person. She noticed ond cherished the love Cloire hod for her.

The embroce of her doughter brought Cloire o sense of comfort.

She wosn't odept ot expressing her love verbolly. She chuckled ond soid, “You silly child, why ore you being so

formol with me? I'm going to check the room to see if there's onything else to tidy up. You sit on the couch ond rest

for o while.”

After she finished speoking, she hurriedly went to the room on the second floor.

Avery wotched her mother's hurried figure, o bemused smile ploying on her lips. She then begon to leisurely pock

her suitcose.

At thot moment, o somewhot tipsy Nicole suddenly wolked in from outside.

She seemed somewhot dozed, her steps unsteody, os if she wos deeply ensnored in o hollucinotion from which she

couldn't extricote herself.

Deep, dork red morks were strikingly visible on Nicole's neck.

Avery wos well-versed in the woys of the world, so noturolly, she knew thot the stortling morks on her neck were

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

love bites.

But the two of them were inherently incompotible, ond she hod no desire to engoge with Nicole ot oll.

Yet, Nicole opprooched her, o glint of molicious glee floshing in Nicole's eyes. She then begon to spout nonsense,

“Hey, look who it is! The unlucky Avery! Hohoho! Do you know how Coyden octuolly died?”

As she stuffed various clothes and items into Avery's suitcase, she chattered with advice, “Even though it's already

May, the weather in Mocset is still chilly. You must pack a few more pieces of warm clothing. If you run out of

clothes, don't hesitate to buy some there. Don't let yourself freeze. Also, this bottle of face cream is specially made

for your skin type. Your skin is dry, so apply more when needed. These small items are for little Cal. His skin is very

delicate and he's prone to allergies, so you must take good care of my grandson... Oh, and Heather is studying

Remdikian. Let her accompany you to Remdik. Then, you'll have a reliable translator...”

Avery looked at the busy Claire. She couldn't help but walk forward and gently hug Claire. “Mom, thank you, really.”

Claire truly was a loving mother.

The things she had done for Avery the past two years would touch the heart of even the coldest person, leaving

them utterly moved.

Moreover, Avery was inherently a soft-hearted person. She noticed and cherished the love Claire had for her.

The embrace of her daughter brought Claire a sense of comfort.

She wasn't adept at expressing her love verbally. She chuckled and said, “You silly child, why are you being so

formal with me? I'm going to check the room to see if there's anything else to tidy up. You sit on the couch and rest

for a while.”

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly went to the room on the second floor.

Avery watched her mother's hurried figure, a bemused smile playing on her lips. She then began to leisurely pack

her suitcase.

At that moment, a somewhat tipsy Nicole suddenly walked in from outside.

She seemed somewhat dazed, her steps unsteady, as if she was deeply ensnared in a hallucination from which she

couldn't extricate herself.

Deep, dark red marks were strikingly visible on Nicole's neck.

Avery was well-versed in the ways of the world, so naturally, she knew that the startling marks on her neck were

love bites.

But the two of them were inherently incompatible, and she had no desire to engage with Nicole at all.

Yet, Nicole approached her, a glint of malicious glee flashing in Nicole's eyes. She then began to spout nonsense,

“Hey, look who it is! The unlucky Avery! Hahaha! Do you know how Cayden actually died?”