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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 1071
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Standing at the threshold of the CEO's office, every second felt like an eternity for Dorothy. Just moments ago, she had so much to

say to Everett, but now... she found herself at a loss for words. The brief wait at his door was already unbearable for her. And

Everett? He had waited for her for over a decade, aimlessly, without any promise or hope of her return. Now, the roles were

reversed. How could she, who could barely stand to wait a few days or even a few minutes, question him about changing his


As Everett had pointed out, every tshe decided to leave him behind, she did so with conviction, leaving wounds with her

words. And now, why couldn't she accept it when the tables were turned?

Finally, the office door swung open. Dorothy's gaze immediately snapped to him—Everett had lost weight, and his stoic demeanor

seemed even more pronounced. She couldn't help but wonder, was it because of her?

"Didn't you want to see me?" His voice was hoarse, likely from back-to-back meetings and a lack of rest.

"Yeah." Dorothy nodded.

"Cin." Everett turned and walked back into his office, leaving the door ajar. Dorothy took a deep breath and followed him

inside. The office was a place she knew all too well, yet it felt like it had been ages since her last visit. After an unpleasant

encounter the last tshe was here, she hadn't cback.

"What do you need?" Everett settled back into his chair, leaning slightly backward. He rubbed his temples unconsciously, a sign of

his fatigue.

Dorothy didn't take a seat but moved closer, "Headache? Lethelp."

"No need." Everett dodged her offer.

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An awkward silence ensued, making both of them uneasy. Everett broke the silence with a firm tone, "If you have something to

say, say it. Then you should get going, it's tto clock out."

"I... | tried to enter your conference room earlier," Dorothy hesitated, then slowly continued, "and | noticed you changed the


"Am | not allowed to?" Everett countered.

"Of course yoy are! Dorothy nodded,

biting her lip lightly, "I just couldn't

wrap my héad around it at first, so |_

ctogou. But after thinking it &

over outside, | realized that it's your

right. have no place to interfere! It's

just. you used to doit, and-fiow that

yau've changed it, | felt a bit upset,

that's all."

This side of Darothy, so conciliatory,

was new to Everett. It pained him.

He would.have preferred Dorothy o>

storming/in, lashing out at him, or~

even Sorting to violence, anything

but tts subdued version of her.

Dardthy with her head hunglow was

Gt the sight he wanted t3"see.

"You—" Everett suddenly clenched his fist, fighting his emotions, "Is that all you wanted to talk about?"


"Then why haven't you left after figuring it out?"

Dorothy smiled, "Because | wanted to see you! Since Kevin already told you | was waiting and you agreed to see me, | wouldn't just

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leave. | wanted to see you." Even under such grim circumstances, she wanted to see Everett.

"You said youneeded tto think

about our eltonship. So, what's

your decision?" Dorothy asked witha

smile. B&cause in her heart, she &

believed that if she faced Everétt

withka smile, he couldn't possibly

i let her down. Content

belongs to .aet

But reality struck her hard.

"I've made up my mind."

"Okay, tell me. I'm listening."

"Let's break up."

Everett repeated, "Dorothy, let's break up."