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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44

Everett hardly ever spoke that way in private, which meant he was dead sel

“Thanks, Mr. Leper.

Once at the Lopez Corporation, Everett headed straight for the conference room.

Dorothy felt like all he did these days was attend never ending meetings.

She headed straight for Kevin with her bag.

After seeing him she finally understood why his style of conversation sounded so familiar. Wasn’t he

the one who had blocked her from emmering when she had gone to see Everett Eat a contract in

Fujinon City?

“Ms. Sanchez.” Kevin didit seem surprised at all. fi seemed like he already knew who she was

“You don’t have to be so formal. Just call me Dorothy She was here to learn, or, in layman’s terms, to

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be tutored by Kevin. She couldn’t have him keep calling her Ms. Sanchez

This took Kevin aback a little.

“No. It was Mr. Lopez himself who asked me to lock after you so fill keep calling you Ms. Sanchez


Kevin had been with Everett for many years and had never seen any woman close to him, not even the

chief lawyer, Heather. Now, suddenly, he was asked to look after this girl. She must be special

At least in Mr. Lopez’s eyes, she was something else.

Unable to convince him and unable to explain her relationship with Everett, Dorothy simply nodded.

“Well, I be counting on you then. I’m new to the falc, sa I might need your gudarce but I can handle

criticism. If make a mistake, just let me know and I’ll correct it”

Kevin had never seen agid who was willing to lower her stance like this. It was quite a surpose

He had thought she would be some spoiled rich girl when he received the instructions from Mr Lopez.

After all, she was backed by Mr Lopez

With this his fondness for Dorothy increased spidly

“How about I show you around the project department first? And your office.”

“Sure. Thanks for your help”

After a tour of the headquarters with Kevin, she got a general idea of the layout. As she stood on the

observation deck at the top of the Lopez Building and looked at the luxurious building and the entre

Lopez Corporation landscape in Elderia City she genuinely fell impressed by Everett.

It wasn’t about his wealth, but more about hus capabilities and dedication to work


Despite owning so much property and status, he was still fighting on the front line. He was busy as hell,

working overtime and burning the midnight oil more often than she did.

No wonder he had been named Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of the country multiple times. He was

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truly a role model in the Industry

After the tour Dorothy dove straight into work

The work atmosphere here was much more intense than of the Prosperity Consortium. Everyone was

glued to their screens, with hardly any casual glances around.

Although she was exhausted by the end of the day, she felt oddly satisfied:

When it was time to knock off, Dorothy tidied up her desk, confirmed her fight to Havenbinok with Kevin

for the next day and was about to leave when Everest’s call came in right on time.

She even suspected Everett had put surveillance in her office.

“Come to the place we met this morning”

“Are you done for the day too?”

“Yeah I have an overseas project meeting at one in the morning. I can do it from home.

Dorothy hummed in agreement, hung up the phone, and headed straight for the underground parking

lot. She was all smiles until she saw Heather standing next to Everett from a distance.


abe had come to the headquarters, such scenes would become pretty common.