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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118 [West Atlantics Int‘l headquarters, Capital City.)

The atmosphere in the company‘s regal building was dull and tense. The workers were all moving abou

t their daily activities with gloomy and forlorn expressions, unlike the usual

bustling attitude they had previously.

The employees were not to be blamed however, as they had already seen the negative news about the

chairman of their company. They were seasoned employees, so they knew how detrimental the effects

of such news could be to their company.

The higher ups, such as Erin and Zack, were more depressed at the situation at hand. The company w

as still a very new one, so they were feeling aggrieved about the current turn of events. If their chairma

n was unable to resolve this issue, then it would be a huge setback in their already laid out plans.

The news had been embellished greatly by the media, so it had succeeded in creating a false impressi

on about the chairman of West Atlantics Int’l.

The public didn’t know the full details regarding the accident, and they only believed what they were fed

by the media, so it was understandable why they hurled insults and looked down unfavorably on

West Atlantics Int‘l.

While Erin and Zack were at a loss on what to do, Darius arrived at the company. After parking his vehi

cle, he entered the building and headed straight to Erin‘s office.

“Mr. Reid!” Erin exclaimed in surprise when she saw Darius walking towards her in haste with a

stoic expression on his face. It had just been less than an hour since she called him last, yet he

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was already present at the company. She couldn‘t imagine how fast he must have driven to get here so


“Call every higher ups in the company and tell them that we‘re having a meeting

in five minutes.” Darius ordered as he glanced at Erin and

exited the office before continuing walking towards the conference room.

Erin jolted back to her senses and nodded subconsciously at Darius‘ instructions before scurrying away

to obey his instructions.

The company‘s internal structure was no longer the same as it had been. With over 1,000 employees w

orking currently in the company and the number growing by the day, the company would definitely not c

ontinue to operate in the same manner as before.

When the higher–

ups received Darius‘ orders, they immediately halted their actions and rushed to the conference room.

They had been waiting for Darius to arrive and address the situation for quite some time. They dared n

ot dally now that he was finally around to deal with the problem

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, the conference room was filled with the higher ups already pres


These higher ups were the core of the company, and majority of them were handpicked by Darius pain

stakingly; therefore they heeded Darius‘ words with utmost respect.

“I trust we all understand why we‘ve gathered here.” Darius stated flatly. He didn‘t want to waste any ti

me on pleasantries, so he got right to the point.

“I‘m certain that by now you all have seen the news and rumors about me circulating on the internet.” D

arius started, as he looked straight into the eyes of the people present.

“Well, they‘re mainly false.” Darius said.

The higher–

ups, including Zack, breathed a sigh of relief when Darius clarified his viewpoint. Although they had nev

er believed the rumors about their chairman, they were relieved

to learn that they were all false and that Darius had confirmed it himself.

Darius then went on to explain the real incident behind the accident. Of course, he left out several detai

ls including when he paid for Vera‘s medical bills and the special paper the old man left for him. There

was simply no need to include them in his story.

“Now that we all know the truth behind the false rumors, we can say that everyone is on the same page

.” Darius said after taking in the relieved expressions of his subordinates.

He was well aware that he needed

to improve his image in the eyes of his subordinates. His first step would be to eliminate any possibility

of doubt. After all, it was a new company, and while he was certain that they were loyal to him and the c

ompany, the sense of unity between them had not yet formed.

Darius then informed the higher ups to pacify

the lower ranked employees. He was not a fool. He wasn‘t a moron. The employees were probably wo

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ndering if they had made the right decision by leaving their companies and working for West Atlantics I

nt‘l. They needed to be appeased in order for them to remain in West Atlantics Int‘l.

He then dismissed the higher ups

and sent them on their way; and only Zack and Erin remained behind.

“Hand me the detailed reports you‘ve compiled so far.” Darius ordered authoritatively.

Erin quickly fetched the reports and handed them over to Darius. Darius collected them from her outstre

He had already informed Bruce to erase any news about his car accident and the old

man‘s death. With how efficient Bruce was, Darius was sure that in a few minutes time, the news would

In a matter of seconds, Darius was engrossed in the reports about the company. It remained that way fo

when Erin and Zack thought that Darius would not separate himself from the reports, his phone rang.

He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Bruce before answering the call.

“Young Master Reid, I have dealt with the issue. They are no longer any false news and rumors about yo

answered the phone call.

Darius smiled knowingly and thanked Bruce sincerely before disconnecting the phone call.

He then took another long look at the reports Erin had given him before laughing mysteriously.

Capital City was the best city for a company to develop. It was completely expected for a new company

strong enough to compete for the resources with them.

After reading the reports, he was sure that the person behind the rumors and news was from Capital Cit

Darius grinned. Now that the person had had his fair share of

his fun, it was time for him to counterattack