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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2680
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"How could you say such a thing? All these dinner parties are held specifically for your benefit. | know you don't

like these kinds of gatherings, but you missed a lot of opportunities to meet new people since you didn't show up

last time. Your stepmom said that most people your age are already in relationships, yet you're still single. How

do you think it makes your old man feel?

"I'm not forcing you to go on blind dates or anything, just to get to know speople. You're still young, and it's

good to make more friends," said Vince.

Rita's smile fell as soon as her stepmother was mentioned. 'What did he mean, not forcinginto blind dates?

He's clearly pushingto meet new guys. | bet all that stepmom of mine wantsto do is to find someone

from a similar background and get married quickly so | won't fight with her daughter for the inheritance.’

Rita's heart churned with bitterness and resentment. Unfortunately, she could not express those thoughts out

loud to her father.

"Your stepmom is only looking out for you. With her taking care of things for you, | can also rest easy."

Vince was not getting any younger, and hearing her father say that made Rita feel a pang of sadness. "Dad,

please don't say things like that, okay? You're making it sound like you're going to leavesoon." "Silly girl, is

that any way to talk to your old man? Anyway, you better not skip the party tomorrow, got it? I'm going to cancel

your card for a month if you don't cback tomorrow." "Ugh! That's just cruel, Dad!"

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No matter how much she did not want to go, it seemed like she had no choice but to do so. She had no doubt

that her father would follow through on his threat if she failed to show up at the dinner party.

It was out of pure interest that she was working for New Capital Times, and it would be hard for her to make ends

meet without her father's financial support. To make matters worse, she had failed to get an interview with

Claire. She was not in the mood to go back to the office or meet up with friends, so she

returned to her apartment alone and dejected.

After hanging up the phone, Vince looked at his smartphone and shook his head with a smile.

Rita had moved out on the day she

cof age. He felt more guilty than loving towards her. Rita's mother passed away early, and alt he could offer

Rita was a luxurious life. After all, no matter how hard he tried, he could not give her the motherly love she so


Thus, he chose to remarry. Unfortunately, Rita did not get along with her stepmother.

Although Karen Parr had done

nothing wrong, and she did her best

to bond with hepstefdadgher, all her

efforts Hel to nothing. Rita

remained emotionally distant toward

her no matter what. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Vince knew that it was difficult for

Rita to compromise. After all, there

was only him, Karen, and their

second daughter et l@ng@ Pde.

No matbérBow much he tried to

repair his relationship with Rita, they

could never return to how it was

before. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Seeing Vince sighing, Karen

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approached him gently. She tenderly

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massage nis temple§ And-aked, Is

ybu heatlache acting up again? x

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Weren't you just on the phone with =)

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Rita? Why the sigh?" The content is =



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