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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 225
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“What’s the matter?”
Sebastian walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of chilled spring water.
He had the habit of drinking chilled beverages all the year round.He unscrewed the cap and said in confusion.
“If you have something to say, you can just say it.”
“I saw Brandon Larson today.”
Natalie said she pinched the edge of the couch cushion nervously.
Although she really wanted to question Sebastian, she couldn’t help but feel intimidated by him
“And then? What happened?”
Sebastian closed the fridge door and leaned against it. He raised his head and looked straight into her eyes .He crossed his
arms over his chest.
The fitting gray sweater hugged his muscles perfectly. After due thought and consideration, she said, “The two of you look
perfectly alike.Tellthe truth... Are you and Brandon twin brothers?”
This was the only viable explanation she could think of They looked exactly alike and Brandon did seem to treat her a little
specially compared to others
Perhaps this was the case because Brandon knew all along that she was his sister-in-law, and he was doing it for his brother
Sebastian Natalie couldn’t help herself and continued to develop a narrative in her mind she thought that perhaps they were
twins, but they were forcibly separated from each other and had to live separate lives from that point onwards.
A wave of relief washed over Sebastian.He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.He was amused by her question .How had
she jumped to that conclusion? Sebastian walked over to her and sat down calmly.
He touched her face with his fingers, smiled and pinched her cheek “You sounded really sure. Did you see his face up close?
There are innumerable people who look alike in this world.Are you sure you didn’t see it wrong?”
Fortunately for him, she didn’t suspect that Brandon and he were one and the sperson.

However, it was not surprising that Natalie would think they were twins. It was indeed a perfect explanation.
With her eyes wide open, Natalie held Sebastian’s hand and said, “You have no idea how much you look alike! He has your
exact nose and jawline!”
Seeing the serious look on her face, Sebastian took a sip of water and asked with convincing astonishment, “Really?”
“Of course! Why else would I be so surprised?” Natalie continued.
She was being completely honest.
If they didn’t bear such a remarkable resemblance, she wouldn’t be as shocked as she was. After thinking for a while, Sebastian
rubbed the top of her head gently.
She looked so upset right now, trying to convince him. After mulling the situation over in his mind, he said, “I was just asking out
of surprise.I don’t know if I have a twin brother or not.My mother never toldany details of my birth.But when I was born, the
Larson family was already down and out, and every member of it had a tragic tale to tell.So, there is the possibility that this may
be true.”
He had rationalized to himself that it might be easier for Natalie to believe that Brandon and he were twin brothers.So he decided
to go along with it.
“Then you should meet each other!” Natalie held his arm and said excitedly.
All of a sudden, she felt that she was doing a great deed by reuniting the twins.
lf Brandon really was Sebastian’s twin, Sebastian would finally have another blood relative in the world that he could call family.
Looking at the expectant look an her face, Sebastian felt a comforting warmth fill his heart.He had always thought he didn’t know
much about love, but he was really warmed by her words.
He smiled and asked gently, “How?”
After thinking for a while, Natalie said, “I think he might know about your existence.Maybe you can just go see him directly.”
Sebastian was stunned and started coughing. How could he make it work? Currently, technology wasn’t advanced enough to
create a person who looked exactly the sas him and who could interact with him face to face

“My idea is the exact opposite Indeed, Brandon might know something about this he just so happens to be the CEO of the
Larson Group, so, of course, he knows more about this than we do.But he didn’t say this right out.He must have his own reasons
for this. It’s better not to rush into meeting up with him.Furthermore, we happen to be very different in our social statuses. If it
turns out we’re not related, it would be very embarrassing, am I right?”
Sebastian explained all this in a whisper Natalie scrutinized his face carefully.
Something occurred to her right then.Could it be possible that Brandon and Sebastian were actually the sperson?
But as soon as she thought of that, she shook the idea from her mind.How could that be possible? This was Brandon Larson.
He was one of the richest men in Seacisco.
How could he and Sebastian be the sman? She tossed the idea out of her head and thought Sebastian’s explanation made
more sense.
They were only ordinary people.
If Sebastian went to see Brandon just like that and told him that they were twin brothers, Brandon might take it that they wanted
to milk him for money.
Furthermore, there had been a lot of rumors circulating about her in the Larson Group already.
If something were to happen again, everyone would point their fingers at Sebastian as well.
She didn’t want that to happen at all “Just forget about it.But it really seems that you two look alike.If you saw him with your own
eyes, you would be as startled ashow much you guys resemble each other.”
With a heavy sigh, Natalie embraced Sebastian tightly to her.
Fortunately, Sebastian was only an ordinary man who she could enjoy the rest of her life with, without any complications or
bother from the outside world.
“Maybe I’ll get to meet him sother time.”
A smile popped up on Sebastian’s face right then; however, it happened to be a forced one.

Knowing that Natalie suspected something already, he had to speed up his plan.He couldn’t keep this from Natalie for long.
The thing he wanted the most now was to get her to live in the biggest mansion in Seacisco and for everyone to look up to
her.He didn’t want to continue talking about Brandon with Natalie so he changed the topic.
Holding onto Natalie’s wrist, he said in a hushed voice, “You said you had coffee with Kent Perkins just now? Did he say anything
to you?”
Natalie nearly forgot about it.
Now that Sebastian suddenly reminded her of it, she had a lot to tell him.
“Kent said that it wasn’t just sordinary reporter who had blitzed the media with all those bad things about Emani, but some
big shot who hated her guts and wanted to helpout.But I have already asked Brandon about this matter and he said that it
wasn’t him.I don’t know if he’s lying toor not.But no matter what, I feel that it’s really strange. If it wasn’t him, then who the
hell could it be? If it was really Brandon, why wouldn’t he admit it?”
Sebastian regretted bringing up this at all.
It looked like he had laid out a trap for himself.
When he was trying to think of an excuse, a strong smell of smoke suddenly cinto the room.
“What’s that smell? This is so weird.”