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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

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Meanwhile, the woman in black continued her escape until she reached a secluded alley. Glancing

over her shoulder to ensure she hadn’t been followed, she finally stopped running and sought refuge in

a nearby cafe. In the farthest corner of the establishment sat Vivian, leisurely enjoying her dessert.

Vivian looked up in surprise as the breathless woman she had hired approached her. Setting down her

spoon, she frowned and asked, “What are you doing here? Didn’t I instruct you to keep an eye on

Natalie?” The woman in black appeared anxious, sinking into a chair to catch her breath before


“They almost caught me. Natalie not only had a bodyguard by her side but also a friend who seems to

have some sort of sixth sense! I don’t know how, but she found me and put up quite a fight. She must

have received training. She’s even better than me,” the woman explained. Vivian’s frown deepened,

and her appetite vanished.

“Aren’t you a professional? Why couldn’t you carry out such a simple task: scaring Natalie?” Vivian

crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair. She had regained her composure and seemed to be

contemplating something.

The woman in black was at a loss for words. “They didn’t see my face, but you provided me with

incorrect information. Natalie isn’t afraid of ghosts at all. It feels like she taunts me every time I

approach her!”

Vivian leaned against the chair’s backrest, her arms still crossed. She appeared deep in thought. In

truth, Vivian had underestimated Natalie’s boldness. Following the incident with the billboard, she had

taken precautions and hired a bodyguard. Additionally, Natalie had a capable friend by her side. It was

no wonder Charis had failed against her.

As they rushed into the hospital, Laney was immediately wheeled into the emergency room, leaving

Natalie scared and frantic. She quickly dialed Garrett’s number, hoping he would come to their aid.

Meanwhile, Garrett found himself in the middle of a meeting when he saw Natalie’s name flashing on

his phone screen.

Wondering if it had something to do with their son Brandon, he answered playfully, “What’s wrong, Mrs.

Larson? Does Brandon need my help again?” He assumed that the Larson Group must be in chaos

without him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Natalie’s voice trembled as she replied, “No, no. Laney’s in the hospital. Come here quickly. It’s an

emergency. I’ll explain everything when you get here.”

There was no time for Natalie to provide further details, and she hung up before waiting for a response.

The smile vanished from Garrett’s face as he realized the seriousness of the situation. He immediately

suspended the meeting and hurried downstairs to drive to the hospital Natalie had mentioned.

Anxiously pacing the hospital corridor, Natalie couldn’t help but worry about Laney’s condition. After

what felt like an eternity, the door swung open, and a doctor emerged, followed by a nurse pushing

Laney’s wheelchair.

Natalie rushed over to them, desperate for news about her friend. “How is Laney? Is she going to be

okay?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.

The doctor, wearing a kind smile, reassured Natalie, “We’ve conducted a thorough examination, and

fortunately, Laney isn’t seriously injured. She experienced some bleeding, but she just needs some


Before Natalie could even ask more questions, the doctor preemptively explained everything. A wave

of relief washed over Natalie as she let out a long sigh. “That’s good to hear. Thank you so much,

doctor,” she expressed her gratitude.

Observing Laney’s pale lips, Natalie couldn’t help but feel a tinge of guilt. Sensing her anxiety, the

doctor tried to comfort her. “Don’t worry too much. Laney will be fine. Just make sure she gets plenty of

rest, okay?”

Natalie nodded obediently, appreciating the doctor’s reassurance. At that moment, Laney slowly

opened her eyes. She had experienced a severe stomachache and had passed out from the pain. As

she surveyed her surroundings, she realized she was in the hospital.

Looking at the doctor beside her, Laney nervously bit her lip and asked, “Doctor, how’s my baby?”

Despite the unplanned nature of her pregnancy, her love for the unborn child had grown immensely.

Her maternal instincts compelled her to protect the baby at all costs. The doctor responded with a

reassuring smile, “Don’t worry. The baby is fine. Everything looks perfectly fine. You’ve taken good care

of yourself even before the pregnancy, so the baby is healthy too. You’re going to have one tough baby,

ma’am. But remember to be more careful in the future since you’re pregnant now. Avoid straining


After ensuring Laney’s well-being, the doctor left the room. The nurses then wheeled Laney into a

private ward and departed as well. With the chaos settling down, Laney began to recall the events that

had just unfolded.

The strange phone call, the mysterious woman in black who had been spying on Natalie—it all seemed

so peculiar. Laney held Natalie’s hand tightly, expressing her concern. “Natalie, you need to be careful.

That woman in the restaurant… I fought her, and I could tell she’s a trained fighter. We must catch her

before she causes any more harm. By catching her, we can uncover who is behind all this.”

Natalie smiled bitterly and replied, “Don’t worry about me. The bodyguard has informed Brandon, and I

believe he’ll get to the bottom of this soon. You should focus on yourself, Laney. God, I was so scared


Laney squeezed Natalie’s hand reassuringly, her worry evident. “I didn’t expect you to still be in danger

even after I left. It’s not that I don’t trust Brandon, but… I can’t trust anyone else to protect you.” If it

weren’t for her pregnancy, Laney would have confronted the woman in black herself. Natalie was her

best friend, and she couldn’t bear the thought of anything bad happening to her.

Tears welled up in Natalie’s eyes, which she quickly wiped away with the back of her hand. She smiled

wistfully and said, “No matter how many etiquette courses you take, Laney, deep down, you’ll always

remain the same honest and brave woman. You haven’t changed a bit.”

The two women continued their conversation when suddenly, the door to the ward swung open from

the outside. Garrett burst in and without saying a word, enveloped Laney in his arms.

It all happened so fast that Laney was too stunned to speak.

Ever since she married into the Harding family, she had always felt watched, so she seldom openly

showed affection to Garrett and vise-versa.

Tears welled up in her eyes all of a sudden.She clenched her fists and punched him.

“You bastard, what took you so long?”

Laney and Garrett embraced each other tightly, their love evident in the way they held on. Natalie

observed them from a distance, wearing a smile as she quietly exited the room, leaving them to their


Struggling to maintain her tough exterior, Laney glanced downward, concealing her trembling

eyelashes. She had once been renowned as a formidable bodyguard, so how could she allow herself

to cry like a little girl? Yet, the sight of Garrett overwhelmed her, and tears escaped despite her efforts.

Determined to appear strong, she quickly wiped them away.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Why are you here? I thought you were working. You should go back to work now, or your parents

might scold you. The baby…” Laney began, intending to reassure him that everything was fine with

their child.

Interrupting her, Garrett interjected, “I don’t care about the baby or my work. Nothing is more important

than you, Laney. Just let me be here with you.”

His tender gaze melted her heart. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and arranged a soft

pillow behind her back. Something felt off about his words and expression, though. Laney watched as

Garrett picked up a red apple from the nearby table.

“Let me peel an apple for you,” he offered, and Laney didn’t refuse.

“I didn’t marry you because of the child, and I won’t leave you because of it either,” he continued,

comforting her while deftly peeling the apple. Not once had he mentioned the word “divorce” even in

their casual conversations. Perhaps it was due to the persistent rumors speculating their impending


“With or without the child, I have always loved you. Maybe God sent this baby as a gift to us. Don’t you

think so? But if He decides to take it back, we’ll have another baby…” Garrett’s voice wavered slightly,

but it gradually softened. It was then that Laney realized what was troubling him.

Cutting him off abruptly, she exclaimed, “Stop it, Garrett Harding! What on earth are you talking about?

Our baby is perfectly fine.”

“What?” Garrett straightened his back, his eyes welling up with tears upon hearing her words.

“But… I received this message from Natalie. Look…” He showed Laney the message Natalie had sent

him, warning him to be mentally prepared for the possibility that their baby might not survive.

Reading the message on his phone, Laney raised her head and burst into laughter. “You’re so silly! You

fell for Natalie’s prank!”

It was beyond her imagination that a smart man like Garrett would believe such a clumsy lie. Slowly,

Garrett comprehended what had transpired. He sheepishly set down the fruit knife he had been

holding, feeling utterly embarrassed.

“You looked like you were about to cry. Let me see! Oh my God, there really were tears in your eyes!”

Laney laughed heartily.