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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1800
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Chapter 1800

She knew she shouldn’t be flirting with someone else’s husband in front of his wife. A little harmless teasing was

enough, the main goal was to make a sale anyway Also this guy seemed tough to persuadel

Morrison glanced at the array of bikinis, then at his wife Without a word, he picked up a black lace bikini and tossed

it to her

“Just wear this

Rose quickly caught it her face flushing deeply upon seeing the garment c2

The saleswoman raised her eyebrows, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. “Black lace, sit you really

As Morrison’s cold gaze landed on her she quickly switched gears. mally have a good taste. Black is very flattering

for her skin Sir, why not get a matching black yourself” it’s conservative but definitely won’t go wrong Ma’am do

you know your husband’s size? Based on my years of selling experience. I think thin nừơn perfect Don’t worry, it

wont be too small. It’s a loose fit and has stretch”

Rose glanced at the men’s swim trunks handed to her by the saleswoman, wishing she could just disappear into the

floor. This woman really knew how to sett

Momson remained silent, pulling the blushing Rose away

“Wat you haven’t paid vet Rose paused

Rose reluctantly paid Admiring the saleswoman’s sales and reaction skills once more she let Momson pull her away

Behind them the saleswoman pursed her lips murmuring under her breath, “He’s quite handsome, but so reserved

Momson had led Rose to the outside of the women’s changing toom “Go change I’ll wait for you out here”

Rose hesitated, then handed him the pair of trunks she hadn’t even had time to bag

She then pointed to the trunks opened her mouth to say something, but ended up saying nothing and simply turned

to enter the changing room

Staring at the trunks in his hand Morrison pressed his lips together

When Rose came out of the changing room, wrapped in a towel, Momson was nowhere to be found She frowned,

thinking he had left early, and followed the others tows

the pool

The pool was mixed–gender and as Rose entered she saw many people, some of them likely couples frolicking in

the water, seeming to have a great time

This was Rose’s first time here and she didn’t know how to swim. Watching everyone else in the pool, she didn’t

know what to do. She felt out of place and very


Inevitably, some men in the pool began to look her way. Her belly was covered by the towel, her hair was pulled up

into a high bun, and her long slender legs peeked out from under the towel. With her beautiful face, she already

had a few admirers.

The coach who had been standing by the side of the pool, saw Rose and approached her warmly. He was only

wearing swimming trunks, his muscular upper body bare

“Are you here alone, gorgeous

Rose’s eyes lingered on him for a moment. She couldn’t exactly close her eyes.

But she had to admit swimming really did tone the body His abs, chest, biceps, and V–line were quite impressive

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She nodded then stook her head. She still had Momson, right?

The coach smiled. Do you need any help?

Rose looked towards the pool, but she didn’t see Momson. Tm looking for someone

At that moment, other men had swum–over from the pool leaning on the edge and looking up at her “Your friend

will show up sooner or later. Why don’t you come in ant wart while having some fun?

Rose shook her head backing away slightly her expression cold. “I can’t swim

“That’s no problem at all, we can teach you

The coach also chimed in. Im the swim coach here I can give you a few tips

before the coach could frish, a deep and cold voice suddenly sounded from behind

Huge turned around and wutt

Morson was walking towards her briskly his face sullen dressed in a white tobe Shu merekately fell, a

hanging room.

Mortisin pulled her Lehitel fim. het aty jaize sweeping over the coac and the men who had been talking to kose past


The mat q swam away hot watting any trouble

so waved his hand 1 paar kan her all aline are wanted to help withung mon

Morrisons que sneh, zwept over tam, then turned to

Kose shook her head her expression relaxing slightly. Ho

Mortson locked at her clubcling the towel tightly fat shary

That Lownd wat just barely cont

“Why did you fun

He was angry. He had jusi ieti

rangnitexti, and when le retimoya the

The changing tum kyn

asked a auman coming out ef

and act than the asset there. He fac nevar

Pase alan frowned Fou werent

She was angry her beautiful brown coktrą together her myat fall of:

Morrison took a deep breath his gare falling as her feet

Chapter 1500

Rose pursed her lips, stubbornly refusing to follow Morrison’s orders.

Momson was imitated “Don’t you see the water all over the floor? Aren’t you afraid of slipping?”

Rose’s eyes widened as if she had been stung, and she quickly looked down at her feet. There was indeed a lot of

water around the edge of the pool She had heard about numerous slipping accidents at pools, but since she was

unfamiliar with this environment, she didn’t think to be careful.

Momson nudged her and she quickly shuffled inside with baby steps.

Realizing the detailed attention Momson paid and the way she made him fume with exasperation, she couldn’t help

but glance at him timidly “Is this okay?” Her soft, pleasing tone was as comforting as a warm, fluffy cinnamon roll

fresh out of the oven

Who could imagine that this brash, arrogant woman with a disregard for others could have such a side?

Morrison was caught between frustration and amusement He quickly stepped forward, hooking an arm around her,

and headed out

Rose followed with tiny steps, clutching her towel tightly “Arent we going swimming?”

She was genuinely interested in getting a good look at Morrison’s physique It would be a waste to miss such an


Mornson remained silent, and Rose continued to negotiate. “We’ve come all this way, wouldn’t it be a shame to turn

back now Look, we even bought swimsuits are we really going back?”

Suddenly, Momson halted turning to look at her. His gaze slid from her face to her shoulders, and then to her long

fair legs beneath her towel.

Caught off guard, Rose clutched her towel tighter, stepping back a few paces. “What are you looking at?”

Her tone was forced her legs squeezed together

Morrison squirted his eyes, his expression not improving as he pulled her into the elevator.

He pressed the button for the top floor

Rose blinked “Arent we leaving?”

Momson’s lips pressed into a thin line, not wanting to engage in conversation with this woman

She infuriated him. Not only had she dashed into a mixed–gender swimming pool, attracting a crowd of men, but

she had also dared to stand up to him

The more he thought about it, the angner he got. Through the elevator mirror, he saw Rose fussing with her towel,

completely oblivious to his mood. This thoughtless woman, did she not know how to read people’s emotions?

Taking a deep breath, Momson suddenly turned to her

Rose was startled, “What are you doing?”

Damn woman. She was clueless about everything.

Morrison gritted his teeth, “Who gave you the right to run around like that”

His anger was suffocating him

Rose’s features contorted Had this man had enough” “I wouldn’t exactly call it running around Isn’t it natural to look

for a swimming pool in a swimming complex? Besides, who said you could break our agreement and not wait for

me at the entrance?

Momson’s face darkened, his mood sour Rose realized this and gently patted his shoulder, “Don’t be angry It’s not a

big deal. My bad, alright? You’re not being very forgiving Anyway, it’s all in the past now. Don’t get so worked up.

You’re in your prime, and it’s not good for your health to be so hot tempered You might not feel it now, but beware

of the long–term effects”

Morrison’s face tightened further. He grabbed the hand resting on his shoulder pushing it against the wall behind

her. His body swiftly closed the distance, pressing agamit her protruding belly

His breath was close, filled with intense anger Rose’s breath hitched. Looking up at him, she stammered “What

what are you suddenly”

*Suddenly what?! You’re just too obtuse “

With that he ripped off her towel with a swift motion

“Ah!” She let out a startled cry quickly placing her hands in front of her “You what are you doing this is an elevator,

a public place ah

Before she could finish her sentence, she let out another cry A sudden pain shot through her collarbone it was a

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real bite causing her scalp to tingle with pain,

“It hurts like hell”

Rose was angry attempting to push him away but Morrison, after biting her caught her lips in his own

Unable to vent her anger, she decided to fight fire with fire, biting back at Momson. She bit him back purely out of


The sudden pain on his lips caused Morrison’s brows to furrow His long arm wrapped around Rose’s waist, pulling

her into a embrace.

The two of them were locked in a fierce battle, neither willing to back down, as if they had to determine a winner

However, in the muct of the


truggle, unexpected things

Neither koek who took the first step, but they both ventured into each other’s temtory focusing on their tongues.

Back and forth ther breilla obechained, each grung t good as they got, heading in a different direction.

But this battle did not last long. The elevator quickly reached the top flow With a ding the doura slowly opened

Rose was somewhat dazed Hearing the sound she pushed Momson away and lacked towards the elevator entrance.

Seeing that there was no one there, the bet out a bigh

of telef

Looking up at the man standing fall and unmoved before he h

lian and mangt hom their battle were a night to buncia

Momson was no better his thin lips were also ravaged by Rose and looked like they were bleeding

Served him right

Today, she had discovered one of Morrisons bad habits. When he was angry he behaved like a pervert

How bizane

Looking at her own bikini clad budy, she didn’t feel embarrassed anymore

They had both behaved inappropriately What was there to be reserved about! It would indeed be prefentiu

Chapter 1800

Without bothering to

up her towel, she simply pushed past Morrison and let the elevator

Morrison liked the spot where Rose had bitten him, his brown furmwing How ruffleck was this woman, his tongue


He licked his lips, bent down to pick up the towel intending to there it rem

Apart from her pregnant belly, her foure was still quite good when viewed fym baking showing he migh intentionally

designed to hempit people

Quietly he put away the tree! After all i wyser call here

Kone had no idea that the man she had been shemoved with his er many years was taking adu

Following the nigh, the hatch; walked for a morudte before, straming je har tracki, he hand

as expected of a high and motaklistinpre. Even the fact like a country hampil or visiting a

Turning to book, al Momson who was approaching from balone the permbad to the pool and and. There’s no

Kompence: What the hell was he arranging jet now? bie she think he was catacting a bikin for han de paredes i

Kuna maumberget room. the priciltide lined with a complete cinde of non–alig mans. The chuckled coding her tah

The water in the pool was still warm. She quirked an eyebrow joyfully wiggling her as a