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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1846
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“Have you heard?”

“Yeah, I have,” Morrison was particularly unwilling, but he still answered with a

reluctant tone.

Morrison cast a cold glance at Winston once again as he walked into the living

room, heading toward the direction of the sofa. A hint of amusement flashed in

Morrison’s eyes as he embraced Rose and walked past.

Just as Winston was about to perch himself on the cushioned sofa, Morrison’s

voice cut through the air, “You might want to take a chair instead.”

Winston paused, turned his head to look at Morrison, and decided not to engage

in conversation with this man-child whose immaturity seemed bottomless.

Enter title…

Despite their limited interactions, it was clear to Winston that the man’s childish

simplicity was glaringly obvious. He knew Morrison had more to say.

Sure enough, Morrison chuckled the next moment, “We just had a little romp on

that couch. You can sit if it doesn’t bother you.”d2

A twitch crept across Winston’s mouth as his eyes involuntarily scanned the

sofa. Tastefully adorned with a blue slipcover, it looked neat—something he was

certain Rose had managed alone. The feminine touch, he thought, was not

something Morrison could muster, nor would he believe it otherwise.

But despite the neat appearance, the faintly raised wrinkles in the center of the

sofa were enough to make his eyes sting. And the sight of Rose, blushing and at

a loss for where to place her gaze, confirmed Morrison’s juvenile insinuations

were likely true.

His hand clenched and unclenched in his pocket as a stifled breath caught in his

chest. He was irked by Morrison’s unexpected jab, feeling a blockage in his


Watching Morrison’s smug satisfaction, Winston fought to regain his composure,

his face slowly easing into a smile.

He made his way to a nearby armchair, sitting down with a casual cross of his

legs that flaunted his carefree demeanor.

“Did I interrupt something?” he asked smoothly.

Morrison’s face, still wearing a hint of a smirk, suddenly darkened. “Since you’ve

dropped off the dog, you may leave.” Morrison spat.

Winston chuckled softly, “That reaction… did I really interrupt you two?”

Rose sighed with resignation, “Winston, please stop provoking him.”

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Winston glanced at her, “Really, Rose? Don’t tell me this man made a public

confession in front of the media, showed off your love, whispered sweet words

in private, and you’re lost in the charm again?”

Rose was momentarily speechless. His words were sharp and painfully


“If such gestures can win you over, anything he can do, I can do better. Perhaps

I should call a press conference? I’m sure the coverage on me would be far

more extensive.”

Rose bit her lip, sensing Morrison’s mood worsening. “Publicly confessing to a

married woman? Winston, do you really think you’ve had it too easy these past

few years?”

Winston raised an eyebrow, his gaze still fixed on Rose, “Answer my question,


She hesitated, “It seems that you’re not wrong.”

“So you’ve really decided to be with him? You’ve forgiven everything he’s done

to you? A man who can make one mistake can make more. And you’re okay

with that? Do you not see the pattern with men? The easier they get something,

the less they value it. You don’t have to be stuck with him, you know?”

Morrison said, “You better leave before something happens that can’t be

undone. No man would talk about me like that in my presence and get away

with it.”

Winston’s response was calm and deliberate, “Empty promises from men are

worthless. Don’t try to act the saint now, Morrison, or you might end up

contradicting yourself sooner than you think.”

Morrison’s temples throbbed with anger.

Rose stood by, looking chastised and without a word to say. What could she

say? Winston was right. She was fixated on Morrison, a decision lacking dignity

and backbone.

“Rose!” Winston called her name more firmly.

She blinked, looking at him with an innocent and pitiful expression, “It seems

that way.”

Winston’s face contorted with frustration as he took a deep breath, trying to calm

himself before speaking softly, “Fine. If that’s your choice, I’ll respect it. Even

though I’m angry at your foolish decision, who am I to argue? I’ve always had a

soft spot for your kind of foolishness.”

Morrison’s veins pulsed more visibly, but Rose held onto his arm tightly,

preventing him from moving.

Winston, however, poured more fuel on the fire, “I’ve expressed my feelings for

you openly many times before. It’s okay, and as long as you’re happy, that’s all

that matters. But remember, if you ever find yourself unhappy, I’ll be there, ready

to take you away, no matter what it takes.”

As Rose felt Morrison’s arm stiffen, she worried she might not be able to hold

him back much longer. She made desperate eye contact with Winston, who saw

her plea but chose to ignore it.

He stood up after delivering his final words and took a deep breath, making his

way toward the exit, “Now that Moon is home, I’ll handle the lease termination

for the apartment.”

As he approached Rose, he gazed down at her with a softness in his eyes,

unexpectedly reaching out to cradle her forehead and gently placing a kiss

there. “I wish you happiness.”

Rose stood frozen, taken aback, unable to respond for a long moment.

On the other side of the room, Morrison could no longer contain himself. His arm

was immobilized by Rose’s embrace, so he lunged at Winston with his free

hand, only to miss as Winston nimbly dodged.

“Winston, you jerk. Don’t you dare leave. I’ll tear you apart!” Morrison spat

through clenched teeth.

Winston strode towards the door, turning back with a scoff. “Do you think I’m as

foolish as you are? Why complicate matters unnecessarily when they can be so


Morrison, still holding Rose, pointed an accusing finger at Winston. “You come


Winston laughed derisively. “Why would I willingly take a beating?”

Morrison’s teeth ground audibly in fury. “Coward!”

Winston raised an eyebrow, “I’d be careful if I were you. Rose isn’t you. She’s

carrying a baby now. If you’re not careful, and she gets hurt…”

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Morrison’s fierce expression soften

suddenly as he gently released his grip on Rose and looked down at her with


“Are you alright?” He checked her over, his face a mask of worry and caution.

Winston sneered, “Now who looks like the coward?”

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Morrison was too preoccupied to care about Winston’s departure, pulling Rose

to the couch and sitting down with her.

“Are you hurt? Did I harm you?”

Rose shook her head. “No.”

“Are you uncomfortable anywhere?”

She shook her head again. “No.”

Only then did Morrison breathe a sigh of relief. His gaze then fell on her smooth

forehead where Winston had kissed her. His expression darkened, and he

rubbed the spot vigorously. “Damn that Winston! I’ll skin him alive!”

Rose watched his furious visage bloom into a smile.

“What’s so funny?” Morrison grumbled, feeling wronged.

Rose stared at him intently. “Are you jealous?”

Morrison’s complexion shifted ever so slightly. “Yeah, I’m jealous.”

He said, rubbing her forehead again. Finally, he took out a wet wipe and

thoroughly cleaned the spot before planting a firm kiss there.

“From now on, you need to protect yourself. Every inch of you is mine. No one

else is allowed to touch you without my permission, got it?”

The smile remained on Rose’s face as she playfully poked his chest. “So


Morrison couldn’t help but reply, “I can’t be happy right now. I’m angry, and I feel

terrible. And stop smiling. Does his kiss make you happy?”

Rose pondered the “kiss” Winston had given her. He was indeed a good actor.

What a close-range feint; he’d fooled Morrison completely. He hadn’t kissed her

forehead. He had kissed his own finger. This was probably just a prank to

provoke Morrison.

“You know, when I saw you with Mona back in the day, I probably felt just like

you do now.”

Morrison paused, staring at her.

Rose smiled, “But at least you can express it now. Back then, I had no right to

be jealous. It was painful.”

Morrison looked slightly uncomfortable, but Rose’s gaze softened as she smiled

at him. “Sorry, I keep bringing up the past. It’s just that I couldn’t have what I

wanted then, so I now feel twice as happy.”

Morrison pressed his forehead against hers.

Rose whispered, “Don’t apologize to me anymore. I just hope we can live

happily in the future.”