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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

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Chapter 1788

Everything in the house bore the signature of her solitary life. If not for that dog, there would be no traces of him.

He wondered if the villa was destined to be her solitary


From the slippers, toiletries, to the silverware

As for why he remembered a plate so clearly? He had no choice. All the items in this house were prepared by her,

everything was in pairs Same style, same brand, and same pattern. The only way to distinguish between hers and

his was through the color or some small details

She had just served her meal on a plate sporting the same pattern as his His was a deep navy while hers was a soft

pastel pink

At first glance, he scoffed at these details However, the visual imprint was so profound that the sudden absence of

his half was glaringly obvious c2

Rose, however hadn’t thought much about it. She was infuriated at the time, so she discarded everything. She

never expected his abrupt return

As she slowly bit into her morning sandwich, she glanced at Morrison’s empty plate After a few seconds, she finally

said “Your plate i accidentally chipped it

“A convenient excuse Momson shot her a cold glance, sarcastically cutting her off

Rose paused her expression Turning sour

It seems you’ve been living comfortably on your own. I’m sorry to have disrupted that”

Rose placed her fork and knife down and stood up, leaning against the table Across the dinner table, she looked at

him with a calm and indifferent gaze

” did throw away your things. Seeing them reminded me of how pitiful and ridiculous I am You have your

persistence, pride, and stubbom thoughts. You think marrying me ruined your life. That’s your perception, and

others might say the same, but I can’t feel the same way if I deny myself, I wouldn’t just be betraying myself, but

also the baby

I’m carrying

“Momson, do you think I married you because I am pregnant, and I just want to bind you to this life? I put my life on

the line too

“You feel angry and wronged because your things were discarded. But have you ever thought about how I feel?

Every time I return home i see your things everywhere. And what about the months you left me alone in this house

without a word? What were you thinking? How much space do I occupy in your heart or your plans?”

Rose clenched the edge of the table suppressing the flood of sorrow welling up within her, and said calmly.

“Morrison, I didn’t marry you to be humiliated like this

Momson remained silent for a long time, just staring at her. After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke. “I gave

you a choice. You insisted on keeping the baby and marrying into the Witt family. You knew what kind of manage

you were getting into, Now you tell me how pitiful and wronged you feel Rose, do you have the right to say these

things? Who do you think brought us to this point?”

“It was me “Rose closed her eyes and let out a bitter smile, her heart feeling sour

Morrison’s heart inexplicably tightened at her admission When she opened her eyes, ready to say something else,

he turned and left. “If you know, then it’s enough if have self–esteem and dignity, don’t play the victim in front of

me. Don’t hold onto any high hopes. The one thing I won’t do is to fulfill someone elses desires

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With that, the door to the villa opened and closed. The grand house fell into deathly silence once more

Fulfilling others desires So he knew about her feelings and expectations for him, but he wouldn’t be with her

because being with her would mean fulfilling her desires?

Rose stood still for a long time before sitting down, picking up her fork and knife, and continuing her unfinished


What else could she do?

Running after him to apologize and ask him not to leave? Begging him for a chance to give them a try?

Her dignity wouldn’t allow her to do that She had been disappointed from the start and had grown accustomed to

it. Now, all she could do was face the disappointment. calmly

His words today brutally tempted her to utter the words of surrender. She was on the brink of giving up, but

Momson didn’t give her the chance. After that fleeting moment. when she didn’t say it, she couldn’t bear to say it


Since graduation, they had been living in separate cities with no intersection in their careers

If it werent for the baby she wouldn’t have made the determined decision to marry him. She wanted to fight for her

love, and to avoid any regrets in her were finally together she couldn’t possibly give up so easily

Once she said if she and Morson would be over Completely over with no intersection in their lives, worse than

strangers How could she bear 17

She finished the rest of her sandwich mixed with bitterness Rose composed herself, stood up, and cleared away the

untouched breakfast plate that

Possessiveness wasn’t exclusive to men She would wait a bit longer

At the very least she was his wife

At the very least. Mrs With couldn’t be anyone else

She went upstairs to tidy the rooms also cleaning the guest room where Mornson spent the previous night

His homewear was still tossed on the bed the bedding was in disarray And on the floor beside the bed, there was

also a pile of bags from br

She paused, and walked over to take a look. They were all suits, homewear, and ever

ear in hea size. Clearly, he planned to stay

that they

Rose’s heart fluttered for a moment, but she quickly laughed bitterly Obviously after the recent argument between

them, these things of his were once again reduced to

mere decorations

Still she took out the clothes and placed them in the wardrobe one by one. After tidying up. i was past nire. She

prepared food and water for the retriever, paddes keys and headed to the office

She couldn’t stop her own life for Momson At least, in an uncertain future she could protruse her son a certain one

For her sons ke she resolved “Stay strong. Rose

She lingered in the parking lot for a long time, gently rubbing her pregnant belly, silently encouraging herself before

flashing a sinde and stepping o

in public, she always maintained a vibrant, high–spirited image. Her sumple professional outfit paired with back fiąty

made her look harmadąble even with | baby bump

Thankfully, she had this company, a place where she could escape her

Momson didn’t come home that night, or for several rights following Her life hotel

With little Moon keeping her company her life seemed to have improved significantly


While her employees were initially nosy about her personal life, they soon got used to it and eventually forgot about


In fact, everyone seemed to forget about her They forgot that she was the young lady of the Witt family in R City,

and they forgot about her sham mamage

Her encounter with Morrison a few days ago was unlikely to be remembered by anyone. Both of them were living

separate lives, as if nothing had happened

Rose could somewhat understand why Chloe managed to stay composed throughout her pregnancy, despite

countless ups and downs

She couldn’t let her emotions affect the baby She was now an expert at controlling her emotions, in a few days she

had to go for a check up

Today, Winston was coming to R City. Given his importance, it was only fitting that she personally picked him up

from the arport

Due to Winstons difficulty with waking up early, his assistant had booked him a late morning flight and arranged for

him to stay at a hotel near the airport the right before This way, Winston could wake up at nine, get ready, and

head straight to the airport without any issues.

After a couple of hours of flying it was already noon

Rose, having skipped breakfast to wait for Winston, planned to treat him to lunch

Momson’s fans were already waiting at the arrival gate Fearing they might accidentally bump into her, Rose had

agreed with Momson to wart for ham in the underground

parking lot

Winston inevitably got mobbed by fans for a bit. While his assistant dealt with the fans, he took the elevator down to

B3 found where Rose har parkeri, and got into the passenger seat. He then took off his hat, tossed it onto the back

seat and casually ran his fingers through his hair. A handsome yet rebellious man was now fully in wea

Rose could help but take a second look at him With his looks, he was certainly God’s favorite creation in addition, he

was talented it would be a travesty if Winston

didn’t make it big

Winston turned to her “What are you looking at?

Rose raised an eyebrow. Im calculating how much money your face can make me

Winston buckled his seatbelt. “Isn’t my endorsement fee a bit low?

Rose stepped on the gas immediately

Shouldn’t there be a raise for the new product endorsement?”

Rose pursed her lips. “No”

(will unkaterally breach the contract

That would require a penalty”

Winston smirked “Do you think i lack that kind of money?

Rose was exasperated. “If you don’t lack money why haggle over the endorsement fee I’m going to complain to

Chloe. I’ll tell her you’re taking advantage of me

Winston glanced at her disdainfully. “Women always tattling since childhood and you haven’t grown out of it even at

this age

Rose was speechless

This guy judging by his tone, must have been rafted out a lot during his childhood He probably still had a phobia

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from it

Tam hungry What are we eating? Winston didn’t want to continue this pointless joke Leaning back in his seat, he

looked relaxed

“Don’t worry, I’ve already booked a restaurant.”

“At least you have some sense

“Have you finished filming your movie?

“Hmm almost

The two chatted casually on the way to the restaurant

To match Winston’s status as an intemational movie star Rose had booked one of the best restaurants in A City

Winston nodded approvingly. Houm, very sincere.

Of course

Rose smiled and they got out of the car and walked in

Winston was slightly delayed at the airport so by the time they arrived, many people were already finishing their


Rose checked in at the front desk, and when she gave het name, the staff members raised their heads to look at

her with inexplicable expressions.

Frowning, she asked coldly What?

No nothing We’ll take you to your private room right away

As the staff member spoke their eyes strayed to Winston standing next to Rose

Winston was dressed in high

to ignore

| clothes with a black brimmed hat his face obs

– he kept his head slightly lowered, but ha anakuchak

Without changing her expression, she followed the wadipss with Winston walking |

Winston looked at the waitress chuckied and whispered to Rose. Are you abou

Roses face darkened Why would you say that?

“I haven’t heard about you doing anything noteworthy e R City Your company is

so well known?

dumped by your husband?

| net, but the spartlight a

“In R City you re no one but your husband is famous if you’re getting attention, da probably because of your

husband into elsa

Hoses expression was icy. What are you trying to say?”

Winston chuckled. Are you asking me? Maybe you should ask your husband

What had Momson done? What could he have done that made

If it were as Winston had implied the internet would already be buzzing How could it possibly be this quet?

However, just as she was about to refute Winstona assumption, her steps gradually care 1 halt. Wuston, bu,

stopped to i something?

at her chuckling. Wh

Hose didnt te

to him, but

“The food here o

and a blu

| on portathing in har

missed it for an long and finally got to taste it today. The poll tampren ater a beige down jacket hanging from har

arst the was wearing back and ending gerej