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The God of War by Useless scholar

Chapter 11
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The God of War Chapter 11

“The flower…”

Douglas held the blossom of God’s will in his hands and looked at Jorge in fear. His Adam’s apple


He couldn’t help but swallow hard.


“Mr. Green” could even get the blossom of God’s will. He … Who exactly was he? “Don’t waste time.”

Jorge held Olivia in his arms and waved gently at Douglas. “Give her operation right now!”

There was no time to delay. Jorge gave the order, and Douglas took it at once. He quickly led several

experienced doctors from the Department of Dentistry to operate on Roselyn!

Clean up the wound on the throat, sort out the damaged nerves, and take the liquid from the blossom

of God’s will…

The whole process lasted for an hour.

There was no doubt in the result!

“Jorge, Liv…”

In the VIP intensive care unit, Roselyn was a little pale. She lay on the bed and looked at the father and

daughter beside her.

Just by calling their names, she couldn’t help but cry out in joy. She almost choked up in a second! It

was five years since she risked her life to save Jorge from the accident. Her soft and sweet voice,

which was like a gift from God, became horrible and hoarse at that time. She turned into a dumb

person! Until now, she could finally release the emotions in her heart as much as possible with her

voice. In the meantime, she could look at their faces and shout out their names like a normal person!

“Jorge, Liv…”

She choked and cried, calling their names over and over again.

It was as if this was everything in her life! “Mom, you can finally talk. I can hear your voice. Mom!” Liv

cried out and pounced on Roselyn.

She sank upon her mother’s chest tightly while trembling up and down. She kept wiping away her tears

and tried her best to squeeze out a small face. However, she could not help but cry heavily.

Mom can talk, the blossom cured mom! It was wonderful!

“Roselyn, Liv…” Jorge looked at the mother and daughter quietly. His resolute eyes revealed a sense

of deep affection!

The wife and the daughter.

In this world, they were the closest person to him!

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They deserved all the good things in this world. He was going to take them to the peak of the mountain

to look down the great rivers and mountains. They were going to be admired by all in endless glory!


He sat beside her with a gentle gaze. “You have just done the operation. Although your voice has

recovered, you still need to rest. Don’t say too much for the time being,”

“Okay.” Roselyn was filled with tears as she nodded vigorously at Jorge! At this moment, her mood was

almost indescribable. It was the joy of regaining what she had lost. It was a miracle that she did not

even dare to imagine in her dreams!


She held Olivia and slowly sat up from the bed. Her glistening eyes were filled with hope. “My throat

has recovered. I can move. I … I want to go home.”

“I want to go home and have my parents hear my voice!”

“Let them be happy and share my joy!”

Jorge slowly reached out and took Olivia into his arms.

With a firm and powerful arm, he supported his wife’s delicate body.

“Let’s go home!”

Reston District, at the Easton’s.

There was a loud voice of drinking.

The moment Albert stepped into the room, he grabbed a cup of cold water from the table and drank

half a cup of cold water at once. He couldn’t help but release the joy! Finally, it was done!

In the past half a year, he and Aleena put in late nights to throw themselves at the Easton Group.

Although they were suppressed by Ruth and did the most difficult work, there was no doubt that his

ability was unquestionable, especially he had been the general manager of the company for more than

ten years!

He, together with Aleena, made plans and did some research by themselves day and night. They had

to pretend on the table and satisfied the business partner now and then…

It was not until today that they finally took down the project of “the Malone Group” in Ocean City. And

they could sign the contract three days later!

“As long as we sign the contract, it will be a great contribution to Kaleb!”

Aleena was so excited that her face turned red, and she was about to cry.

The Malone Group was a top aristocratic family in Ocean City and a pillar enterprise under the Malone

family! Without the countless efforts, cooperation between the Eastons and the Malones would be

impossible, considering the position of the Eastons.

As long as they signed the contract, the Easton family would have the wind at their back in terms of

future development. It might be possible for them to become a first-rate family in Ocean City!


Ha sat basida har with a gantla gaza. “You hava just dona tha oparation. Although your voica has

racovarad, you still naad to rast. Don’t say too much for tha tima baing,”

“Okay.” Rosalyn was fillad with taars as sha noddad vigorously at Jorga! At this momant, har mood was

almost indascribabla. It was tha joy of ragaining what sha had lost. It was a miracla that sha did not

avan dara to imagina in har draams!


Sha hald Olivia and slowly sat up from tha bad. Har glistaning ayas wara fillad with hopa. “My throat

has racovarad. I can mova. I … I want to go homa.”

“I want to go homa and hava my parants haar my voica!”

“Lat tham ba happy and shara my joy!”

Jorga slowly raachad out and took Olivia into his arms.

With a firm and powarful arm, ha supportad his wifa’s dalicata body.

“Lat’s go homa!”

Raston District, at tha Easton’s.

Thara was a loud voica of drinking.

Tha momant Albart stappad into tha room, ha grabbad a cup of cold watar xo.com fast

updatefrom tha tabla and drank half a cup of cold watar at onca. Ha couldn’t halp but ralaasa tha joy!

Finally, it was dona!

In tha past half a yaar, ha and Alaana put in lata nights to throw thamsalvas at tha Easton Group.

Although thay wara supprassad by Ruth and did tha most difficult work, thara was no doubt that his

ability was unquastionabla, aspacially ha had baan tha ganaral managar of tha company for mora than

tan yaars!

Ha, togathar with Alaana, mada plans and did soma rasaarch by thamsalvas day and night. Thay had

to pratand on tha tabla and satisfiad tha businass partnar now and than…

It was not until today that thay finally took down tha projact of “tha Malona Group” in Ocaan City. And

thay could sign tha contract thraa days latar!

“As long as wa sign tha contract, it will ba a graat contribution to Kalab!”

Alaana was so axcitad that har faca turnad rad, and sha was about to cry.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Tha Malona Group was a top aristocratic family in Ocaan City and a pillar antarprisa undar tha Malona

family! Without tha countlass afforts, cooparation batwaan tha Eastons and tha Malonas would ba

impossibla, considaring tha position of tha Eastons.

As long as thay signad tha contract, tha Easton family would hava tha wind at thair back in tarms of

futura davalopmant. It might ba possibla for tham to bacoma a first-rata family in Ocaan City!

“With this contribution, we will be able to return to the family!”

Albert couldn’t hold his excitement. He was burning with exhilaration.

Two delightful things happened today. One was that Today was the 70th birthday of Kaleb. The other

was that the general manager of the Malone Group personally agreed to cooperate.

Good things come in pairs. As for Jorge who drove Kaleb mad before, he was not even worth

mentioning in front of these two great events! “Albert, call Kaleb. Hurry up!” Aleena couldn’t contain her

joy and urged him repeatedly.

“Tell this good news to Kaleb and make him happy!”

“With such a great contribution, Kaleb will take back his orders and allow us to go back!”

Albert nodded and quickly took out his phone. His right hand was trembling with excitement.

At this time.

A voice of ringing came out.

The phone suddenly vibrated and the screen automatically lit up.

The caller was … Ruth!


Albert was slightly stunned. His mood was instantly extinguished with an awkward face.

Five years ago, they were expelled from the Easton family by Kaleb and Ruth was the biggest culprit!

She abused her quality because of her favorers. She was also good at instigating others. All in all, she

was a vicious woman…

She had all sorts of methods to dishonor them. Now, as the deputy general manager of the Easton

Group, she had humiliated him and Aleena in every way. The basic salary was deducted and the

commission was refused. The certain benefits were virtually nonexistent!

“Mrs. Easton,” Albert answered the phone, but he dared not to call Ruth by her name. He forced out a

smile, “You…”

In the office of the deputy general manager of the Easton Group, Ruth grabbed her phone and threw

the two personnel files on the floor. She was full of viciousness, “Albert, you and Aleena were fired!”

“In the past, I only evicted you out of the Easton family. At least I left you a job so that you would not

starve to death!”

“Kindness is considered to be an ill intention!”

“Do you know what your good son-in-law, Jorge, did at Kaleb’s birthday banquet?”

“He sent Kaleb a coffin!