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The God of War by Useless scholar

Chapter 25
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The God of War Chapter 25

Ten minutes passed…

The wind was blowing strongly. With the growl of the big engine, a camouflage helicopter gunship flew

from a distance. It landed in front of the Grand Hotel! Sean, the chief commander of the Ocean

Department, shouted, “Get out of the way!”

Sean stepped down from the helicopter. Every step gave him an air of dignity.

Sean could the dense crowd and almost everything outside the hotel when he was looking from above.

But one thing he didn’t see was the words on the golden plaque in front of the hotel.

There was a name on it: Liv.

The full name was Olivia Adler!

The crowd in front of the entrance of the hotel dispersed like the ebb tide, leaving a passage that was

more than ten feet wide.

Sean and four well-armed elite soldiers marched into the banquet hall! “Mr. Larsen!” Jason said with joy

as he hurriedly pulled Ruth over to greet them.

Jason was ecstatic!

Sean and Jason’s aunt, Kara Spencer, were classmates. They had once been in a relationship when in

college, though they finally broke up. Therefore, Sean took great care of the Spencers. The Spencer

family might not be one of the most influential families in Ocean City without Sean.

Jason believed that Sean knew how to humble Jorge and settle the matter.

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“This is my fiancée, Ruth.” Jason beamed with joy as he introduced Ruth.

He then pointed at Jorge. His face suddenly turned dark. “Mr. Larsen, he is the one who caused trouble

here and injured my bodyguard!”

“Yes, it’s him and her!” Ruth said confidently with Sean present. Her face showed ruthlessness, “Mr.

Larsen, you can’t spare them. Break their legs at least!”

“Catch them and torture them, or … kill them!”

Sean looked in the direction Jason and Ruth were pointing at.

The gorgeous hallway was decorated with colorful and fairy lights.

Jorge was standing in the hallway with a smile.

It seemed that Jorge had been wearing that faint smile since Sean entered the hotel!

“…Mr. Green?”

Sean stumbled over words. He meant to say “Lord”, but the words got lost on the way to his mouth,

and what he said instead was “Mr. Green”!

It’s Lord again! Sean regretted being the chief commander in Ocean City. Sean thought, ‘Why did

people come to me when they were in trouble? Last time, it was Jeffery and this time Jason. Why can’t

they look for someone else? How could I offend Lord? I am only a department commander.’

“Mr. Larsen?” Jason felt something was wrong. He was a little nervous and became more cautious.

“You called him Mr. Green?”

“Do you know him?”

“He is…”

Sean was furious and slapped Jason in the face. The slap caused Jason to turn around three times in

circles. Then, Sean bowed to Jorge with shame. “Mr. Green, I didn’t know you are here. Please forgive

me if I offended you. !”

“It’s fine.” Jorge waved his hand and smiled. “General Larsen, you work in Ocean City and have a deep

relationship with the aristocratic families. I won’t ask more about it.”

“But you need to fulfill your duties and complete your work.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Leave us.”

Sean felt as if he had been granted amnesty. He hurriedly ran out of the banquet hall with his four

soldiers. Sean didn’t even take a glimpse at Jason or Ruth, Both of whom were extremely shocked.

Sean even closed the door on his way out.

Jason and Ruth were speechless.

Jason felt as if he had fallen into an icehouse. His body was ice-cold and his heart was trembling!

Though he had the support of the Spencer family, Jason stopped struggling!

He was extremely regretful. He should not have offended Jorge.

Liv’s kindergarten teachers, parents, and even Albert and Aleena were all watching at a distance.

Everyone gazed at Jorge with surprise and awe…

They couldn’t believe that General Larsen should fear a retired soldier to such an extent except that

Roselyn had seen a similar scene when Sean slapped Albert in the face in the First Hospital. Was

Jorge really an ordinary soldier? What was him? “Jorge … What do you want?” xo.com fast


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Ruth held Jason’s arm and shouted! Jason’s teeth were sent flying by the slap. His face had a bruise,

swollen. Jason gave a loud moan in great pain, and his heart was filled with resentment and hatred! His

phone had fallen to the ground and broken down. Even if it still worked, he would not dare to call

anyone else to help him! Jorge’s power was absolutely beyond his expectation.

Jason lost!

He suffered a crushing defeat! “What do I want?” Jorge said with a smile.

He turned around and looked at Liv in the distance. His eyes were filled with love. Then, he looked at

Ruth and his gaze turned cold. He shouted, “Rosefinch!”

Someone dressed in fiery red leaped down from the second floor of the hotel. The sharp alloy sword in

his hand was instantly placed on Ruth’s neck!

Jorge closed his eyes and said indifferently, “Ruth, you asked me what I want.”

“What will I want when facing the person who humiliated my wife, ruined my marriage, and left my

daughter bitten by dogs?”

“Listen to me.”

“You must die!”

Ruth froze. She felt the murderous rage hidden in the edge of the sword. She knew she was

confronting her imminent death. She let out a subconscious scream, “No, Jorge. You can’t…”

There was a gleam of the sword in the hotel lobby.

Blood was everywhere.

Ruth’s head fell to the ground!

Rosefinch, one of the four Grand War Masters of the War God Temple, cut off Ruth’s head even before

Ruth could finish her last sentence