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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 198
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Hugh Croydon’s gaze locked onto the skeletal remains of Deacon Williams, and his eyes were cold.

Deacon, the man who had absconded with his money, was now dead, and the stolen funds had

vanished into thin air.

Furthermore, Deacon had met a horrible fate, his life mercilessly extinguished and his body discarded

at the depths of the sea. Such a disposal method had become Hugh’s signature approach over the


The one responsible for Deacon’s death was undoubtedly seeking to provoke him!

Therefore, Hugh was determined to find the person who killed Deacon, tear them apart, and reclaim his

stolen money

“Understood. Ill launch an immediate investigation,” Ben nodded decisively, swiftly giving orders to his

subordinates to initiate a thorough investigation.

Just as Hugh was about to depart from the village, his phone rang again. It was Suranne. She cried in

distress. “Mr. Croydon. why arent you here yet? I’m getting bullied.

Upon hearing Suranne’s distress. Hugh’s gaze grew frostier.

Deacon was murdered, his money was stolen, and now, his woman. Suranne, was being mistreated by

others. Nothing seemed to be going well, and these fueled Hugh’s growing frustration and anger

With a cold gaze, he commanded, “Sam, go to Twelve High School and deal with the situation”

Sam had a sinister appearance, with a triangular face and cold, snake-like eyes. He exuded an aura of

darkness akin to a venomous snake lurking in the shadows, sending shivers down one’s spine

Moreover, he wore a peculiar triangular viper earring, which added an eerie touch to his overall

appearance, making turn all the more unsettling

“Alright, leave it to me. Sam nodded briskly Without wasting a moment, he swiftly turned and left the


Watching Sam’s departure, John, Ben, and the others exchanged knowing glances, a subtle smirk of

satisfaction passing between them.

“If Sam gets involved, the person who dared to attack Suranite will regret it.” John snickered.

“Indeed, that person will suffer a fate worse than death,” Ben agreed with a nod

Sam, known as Sam Davies, was a skilled fighter and a renowned poison expert in their group. His

expertise in handling snakes and his unmatched knowledge of venom made him a feared opponent.

Anyone unfortunate enough to fall victim to his snake venom would suffer an unimaginably cruel and

agonizing fate, being formented to death in the most harrowing manner

In their group. Sam was the most formidable

With his deadly skills and expertise. Sam’s attarks were almost always fatal.

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“Don’t waste any more time Contact Toby immediately. I need to find out who killed Deacon today!

Hugh ordered coldly.

Toby, an experienced forensic doctor, was one of Hugh’s trusted subordinates. With his expertise. Toby

could uncover crucial clues from Deacon’s skeleton. Hugh was fully confident in Toby’s abilities and

knew he would leave no stone unturned in this investigation.

Deacon, his subordinate, held a crucial position within the organization, overseeing specific business

operations and managing key aspects of the industrial chain.

With the demise of Deacon. Hugh realized that he had lost not only valuable foreign contacts but also a

significant portion of his business and a substantial amount of money.

Fury consumed him to the point where he was filled with an overwhelming desire to take someone’s


Upon receiving the order. John wasted no time and swiftly contacted Toby.

At a barbecue stall tucked behind Twelve High School, Haylan. Mia, and Noah sat together, relishing

their supper

Mia’s gaze darted anxiously between her plate of food and the screen of her phone, her face contorted

with frustration and


Mia’s gaze darted anxiously between her plate of food and the screen of her phone, and her face

contorted with frustration and worry. The mention of Hugh’s name seemed to have cast a dark cloud

over her relationships, leaving her feeling isolated

At this critical moment, even Gregory whom she had met in the entertainment industry, had blocked her

This sudden realization of the fickleness of human nature hat her like a tidal wave, causing Mia to feel


Noticing Mia’s sadness, Haylan spoke with unwavering confidence, “Don’t worry. As long as I’m here,

no one can harm you”

Mia nodded, although her expression remained deeply troubled.

All these years, she had leveraged her status as a prominent entertainer to assist her relatives and

friends. She had resolved their troubles, even going as far as to clash with specific individuals in the

industry on her loved one’s behalf.

When she found herself in dire straits, these individuals displayed such ingratitude, going as far as to

turn their backs on her and sever ties.

This inflicted a deep wound upon her tender heart.

Haylan’s voice remained steady as he shared his insight. “Given Hugh’s immense fame and strength,

you will have to find someone of the same status as him or someone with a higher status than him.

“If you look for anyone else, you are harming them”

He could sense Mia Schmidt’s desperate attempts to seek help, only to be rejected by those she

reached out to. The disappointment and heartbreak were evident on her face.

That was why he spoke to comfort her

“I understand that, but I still feel uncomfortable. Mia pouted, wearing a visibly unhappy expression.

If those people did not want to help, so be it. They could pretend to be helpless and assure her that

they would be there shortly, even if it meant lying to her.

However, they chose to block her, and this made her upset.

At that moment. Suranne stood up, her face filled with anger. She pointed at them and issued a chilling

threat, “How dare you continue eating here? You’re truly arrogant. Let me make it clear, Mr. Croydon

will be here soon. And when Mr. Croydon arrives, you’ll be in deep trouble!

“Mia Schmidt, you bitch. When Mr Croydon arrives, I’ll get him to destroy you and kick you out of the

production team”

Suranne’s teeth clenched tightly as she shot Mia and Haylan a fierce glare.

If looks could kill, they would have been torn to shreds by her furious gaze.

Just moments ago, while Haylan and the others were enjoying their meal, Suranne had already

reached out to Hugh for help once again. She was confident that it wouldn’t be long before Hugh

arrived with his entourage.

“I must say, your beauty is deceiving. Behind that charming facade lies a venomous nature. Noah

commented with a deep


“Someone who sells their body for temporary glory and money has a twisted heart. It’s no surprise that

she’s capable of such Viciousness, Haylan remarked.

“What does it have to do with you? You poor people, lowly commoners. What right do you have to

criticize me? When Mr. Croydon arrives. I’ll make sure to destroy you!” Suranne retorted

Mia took out her phone and began recording the heated exchange. With a sly smile, she challenged

Suranne, “Suranne, I’ve captured this entire scene on video. Care to guess what will happen when this

goes viral? I wonder if it will make you even more popular?”

“Bastard! Mia, you despicable witch! Give me that phone!” Suranne’s expression contorted with rage as

she lunged toward Mia, snatching the phone from her hands.

Before Suranne could pounce on Mia, Haylan swiftly intercepted her with a powerful kick, sending her

flying through the air Suranne crashed to the ground, landing on her back with a thud. Agony radiated

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from her spine, and blood trickled from the corner of her mouth.

She parted her lips, ready to utter words, yet an unexpected sweetness coated her throat, forcing her

to expel a mouthful of blood.

In that very instant, an indescribable agony pierced through her core, rendering Suranne utterly

speechless. Collapsing onto the ground, Suranne struggled to catch her breath.

“You’re buzzing around like a pesky fly!” Haylan remarked icily as he took a sip of his beer. “Remain

grounded, don’t get up”

Mia’s eyes widened in disbelief as she gazed at Haylan. “Haylan, aren’t you being excessively brutal to

a woman?”.

“This kind of woman deserves to be beaten!” Noah said.

Haylan nodded, his expression firm. “Someone like her deserves a good thrashing for her reckless


Noah’s face contorted with a sudden realization, and he hastened to clarify, “However, Muni, please

don’t misunderstand. Haylan isn’t inherently violent. It’s just that this particular woman deserves the

punishment she receives.

“Besides, this woman incessantly burls derogatory insults at you. Haylan is simply defending your


Upon hearing Noah’s explanation, Mia covertly nodded, a subtle warmth blossoming within her.

She realized that Haylan had come to her defense, so he had taken it upon himself to teach Suranne a


At that very moment, a sinister black snake emerged from a distance, its serpentine form resembling a

bolt of dark lightning Swiftly, it slithered onto Mia’s calf before sinking ts tangs into her flesh

Mia let out a piercing scream and hastily rose to her feet Trembling with fear, her eyes widened at the

sight of the venomous serpent coiling around her leg, prompting her to cry out, “Snake” A snake?”

Overwhelmed by terror, she jumped on the spot, desperately attempting to shake off the snake’s

clinging presence.

Yet her efforts proved futile as the snake remained tightly coiled around her call, impervious to her

attempts to shake it off.

“A snake”” Noah murmured, his expression morphed into one of concern as he swiftly rose from his

seat to lend a hand to


Haylan stood up, his brows knitting together in a thoughtful frown. “In a bustling city like this, why would

there be poisonous snakes” he pondered.

Just as they rose, two venomous snakes descended from the sky with lightning speed, launching

themselves directly at the faces of Havlan and Noah