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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 116
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Andre was still standing behind me and Mason, expecting an answer from the both of us,

I’d say. He didn’t have knowledge of our scheme, and I wasn’t planning to tell him.

Everything will be revealed once the plan has been carried out. I was just picturing how

things would be after that.

“So, can the both of you please tell me this plan you’re talking about?” Andre asked, his

eyes fixing on the both of us. He would glance at Mason, and then he’d do the same to


“It’s nothing, actually,” Mason lied, adjusting his suit. “We were just talking about


“Business?” Andre gave Mason a curious face.

“Yes. We’re discussing how we’re going to execute the plans that could take our company

to higher heights,” Mason continued.

“Wow,” was what Andre said before glancing at me. “Is this true, Ariel?”

“Why are you asking her?” Mason queried him right away. “Don’t you believe me?”

Andre glanced at Mason and ignored him, turning back to me. “You’re going to give me an

answer, or what?”

“What Mason said was true.” I lied as well. “We were only talking about business.


Andre nodded. “I see. If that’s the case, then okay.”


“Hold on a minute. What do you think we were talking about?” Mason quizzed Andre; the

anger and annoyance in his tone were quite clear.

Andre slowly turned to him. “What do you think I was thinking?”

“What kind of question is that?” Mason retorted. “You were acting like a cop or something.

Investigating us like we were carrying out a crime.”

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Andre looked at him for a moment, and then he shook his head as he said, “No, I wasn’t.”

Mason let out a deep sigh. “I guess you didn’t realize it.” He looked in a different direction

as he mockingly said, “Sometimes, I wonder why I had to have an elder brother like you.”

Andre chuckled. “I too wonder why you had to come into this family. It’s actually a nice

thing, though. But your attitude isn’t just nice. You’re so proud of yourself, Mason. If you

don’t know, well, know that today. You’re really annoying, and I think it’s going to be a

good thing if you change.”

And Andre spoke nothing but the truth. Mason was indeed annoying; he was a proud man.

A psychopath, a complete lunatic who deserved no respect.

“And what about you, huh?” Mason wasn’t ready to shut up yet.

“What?” Andre asked as the two of them looked each other dead in the eyes.

“Aren’t you going to change your attitude as well?”

Andre’s unfriendly expression was all over his face. “What’s wrong with my attitude?”

“Let’s just say you’re the type of man who always thinks he’s right. You refuse to listen to

other people’s opinions because you feel like you always have the best ideas,”

Andre laughed. “Look, Mason. I refuse to listen to most of your opinions because they

make no sense. Your ideas are always mixed with evil, and it’s something I dislike with so

much passion. If you observe me carefully, you’ll see that I do heed what people have to

say.” Andre glanced at me. “Isn’t that true, Ariel?”

“It sure is,” I answered with a nod.

Andre focused back on Mason, patting his shoulder. “So, stop hating on me, brother. You

just have to start thinking straight and learn to love the people around you. Everyone

needs help in this life, and a ruined relationship might ruin the future.” Andre let go of

Mason, looking at me. “Good luck with your discussion.” He walked away from us after


Mason was just glaring at him. His brother’s words must have pierced his heart really hard.

But nothing was still going to enter that vain skull of his. He was not still going to change,

so it seemed like Andre was only wasting his time when he said all of that. But anyway,

you couldn’t actually predict the future.

“That man thinks so high of himself,” Mason said bitterly, with his arms crossed, as he

watched Andre greet some guests.

“I don’t really think so. You’re just jealous of him,” I told him, also watching Andre.

“Jealous of him?” Mason chuckled. “There’s no way I can be jealous of an idiot

like that.”

“You don’t have to lie to yourself now, Mason. It’s obvious you envy your brother. He has a

business of his own, he relates with everyone just well, he’s calm, he’s handsome, he’s…”

“Okay, shut up.” Mason cut me off, I laughed silently, “You don’t have to tell me all those

things, okay?”

“Why not? I’m only saying the truth.”

Mason slowly turned to me, a glare etched on his face. “You better watch your mouth.”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

“But you’re afraid of losing your children.”

“Seriously? Are you going to keep on threatening me with that for every little thing?”

“I’m only giving you a reminder. You need it, because you just keep on talking nonsense.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes!” he bawled.

“Between me and you, now, who’s the one talking nonsense?” I raised my brows. “You say

shit about Andre, but you and I both know it’s not true. It’s out of jealousy that you say

these things. I totally understand that. I’ve been in your


shoes before.”

“You fool!” Mason snapped. “Don’t start saying things, alright? I can jealous of my


never be-

“But here you are, Mason, looking at him with those eyes. And in case you don’t know,

jealousy is written all over your face.”

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“What are you trying to do, huh?” Mason looked at me like he was confused.” Why are you

telling me all this?”

“I’m just trying to make you accept the truth. I’m even sure you must have accepted it

within you. So, wine?” I handed him the glass of wine he had given me. minutes ago.

Mason glared at me, and before I knew it, he hit the glass on the floor. I closed my eyes

the moment it shattered, but we weren’t going to draw the attention of others because of

the music playing at the moment.

“Did you see how that glass just got broken into pieces?” He aksed, pointing at the

shattered glass.

My eyes narrowed downward, and then I looked back at him. “Yes. Yes, I did.”

“Good. If you don’t behave yourself, you are going to end up having the same fate.

“I love the fact that you keep on threatening me, Mason.” I gave him a fake smile.

“Say what now?” He raised an eyebrow.



“You make this hatred for you grow each day. I even start asking myself if you can ever

truly love someone. You claim that Luke was the one responsible for your girlfriend’s

death. And that’s why you want revenge. But you tell me, did you really love her that


“What kind of question is that? Of course I loved her!” Mason snapped. “If I didn’t, do you

think I’d decide to carry out this plan? Sofie meant the whole world to me. She was my

diamond. But that husband of yours had to go on and do shit.”

I stared at him for seconds. “Oh, I’m surprised.”

“You don’t have to be, you idiot. Just go on with the plan. There are a few days left till

everything is done. And don’t fail me. You know the consequences.”

He walked away, and I couldn’t help but glare at him. If he did love this girlfriend like he

claimed, then why did she go ahead and cheat on him? It seemed like they were both

lunatics. I couldn’t even be sure if Luke was the one who killed her.


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