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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 144
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“I’ve been searching everywhere for you Luke. Where have you been?” I asked Luke, my

arms crossed. He was standing next to this familiar face. Couldn’t care about her.

“I just decided to take a stroll, you know, getting some fresh air and taking a good view at

people as they move around,” Luke replied, smirking.

“You’re not supposed to do that. The nurse said…”

“That I’m not that strong yet, deep wound, and I should stay in the hospital for a few days.

Yes, yes, I get it. But come on, Ariel. I’m not a little kid. I have everything under control. I

mean look at me now, standing strong.”

“You got admitted into the hospital? What happened to you?” The woman asked Luke,

making a worried face.

Luke glanced at her promptly. “Oh, you’re concerned now? We were talking and you

couldn’t even recognize my wounded face.”

“Who is she?” I asked him.

“Oh, she’s just a friend.”

“Yeah whatever. You too can have your lovely moment. I’ll be leaving, and do not forget

about what I told you, Luke. I’ll see you later.” She walked away forthwith.

Luke turned back to me. “So, why were you looking for me?”

“Don’t ask me that. You better follow me back to the hospital.”

“And what if I don’t?”

“I’m going to give you a hard punch on your stomach.” I clenched my fist, faking an angry


Luke laughed. “You’re seriously going to do that?”


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you think I’m joking?” I chuckled. “Like seriously, you think I can’t do that? Are you

underestimating me?”

“Uhmm I don’t think underestimate is the right word to use.”

“Oh shut up. Now come on, let’s go.” I held his hand and was about to walk,

pulling him along. But things went the opposite way.

Luke pulled me closer, and I could feel my heart breezing with contemplation.

Our bodies pressed together, creating an electric current that seemed to flow between us.

And as our eyes met, I could see something that reflected in his mesmerizing gaze. The

way he smiled at me, It was like he could see straight into my soul, what was revolving

within me. In that moment, it was as if time stood still and all that mattered was this

onnection we shared. Our gaze lingered on, neither of us wanting to break the spell.

And then someone blew his car horn at us. “Hey you two! Can’t you see you’re standing

close the road?” The man barked from his car.

Luke glared at him. “But we’re not standing at the road. And by the way, we’re at the right

spot for people to walk. So just get lost!”

“Don’t you have manners?” The man spat.

“I should be the one asking you that,” Luke retorted. And the man was about to fire back,

but Luke interrupted, “And if you try to talk one more shit. I’ll come straight to you and

beat you up, forgetting the fact that you’re older than me.” The man growled and drove

his car away. Luke set his eyes back on me. “Can you believe that man?”

I laughed. “He must have had a fight with his wife before hitting the road. Now, let’s go

back to the hospital so you can get some rest.”

Luke nodded, and we both began to tread, making our way back to the hospital.



I stepped out of the bustling coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingering in

the crisp morning air. As I walked down the street, a flood of memories washed over me,

memories of Sofie, whose absence haunted me every day.

The bitter taste of regret lingered on my tongue as I replayed the moment I almost

cheated on Sofie. The guilt gnawed at my conscience like a relentless beast, devouring

any semblance of peace I had left. How could I have been so foolish, so selfish?

I found myself standing at a crossroad, both literally and metaphorically. The bustling city

traffic mirrored the chaotic whirlwind of emotions inside me. My heart ached with the

weight of my betrayal, the pain of losing Sofie still raw and unhealed.

I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the world around me, but memories of Sofie flooded

my mind. Her warm smile, her gentle touch, her infectious laughter – they all danced

before my eyes, a cruel reminder of what I had lost.

I whispered her name into the wind, hoping against hope that somehow she could hear

me, that somehow she could forgive me. But deep down, I knew that forgiveness, from her

or from myself, was a luxury I might never attain.

Each step I took felt heavier than the last, the weight of my mistakes dragging me down

into an abyss of self–loathing. The bustling city seemed to blur around me, the noise

fading into a dull hum as I descended deeper into my own thoughts.

When I reached a quiet park bench, I finally allowed myself to confront the demons that

had been tormenting me for so long. Tears welled up in my eyes as I whispered an apology

to the empty space around me, an apology to Sofie, wherever she may be.

The cold wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it a sense of sorrow and longing.

I knew I had to find a way to make amends, to find redemption for my sins. But how could

I ever make things right when the one person I needed to apologize to was no longer there

to hear me?

And I knew I had been doing crazy things each day, having sex with random women. But

Sofie will forever be in my heart. Everything about her was just so awesome, and we were

planning to live the life together, start a family together. I had to blow everything up, I was

an idiot. A fool that didn’t deserve to be forgiven. A scumbag that needed to be hanged to

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This really broke me, and I transfigured into a complete different man, seeking vengeance,

because the deed needed to be done. Luke must pay for the pain that he brought to me,

for taking away the love of my life. He thought he could just get away with that, huh? All

because he was some fucking billionaire? Hell no, I had decided to take things into my own

hands, and I would make him face the consequences. For any torture that would be given

to him, for any pain that would strike him strenuously, he deserved it all. And trust me, I

would definitely not spare his life. He should just wait till I was done snatching all of his


Still sitting at the park, a lady ran in my direction, she was looking messed up. But looking

at how she was dressed, I began to wonder if she had broken out of prison. She stopped,

standing a little bit far from mez breathing heavily. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

Her eyes met mine. “What are you looking at?” She asked coldly.

“I’m sorry miss, but did you break out of jail?”

“How is that your business?”

“I was just wondering.” I stood up, still looking at her, she was indeed beautiful. But it was

then that I had to realize that I had seen this woman from somewhere. It was then that my

senses had to come back, and yes I finally remembered who


she was.

She was the lady who tried to ruin the wedding ceremony between Luke and Ariel. The

lady who had killed the priest who was conducting the rituals. And I could tell she also

recognized me, for I was the one who called the police on her.


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!