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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 146
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I sat handcuffed in the prison infirmary, my heart pounding with nervous anticipation. The

clinking of metal against metal echoed in the small room as I fidgeted, my mind racing

with thoughts of escape. I knew this was my chance, my only shot at freedom.

The guard stationed at the door stood tall and vigilant, his eyes fixed on my every move. I

feigned a sudden bout of dizziness, clutching my stomach and groaning in pain. The

guard’s brow furrowed in concern as he approached me cautiously, his hand hovering over

his radio to call for assistance.

As he leaned in closer to inspect me, I sprang into action. With a swift movement, I kicked

the chair out from under me, knocking the guard off balance. Seizing the opportunity, I

lunged forward, knocking the radio out of his grasp and sending it clattering to the floor.

In the chaos that ensued, I grabbed the guard’s keys and unlocked my handcuffs with

practiced ease. The power coursing through my veins, I sprinted towards the door, my

heart pounding in my chest. The guard recovered quickly, reaching out to grab my arm,

but I twisted out of his grasp and made a break for it.

I raced down the narrow corridor, my footsteps echoing off the cold, stone walls. I could

hear the shouts of the guards behind me, their heavy boots pounding against the floor as

they gave chase. Ignoring the burning pain in my chest, I pushed myself to run faster, my

determination unwavering.

The moment I reached a fork in the corridor, I skidded to a halt, my heart beating fast as I

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tried to remember the layout of the prison. With a split–second decision, I veered to the

left, trusting my instincts to lead me to safety. The sound of alarms blared in the distance,

signaling my escape to the entire facility.

I emerged into the blinding sunlight, my eyes squinting against the harsh glare. I scanned

my surroundings frantically, searching for a way out. Spotting a chain- link fence at the

edge of the prison yard, I knew it was now or never.

Summoning the last of my strength, I sprinted towards the fence, my muscles burning

with exertion. With a burst of adrenaline–fueled energy, I leaped towards the fence, my

fingers grasping the cold metal links as I pulled myself up and over to the other side.

I landed on the other side of the fence with a thud, my breath coming in ragged

gasps. I stumbled forward, my legs threatening to give out beneath me from the exertion.

Glancing back at the prison yard, I could see the guards converging on my location, their

shouts growing louder as they closed in.

Ignoring the pain shooting through my body, I forced myself to keep moving. I darted

across an open field, my heart pounding in my ears as I searched for cover In the distance,

I spotted a dense thicket of trees, their branches swaying invitingly in the breeze.

With renewed granite, I made a beeline for the trees, the sound of pursuit growing louder

behind me. The branches scratched at my skin as I pushed my way through the

undergrowth, the sound of snapping twigs echoing through the forest.

Finally, I reached a small clearing, my chest heaving with exertion as I collapsed to the

ground. I could hear the distant sound of barking dogs and shouted orders, knowing that

the guards were hot on my trail. Time was of the essence.

Pushing myself to my feet, I scanned the clearing for any sign of civilization. In the

distance, I spotted a winding dirt road, its path disappearing into the dense forest. Without

hesitation, I set off in that direction, my feet pounding against the hard–packed earth.

As I ran, the courage and intense force that had fueled my escape began to wane, leaving

my body heavy and weary. Every muscle screamed in protest, but I forced myself to keep

moving, knowing that stopping now would mean certain capture. Moments passed as I

stumbled along the road, the sun sinking low on the horizon. The sounds of pursuit faded

into the distance, giving me a small

glimmer of hope. With each passing mile, my confidence grew, the knowledge of my

newfound freedom spurring me onward.



After our conversation, confronting each other and all that, we both arrived at my

apartment. Yes, Harriet, and I. She was really bold and brave to have escaped from prison.

Not many men would even do that, and they even had balls. I could tell that this woman

went through a lot to break out of jail, and I could have just reported her to the cops, I

could just hand her over. But I didn’t.

I loved her courage, I loved her boldness, I just admired the way she did it. I couldn’t wait

to hear the full story, of how she broke out. It was going to be a tough one, no doubt about

that. But do you have any idea of the nerve that you’ll have to possess before you could

carry out such action.

So, we both made our way inside the house, my apartment. Living with my family

was something I was definitely not carrying out in New Haven. I only went to the party.

And Andre had to ruin my mood. They

mansion last night because of u

were so toxic, I didn’t even know how I lived with them all these years.

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And they thought they were so nice, deceitful folks. They kept on lying to themselves.

They could keep the company to themselves, hand it over to Hannah if they wanted. I

couldn’t care less. After all, I would be taking Luke’s wealth in just d few days. Ariel better

now fail me.

“So, this is your apartment?” Harriet asked, looking around. I knew she loved where she

was. My place of dwelling was a ravishing one, compared to other buildings. Not a

mansion though, but it was really nice. Everything arranged perfectly, just the place any

one would want to lodge in.

“It is,” I answered, feeling proud of myself. “You like this place, don’t you?” “Yeah, it’s kind

of beautiful,” she answered slowly, and then she settled on the couch.

“Really nice, isn’t it? Make yourself comfortable.” I smirked.

“Thanks,” Harriet said, sinking into the plush cushions. “It’s a lot better than my that

prison cell”

I chuckled. “Well, you know what they say, good things come to those who work, and I’m

relishing all my hard work. I think it’s time for you to do the same, since you put in so

much effort in breaking out of jail.”

“Well, I couldn’t spend my entire life in there. That place was just so messed up. You get

beaten real hard when you’re just trying to stay on your own lane. And I couldn’t stand it

any longer. So I had to make a move.”

“And you got out all by yourself?”

“Yes. I wasn’t going to tell those folks about my plans. They would just do shit and ruin


“You are one courageous woman. That’s quite impressive. So, how do you plan on living

your life, now that you’re no longer behind bars?”

“Vengeance is what I want,” she spoke bitterly. “I’m going to make Ariel pay for the pain

she caused me.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!