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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 147
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“So now you’re trying to tell me that it was all an act? You falling on the ground, shaking,

and all that? It was all planned with the doctors and nurses?” I asked Luke after he had

brought the whole thing out to me. I couldn’t believe my ears. But it shouldn’t be

surprising, since this man was a psycho.

“Yes, it was an act,” Luke replied, smiling at me.

I was still trying to process the whole thing. “But why, huh? You almost gave me a heart

attack you mad man!” I wanted to hit his chest but he seized both of my hands.

“Calm down, will you?”

“Calm down? You’re telling me to calm down now, when you almost gave me a heart


Luke sighed, rolling his eyes. “You don’t have to keep on saying heart attack.‘

“Yeah right. So this was what you went to do when you left the hospital, right?” I crossed

my arms, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded, and I exhaled deeply that very moment. “But I still went to take some fresh


“Of course you did.”

“Why are you getting so upset now? Didn’t you love the music?” He gestured towards the

musicians standing behind him.

“Yes, I do love the music.”

“Put on a big smile then,” he spoke immediately. “And I think it’s time to go home.”

“Time to go home? Hold on, mister. You haven’t fully recovered yet. The wound’s a deep

one. The nurse clearly told you that.”

“And it was this same nurse that I planned the whole thing with. Well, she was just part of

the act.”

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“Oh my god,” I spoke underneath my breath, turning my face away.

Andre entered the room, walking past the singers who were standing nigh to the door.

Elizabeth moyed behind him, and I was really happy to see the both of them. “Andre,” I

blurted, smiling delightfully as I moved towards him. We hugged each

other, a nice feeling right here.

“So, what’s going on? Why are there a lot of people around here?” Andre asked, looking at

everyone in the room.

“Old western style! I love it. These are the type of songs I love to hear!” Elizabeth


Andre glanced at her. “Mom, you haven’t even heard the songs.”

“Yeah, but I’m about to hear it now,” she replied. “Hit those guitars, boys.” The musicians

turned to Luke, an expression that needed his permission. He laughed silently and nodded,

that was when they began to string their guitars, singing and bringing the melody back in

the room. Elizabeth danced to their tune. Andre took his eyes off them, giving me his

attention once again. “I know you spent the night at the hospital,” he told me inaudibly.

I laughed a little bit. “Yeah I did.”

“It’s pretty clear. And it seems like your husband’s all good now.”

We both turned to Luke who was smiling and dancing with the singers as they continued

their wonderful song. Elizabeth was also moving to the rhythm, extremely joyful, and she

was singing to the song.

As for Luke, I hadn’t seem him happy like this before, to the point that he was even

dancing. It was something I imagined to witness all those years. But I never saw, or maybe

I did, and I couldn’t recall. But even so, he was never this joyful when I was present with

him. When we were together during our marriage. So, even when he danced, it was

definitely not with me, not for me, not by my side. “He’s really a strong man, you know,”

Andre spoke softly, as we still had our eyes on Luke. “Taking that gunshot, and the pain

from his mother. It’s not easy. But there he is, dancing and smiling like nothing ever


“Yeah,” I spoke inaudibly, nodding slowly. I turned to Andre after that. “There’s something I

got to ask.”

“And what is that?”

“You mentioned something last night, while we were in that warehouse.”

“Oh, care to tell me what that is?”

“Have you ever lost someone close to you?”

Andre looked at me for a second. “Why are you asking?”

“I’m asking because of what you said, when Luke talked about the pain of losing


Andre made a confused face, looking upwards. “What did I say?”

“I know you remember. It was just last night. Those scenes are still stuck in your head.”

“How are you so sure about that?”

“I asked you a question. Aren’t you going to give me an answer?”

He sighed. “Look, Ariel. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“So you did lose someone close to you.”

“Ariel, stop,” Anre told me, and took another deep breath. “Let’s not talk about this, okay?

I’m glad you’re alright.” He walked from me.

I just watched him, also scrutinizing everyone in the room. I was curious about this

though. But you know what they say; curiosity kills the cat.

“Come on, come join the crew. Dance with us.” Elizabeth stirred to me, beaming, and she

dragged me along. The moment was really beautiful. And I hoped for more times like this.

But you know, nothing lasts forever.



I was sitting on the couch, controller in hand, eyes glued to the TV screen. Harriet was

sitting next to me, her own controller in hand, equally invested in the game. We had been

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playing for minutes, taking turns and trying to beat each other’s high scores.

She was really fun to chat with. I liked her. We had been talking about so many things, till

we reached this point. And it was as if we had been friends for years. Honestly, I wasn’t

supposed to be this friendly with anyone, caused my mood changed ever since I lost Sofie.

But this woman really brought that side again. And now I had to realize the fun I had been

missing all these years.

“Ha! Take that, Harriet!” I exclaimed as my character scored a goal in the virtual soccer

game we’re playing

“Nice one, Mason. But I’ll get you back,” she retorted.

I focused on the screen, trying to defend my goal as Harriet’s character made a daring

move. She was good at this game, I’d give her that. But I was definitely not going to let

her win this round.

“Come on Show me what you got,” Harriet brought out, a smirk playing on her lips.

I scoffed. “Oh, you’ll see. Just wait.”

“Time’s up!” I yelled as the final buzzer goes off.

I looked at the score and it was really fucked up. Harriet beat me by just a few points. She

had a grin on her face, clearly pleased with her victory.

“Looks like I win, Mason,” she said smugly.

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my disappointment. “Yeah, yeah. Lucky shot.”

She laughed and playfully nudged me, “Oh, come on. Admit it, I’m just better at this game

than you.”

I sighed. “Fine, fine. You win this one. But I’ll get you next time.”

“Wanna go for another round?” She smirked. And then the door bell rang.

I went to open the door, and I was greeted by the cops. A man and woman, both putting

on their uniforms. Their jackets actually.

“Morning sir. Can we please come in?”

I made a confused expression. “Why exactly?”


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