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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 157
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By the time I arrived at Andre’s house, Janice had already fallen asleep. I had to kiss her

goodbye, dropping Lukel off. It was quite surprising that Andre and Manuel had not arrived

yet; I guess they must be really busy with projects at the office. I didn’t go to work today,

and I didn’t even bother calling them to ask how things were going. Silly me.

So, I drove home with a great feeling, no longer worried since I had seen Lukel. But I drew

my mind back to when I was still searching for him. The woman I had sighted looked just

like Harriet. Or was I imagining things? I couldn’t tell.

The moment I arrived home, I got out of my car, and my phone started ringing. Mason was

the one who was calling. This made me roll my eyes. Why the hell was this baboon calling


I declined his call, and my phone went straight to airplane mode. I wasn’t going to let that

scumbag give me a heart attack or something. I knew he wanted to ask me about the

plan, but he was in no mood for that conversation. And I had no idea how I was going to

handle this situation since Luke and I were now this close. Well, I had a feeling this passion

between us wasn’t going to last long. Walking into the mansion, I saw two little children

settling down on the couch, playing video games, and you could just guess who was in

between them: Luke. They were so joyful, laughing and shouting like there was no

tomorrow. I couldn’t help but smile at Luke.

“Ariel,” Luke called my name the moment his eyes caught mine. “You’re back. You took so

long. Where were you?”

“It’s not something you should worry about,” I answered, still smiling.

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He took his attention back to the huge screen as they continued to enjoy their gaming



“So, whose children are these?” I asked, holding my waist.

“They’re mine,” he answered, not glancing at me.

“That’s impossible,” I said immediately, and he laughed.

“Why did you say that?”

“I don’t have to explain everything to

you, sir”

“Okay, okay. Follow me upstairs.” He dropped his gaming pad on the table.

“Follow you upstairs? You haven’t given me an answer to my question.”

“I will, when we get upstairs. Chill alright?‘

“Oh well. It’s your house. You call the shots around here.”

“I’m glad you acknowledge that. Now follow me.” He walked upstairs, holding my hand,

and we made it to our room.

“So, care to give me an answer to my…”

He smacked my lips immediately, interrupting me from talking. I was surprised, but I had

to get lost in the passion. We continued kissing, with Luke reaching for my waist as our

tongues moved in perfect harmony. His grip on me tightened, the kiss deepening, and

after what felt like eternity, he slowly pulled away, both of us looking deeply into each

other’s eyes.

“How did you do it, Ariel?” He asked softly.

“Do what?” My tone was also inaudible.

“How did you ignite this passion within me? You ignited this passion within me, and now I

just… want to be with you every time.”

I was still gazing into his eyes, silent for seconds, before I finally spoke in a whisper. “You

want to be with me every time. Are you sure about that?”

“Do you think I’m lying?”

“I don’t know. Everything’s just so.” I trailed off, letting out a deep sigh before I added,


Luke held my hands. “I know. I’m surprised as well at how everything just changed

overnight. But what can I say? This is how things are meant to be, I guess. This has always

been what my grandfather wanted. Something I thought was never going to happen. You

can’t actually predict the future.”

He moved his face closer to mine and gently pressed his lips against mine, and I could feel

a fire igniting inside of me. I had never felt this kind of passion before, and it was

overwhelming yet addictive. His hands roamed over my body, sending shivers down my

spine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me as our tongues

danced in perfect harmony.

His lips moved from my lips to my neck, trailing soft kisses along my skin. I let out a soft

moan, unable to control the pleasure that was coursing through my body. Luke’s hands

moved down to my waist, pulling me even closer to him. I could feel his heart beating

rapidly against my chest, matching the rhythm of my


I ran my fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss even more. I couldn’t get enough of

him, and I could tell that he felt the same way. Our bodies were pressed against each

other, and I could feel the heat between us intensifying with each passing second.

Luke’s lips moved back to mine, and I could taste the desire and longing in his kiss. it was

like we were two puzzle pieces finally fitting together, completing each other in ways we

never thought possible. I still couldn’t believe that this was happening–that I was in Luke’s

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arms, kissing him with all the passion and love like I had been holding it for so long.

We fell onto the bed, our bodies tangled together as we continued to kiss. Luke’s hands

explored every inch of my body, leaving trails of fire right there, mesmerizing. Indeed, I

was so consumed by this man right here.

As our lips finally parted, we were both breathless and looking into each other’s eyes. I

could see the love and adoration in Luke’s gaze, and I knew that he could see the same in

mine. But it was still unbelievable. Were we just lying to ourselves, or was this a dream?

Was this a hallucination, or was it real? Of course it was real, but the scene was still

shocking in my head. I never thought a moment like this would come to pass.

“So, what do you want to do then?” Luke asked, caressing my hair with a smile on his


“Anything you want.” I grinned at him.

“Anything you say, huh?” He smirked, and then the door opened. It was one of the little

children I had seen in the living room. What was he doing here?

He turned around immediately. “Oh sorry. I was just looking for the bathroom.

Luke laughed and got up, walking to the little boy. “It’s okay, Randy.”

Randy. So that was his name. I wouldn’t be confused around here anyway. I could tell he

had seen these kids on the street or somewhere. And now he had decided to treat them

right. It was clear that Luke loved children. I could still recall the time when we met this

little girl, Abigail. Luke made her feel like a princess that day. It was really nice; honestly, it

was a great moment. And now I started wondering if I should really introduce Lukel and

Janice to him. Nah, I shouldn’t be too quick at doing that.

“I’ll be right back, Ariel,” Luke told me, and I nodded with a smile. He led Randy Out of the

room while I sat on the bed.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!