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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 171
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“So now you’re telling me that you think you’ve fallen in love with Luke?” My mother

asked me. I had been narrating my whole situation to her, talking about how I developed

these feelings and how they compounded, including all details, when he went to look for

me at the time I was abducted by his mother.

“Well, I have fallen in love with Luke, and it’s kind of… heartbreaking.”

“Heartbreaking? Why do you say that?”

“Anytime I smile around him, my mind is drawn back to the things that happened at our

first marriage. And this surge of hatred just comes right in me, but it fades, and I’m back

to the loving Ariel again. Oh gosh.”

“Okay, I get the fact that Luke actually treated you like hell. It’s really sad and painful. But

since the two of you are back together, what’s wrong with you loving him?”

“The thing is….” I paused right away. With my eyes closed, I shook my head. A decision I

made right. now–not telling her about my plan. It wasn’t going to be a good idea telling

her about it. Everything would be revealed in the end. And it was close.

“The thing is what?” She asked.

I suspired. “It’s nothing. Forget I said that.”

“Look, Ariel. I don’t know what’s going on in your mind right now. But just a piece of

advice, you got to let love lead. Follow your heart, not your mind.”

“Are you being serious right now?”

“Well yeah. Look, getting into a relationship with your father, I had to put away so many

things, and I followed my heart. A lot of obstacles came in our way but our love was strong

enough to win the battle. If Luke loves you, and you love him, then go on, forget about the

past, focus on the present. You need to be lost in the passion, you got to savour every

moment. Don’t think about the terrible things that’s going to come your way. Don’t think

about the differences, don’t think about the obstacles, forget about the challenges. You

know how the saying goes my dear–love conquers all.

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“Wow, I don’t……even know what to say. But thanks for the advice.”

“It’s my pleasure, sweetheart,” she said with a warm smile, holding my hand. “So, you

want to help. me out with the garden? I still have a lot of work to do.”

“Sure. Of course I’m going to help you with that,” Tresponded, also smiling delightfully.

“Don’t you think you should go and change first? You don’t want to ruin your beautiful


I giggled.“Nah, it’s okay. Trust me, I got this.”





“I don’t think so, woman.” My mother snapped her fingers. “Start going upstairs, I’ll lead

the way.”

“Ughh fine,” I stated, rolling my eyes.


I never thought I would find myself in this situation. As a billionaire, I was used to dining in

the most luxurious and expensive restaurants in the city. But today, I was taking these two

little children, Randy and Ethan to one of these fancy restaurants.

Of course, we all knew Randy and Ethan were two good children I had met along the road,

who didn’t. like their father one bit since he was never treating them right. They were shy

at first, but changed the attitude. Yes, something about them tugged at my heartstrings.

So, taking me to live me with me was the feat that came out of it.

Wallking into the restaurant, I could see the awe and wonder in the boys‘ eyes. They had

never been to a place like this before, and I could tell they were nervous.

“Wow, this place is huge!” Randy brought out, looking around in amazement.

“Yes, it is. And the food here is incredible,” I replied, trying to ease their nerves.

We were escorted to our table by a well–dressed waiter, and I could see the boys‘ eyes

widen as they took in the elegant surroundings. The moment we sat down, I could feel

their excitement and anticipation.

“Can we order anything we want?” Ethan asked,looking at the menu.

“Of course, anything you want,” I replied with a smile.

The boys scanned the menu, and their eyes lit up when they saw the prices. I could tell

they were overwhelmed, and I knew I had to help them make their decision.

“Let me order for us. I know the best dishes here,” I said, signaling the waiter.

While we were waiting ed for our food, I could see the boys relaxing and starting to enjoy

themselves. They asked me questions about my life as a billionaire, and I could see the

admiration in their eyes.

“So, do you have a private jet?” asked Randy, his eyes wide with curiosity.

“Yes, I do. And maybe one day, I’ll take you both for a ride in it,” I replied, winking at them.

The boys were fascinated by everything I said, and I could see how much they looked up

to me. It was a strange feeling, being seen as a role model by these two little boys.

Our food arrived, and the boys couldn’t stop gushing about how delicious it looked. I could

see the joy

on their faces as they took their first bites.

“This is the best food I’ve ever tasted!” Ethan brought out, his mouth full of food.

“I’m glad you like it. This is just a small taste of what it’s like to be a billionaire,” I said with

a laugh.

After finishing our meal, the two of them were beaming with happiness. I could see that

they were


having the time of their lives, and it made me happy to be able to give them this



“Thank you so much for bringing us here, Luke. We’ve never experienced anything like

this before,” Randy thanked me, his eyes shining with gratitude.

“It was my pleasure. I’m glad I could show you a different side of life,” I replied, smiling at


Walking out of the restaurant, I could see the boys holding onto each other, still in awe of

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what they had just experienced. And at this point, I knew that I had made a difference in

their lives. I may be a billionaire, but nothing made me happier than bringing joy to these

two little children.

We sighted a photo shop nearby. I remembered my own childhood when I used to love

taking photos with my parents. I could tell that the boys were still in awe of the restaurant

experience, but I wanted to extend their day of fun and adventure.

“Hey, how about we take some photos to remember this day?” I suggested, pointing

towards the photo shop.

The boys‘ faces lit up with excitement, and they nodded eagerly. We walked into the shop,

and the both of them were amazed by all the different backgrounds and props they could

choose from.

“Let’s take a photo with this superhero background!” Ethan pointed towards a large green

screen with superheroes flying in the background.

“Wait, I want to take a photo with this pirate ship!” Randy chimed in, pointing to a pirate–

themed backdrop.

I chuckled at their enthusiasm and let them take turns choosing different backgrounds. We

took photos with funny hats, silly glasses, and even a giant teddy bear. The boys couldn’t

stop laughing and posing for the camera.

“Luke, can we take a photo with you? You’re our hero!” Ethan asked with a big smile.

“Of course, I would love to,” I replied, joining them in the photo.

As we waited for our photos to be printed, I could notice how delightful Randy and Ethan

were. It really made me glad, and I couldn’t to spend more time with them. The love right

here was as if they were my brothers.

“Here are your photos, boys,” the shopkeeper said, handing us a stack of printed photos.

Randy and Ethan eagerly flipped through the photos, laughing and reminiscing about the

fun they had. I could see the happiness radiating from their faces, and it warmed

my heart.

“Thank you so much, Luke. This has been the best day ever!” Randy gave me a big hug.

“It’s all because of you, Luke. We will never forget this,” Ethan added, hugging me as well.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!