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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 99
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The voice was very clear to me, and no doubt that it was Mason. He had obviously come

to remind me of the deadline. Well, I didn’t forget about that. I needed to be close to Luke,

being by his side all times now, if I wanted him to sign those documents.

This used to be what I had pictured in my mind all these years. Revenge, bringing hell

back to him just as he did to me. When I submerged in pain, the tears coming out of my

eyes like how the rain dropped down. And the feelings were harder than rocks, had me

broken like shattered glasses. Thankfully, those days were no more. As I had said, this

used to be what I wanted; intense passion for vengeance. Yes, that used to dwell within

me. And my heart was really hard after those terrible moments, that no one could break it,

nor hurt my feelings, unless you were threatening me with my children. But no one did

that in the past years, until Mason came to change everything. But let’s not go further in


This was not the Luke I used to know. That version of Luke was baleful, cold- blooded, and

he was consistently infuriated with me each second. I noticed the change when I came

back to The United States, right here in New Haven. But I concealed those thoughts, never

letting them break free.

But now, with all the actions seen, and the millions of words spoken so far. I could see that

his change had gotten to a whole new level. It was kind of a good thing, but a bad thing

for me, because these feats of his, was deliberately

softening me, and I never wished for that.

“Mason?” I uttered, sort of low, with my phone still pressed against my ear.

“Yes, it’s me, Ariel. How have you been doing?”

I looked around, trying to see if I could catch sight of him, since it was obvious that he was

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around here, somewhere.

“Don’t start looking, Ariel. Trust me, you’re not going to see me.”

“Why are you calling now?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” He laughed. “I’m just calling to remind you about our plan.”

“Well, you don’t need to remind me. I haven’t forgotten.”

“I never said you’ve forgotten. I just want to make it clear to you, that those ‘feelings of

yours, you better terminate them, or keep them somewhere else. We’ve gotten this far,

and I don’t want anything ruining this plan.”

“And who told you I have feelings, huh?” I asked, my tone becoming louder.

Abigail was staring at me, and when I glimpsed at Luke, I discerned how he was

simply observing me, standing not too far from my dire discerned how he was

Mason chuckled to my question. “Ariel my dear friend, there are some certain things that

we see and know, without the person actually realizing it. And this is clearly your case

around here. But you can keep lying to me, deceiving yourself, I don’t care. Just don’t do

anything stupid that’s going to ruin my plan.”

“I understand, okay? Now can you please give me a break?”

Mason still brought out that galling laugh. “If I do, you might just let your feelings get the

best of you. So I need to keep reminding you, that your children’s lives are on the line


“You do not have to worry about anything. I’ll get those documents signed within the

period of time you gave me.”

“That’s good of you,” he said, and hung up.

I let out a deep sigh after that, and my eyes met those of Luke’s. How he was staring at

me, with curiosity written all over his face.

“Can we go now?” Abigail held my hand, looking up at me.

“Yes,” I answered underneath my breath, with a smile. “We can go now.”

“Yay!” She exclaimed, and traipsed forward, dragging me along. We walked past Luke, and

he treaded behind us.

“Wow, I can’t believe you guys took me here!” Abigail brought out loudly, scanning

everywhere, in the huge mall Luke and I had taken her to.

Well, it was more of Luke’s idea. This had to be the greatest shopping mall in New Haven,

with the clothes being surpassingly expensive. This was even my first time visiting this

place. And I have to say, it’s really beautiful.

I took in the sight of the vast, glittering space, filled with high–end stores and luxurious

decorations. The ceiling soared above us, adorned with golden glow. Everywhere was

golden, absolutely beautiful.

Of course, I believed this used to be a usual location for Harriet when she and Luke were

still a thing. It’s so sad they were no longer together. Yeah right, who am I kidding?.

This place is so big! I’ve never been to a mall like this before.” Abigail

exclaimed, and her voice was filled with wonder.

Luke smiled down at her. “We thought you might like to see all the beautiful things in the

mall. Well, I was the one who came up with the idea.”

I did nothing but look at him. “You must be feeling so proud of yourself.”

He ignored my comment. “Come on, Abi. Take a look at everything in this mall. You can

have anything you want. You’re going to feel like a princess today.”

“Wow.” Abigail opened her mouth widely, as her eyes darted from one glamorous display

to another.

We began to walk through the mall, and the smile on Luke’s face could show how he was

feeling so proud of himself for bringing us here. Idiot.

Abigail stopped in front of a window display, showcasing a stunning array of princess

dresses. “Look at these dresses, they’re so pretty. Can we go in and see them, please?”

Luke laughed softly. “Of course, Abi. Let’s get a closer look.”

We all entered the boutique, I could see how Abigail’s eyes were sparkled with excitement

at the sight of the elegant gowns. She softly ran her fingers over the soft fabrics, admiring

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the intricate details of each dress.

“I wish I could try one,” she said wistfully.

I knelt down to her eye level. “Would you like to try one on, sweetie?”

Her eyes widened. “Really? Can I?”

“It seems like you’re forgetting what I told you.” Luke smiled at her.

“You sure can.” I nodded, also beaming at Abigail.

“Okay then, sweetheart. Go try that on,” Luke told her, and his phone began to ring.

“Excuse me please.” He walked away from us.

I turned to Abigail, helping her try the dress on her body. She twirled, feeling so pretty. And

yeah, she did look beautiful in that dress.

Luke eventually showed up, took him a long time. But by the time he had gotten closer to

us, I had already purchased all the beautiful dresses that Abigail desired. They were really

expensive, but it wasn’t something bigger than me. I might not be a billionaire, but I had

enough money to handle things like this.

“You bought the clothes already?” Luke surveyed the bags of dresses on Abigail’s


“Yeah, I did. And by the way, your conversation lasted for almost an hour. Any problem?”


He sighed. “I don’t have time for your nonsense right now. Abi, you still want anything


Abigail shook her head, smiling at him.

“Are you sure about that?” He quizzed. She nodded.

“Well well well, look who we have at the mall today. The lovely and adorable. couple.”

Someone said from behind, causing me to turn around.


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