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The Love From Vengeance

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Waking up to the sound of seagulls and the gentle rustling of palm trees outside my

window, I saw my two children, Lukel and Janice, still sound asleep in their beds. Today

was the day I had promised to take them to the beach, and I couldn’t wait to see the joy

on their faces. After a quick breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit, I hurried to get

everything ready, packing beach towels, sunscreen, snacks, and toys into a large beach

bag. Lukel and Janice were already bouncing with excitement as they put on their

swimsuits and sandals.

On our way to the beach, Lukel and Janice chattered excitedly about building sandcastles

and splashing in the waves. I couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. I loved these

moments—just the three of us exploring and having adventures together. When we

arrived at the beach, Lukel and Janice’s eyes widened in wonder at the vast expanse of

sand and sparkling blue water. They ran towards the shoreline, giggling and shouting with

joy. I spread out our towels and set up a small umbrella to provide some shade.

The children wasted no time in kicking off their sandals and running towards the water.

Lukel was the first to dip his toes in, squealing with delight as the cool water splashed

against his skin. Janice followed suit, her laughter blending with the sound of the waves.

Watching them with a heart full of love and seeing my children so happy and carefree

filled me with a deep sense of contentment. I joined them in the water, the three of us

laughing and splashing each other as the waves rolled in.

After a while, we decided to build a sandcastle. Lukel took charge of digging a moat

around our creation, while Janice fashioned seashells into decorations. I helped them pile

the sand high, shaping turrets and walls with my hands. The children’s faces were alight

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with concentration and joy as we worked together.

And as the morning turned into the afternoon, we enjoyed a picnic lunch on the beach.

Lukel and

Janice devoured their sandwiches and fruit, their cheeks rosy from the sun. I watched

them with a smile, grateful for these simple moments of happiness. After lunch, we went

for a walk along the shore, collecting seashells and watching as seabirds soared overhead.

Lukel and Janice held my hands as we strolled, their chatter blending with the sound of the

waves crashing against the shore.

I made it clear to them that it was finally time for Lukel, and Janice protested, begging for

just a few more minutes in the water. I relented, allowing them to splash and play for a

little while longer.

We packed up our things and started the journey home. Lukel and Janice chattered

excitedly about their day at the beach. I smiled as I listened, my heart full of love for my

two precious children. Today had been a perfect day, filled with laughter, sunshine, and

the simple joy of being together. Walking hand in hand towards our car, two men stopped

at our front and pointed their guns at us.

I froze in fear as the two men pointed their guns at us, demanding that I hand over all of

our belongings. My mind raced as I tried to think of a way to protect Lukel and Janice. I

couldn’t let


anything happen to them.

“Please, just take what you want and leave us alone,” I pleaded, my voice trembling

But Lukel and Janice were not going to go down without a fight. They stood bravely in front

of me, their small bodies shaking but their eyes determined.

“We won’t give you anything!” Janice exclaimed, her voice surprisingly strong

The men laughed, thinking it was just a game. But I knew my children were serious. It was

quite clear with their expressions.

Just as the men were about to make a move towards us, a loud commotion could be heard

coming from behind them. I turned to see a group of policemen running towards us.

“Drop your weapons and put your hands up!” one of them shouted,

The robbers, taken by surprise, quickly dropped their guns and put their hands up in

surrender. The policemen quickly apprehended them and handcuffed them.

I let out a sigh of relief and hugged my children tightly. They were my little heroes. They

had stood up to danger and protected our family. I couldn’t have been prouder.

The policemen took the robbers away, and we were left alone on the beach. I sat down on

the sand, still shaking from the adrenaline rush. Lukel and Janice sat beside me, their

faces beaming with pride.

“We did it, Mommy!” Lukel exclaimed, giving me a high five.

I chuckled and ruffled their hair. “Yes, you did. You were so brave.”

As we sat there, I couldn’t help but think about how lucky we were. If we hadn’t stayed for

those few extra minutes at the beach, we could have been caught in the middle of the

robbery. It was as if fate had intervened and protected us.

But most of all, I was grateful for my two brave children. They had shown me that even in

the face of danger, they would never back down and would always protect their family.

And in that moment, I made a promise to always protect them as well.

Together, we walked back to our car, the sun setting behind us. It was a perfect end to a

perfect day, filled with love, laughter, and a little bit of heroism.

It was a chilly night, and I decided to take Lukel and Janice out for dinner. And of course, a

fancy restaurant was just the perfect location.

Walking into the restaurant, Luke’s eyes widened as he looked around. “Wow, mom, this

place is really beautiful.”

I smiled and ruffled his hair. “Of course, my darling. But not as beautiful as you.” He

laughed at my words.

A friendly waiter pulled our chairs out for us as he led us to our table. Janice was giggling

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excitement while Lukel was scanning the menu, trying to decide what to order.

“Everything looks so delicious; I don’t know what to choose,” Lukel said with a frown.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you decide,” I assured him. “Why don’t we share a few dishes so we

can try different things?”


Lukel’s face lit up, and he nodded eagerly. Janice joined in on the planning, and soon we

had ordered a variety of dishes to share.

We waited for our food, and Janice couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful the restaurant

was. “I feel like a princess here,” she said dreamily.

I chuckled. “I’m glad about that, your Majesty.”

Our food arrived, and we dug in, savoring every bite. Lukel’s eyes widened with each new

flavor, and Janice couldn’t stop complimenting the presentation of the dishes.

“This is the best meal I’ve ever had!” Lukel exclaimed, his mouth full of food.

I laughed and scolded him to chew properly before speaking. But seeing the joy on his

face made my heart swell with happiness. I was glad I could give him and Janice this


After we finished our meal, we were surprised with a complimentary dessert from the

restaurant. Lukel’s eyes widened again, and he vocalized loudly, “This is the best day


Janice and I both laughed and agreed with him. It truly was a wonderful evening filled with

delicious food, laughter, and great company.

190: GONE

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