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The Love From Vengeance

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196: MY SINS


I sat alone in the dimly lit church; my hands clasped tightly together as I gazed at the

flickering candles casting dancing shadows on the walls. The silence enveloped me like a

heavy shroud, amplifying the turmoil in my heart. My mind echoed with memories of the

hurt I had inflicted on


My heart ached with the weight of my mistakes, the sharp pang of regret piercing through

me like a knife. How could I have been so blind and foolish as to have caused her so much

pain? The tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I fought them back, my

jaw clenched in a futile attempt to hold back the flood of emotions raging inside me.

The image of Ariel’s tear–streaked face haunted me, her eyes filled with betrayal and hurt

as she turned away from me, her harsh words the last time I saw her cutting through me

like shards of glass. I had never felt more alone than in that moment when she walked out

of my life, leaving me standing there, shattered and broken.

I bowed my head, my shoulders shaking with silent sobs, as I prayed for forgiveness, for a

chance to make things right and to earn back her love and trust. The emptiness of the

church mirrored the void in my soul; the absence of Ariel’s presence was a gaping wound

that refused to heal.

Lost in my thoughts, I whispered her name like a mantra, a plea to the heavens to bring

her back to me. I longed to see her, to hold her in my arms and beg for her forgiveness, to

tell her how much she meant to me now and how lost I was without her by my side.

A soft voice broke the silence as I sat there, consumed with guilt and longing. “Luke,” it

said, and I looked up to see Father Michael standing a few feet away, his gentle eyes filled

with compassion. We have known each other for a long time now. He was good friends

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with my grandfather, and he was someone that everyone would want to be like.

“Father,” I managed to choke out, my voice hoarse with emotion. “I’ve done something

unforgivable. I’ve hurt someone, and it really hurts my heart to just live in those

memories. Now I’ve realized that

she means the whole world to me.”

Father Michael approached me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “We all


mistakes, Luke. It’s what we do next that truly matters. Have you spoken to Ariel? Have

you tried to

make amends?”

I shook my head, my throat tight with regret. “I don’t know where to start, Father. I don’t

even know if she would want to see me again.”

He smiled warmly. “Love has a way of healing, my son. Reach out to her, apologize from

your heart, and be willing to make amends. It may not be easy, but it’s a start.”

“You want to know the most funny part? It’s that we both were getting along, even after all

my mistakes. But all of a sudden, she just changed, reminding me of the past and leaving

me broke. Cause


right now, I’m filled with regrets.”

“I see,” Father Michael said, sitting down next to me. “So now you are telling me that the

both of you were getting along, laughing, and chatting pretty well.”

“Yes. We even had romantic moments,” I responded.

“And then she just changed her demeanor, bringing back the past.”

“Yeah, and I can’t blame her for it. I wasn’t nice to her those years. I know she used to

consider me to be a monster back then.”

“The past is a powerful force that often stays with us, Luke, no matter how hard we try to

move on from it. It can be difficult to let go of hurtful events that have occurred, as they

can leave a lasting impact on our minds and hearts. We may try to forget about these

painful moments, but they often remain stuck in our heads, resurfacing at unexpected


I had my eyes fixed on him as he continued,” The past, Luke, is something we cannot

change, and it can be a challenging reality to accept. However, it’s important to remember

that while we can’t change what has already happened, we can control how we react to it

and how we choose to move forward. It’s a process of learning and growing, and

ultimately, finding peace within ourselves despite the past.”


what are you trying to tell me now, father? Like, what’s your suggestion?”

“I already told you. Talk to your wife about everything. The two of you should make things

clear to each other, putting aside all bitterness and differences. If you want your

relationship to grow, that’s what you should do. But I believe this wife of yours loves you

very much.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Not that sure. But I can tell. After leaving this building, you should go and meet her so the

both of you can sort things out in a deep conversation with no arguments or disputes.”

“That would have been great. But apparently, she’s nowhere to be found.”

“She’s nowhere to be found? What do you mean by that? Was she kidnapped?” Father

Michael was


“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her in the past few days. I’ve been trying to call her, but I

can’t reach her. And I’ve been searching, but it’s all bootless.”

“Oh my. That’s bad. Have you informed the police about this? Are they helping you out in

your search?

“Yes, they are.”

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“I’m sorry to hear that, Luke. I can only imagine the worry and pain you must be feeling.

But don’t lose hope. God works in mysterious ways, and I believe He will bring Ariel back

to you.”

“But what if she doesn’t want to come back? What if she’s purposely avoiding me because

she doesn’t want to be with me anymore?” I asked, my voice trembling with fear.

196: MY SINS


Father Michael placed a hand on my shoulder. “Luke, have faith in your love for each other.

Love has a way of overcoming all obstacles. If your love is true and strong, then it will find

a way back to each


I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. “You’re right, Father. I won’t give

up on her. I’ll keep searching and praying for her safe return.”

“That’s the spirit, my son. And in the meantime, keep working on yourself. Use this time to

reflect on your mistakes and become a better person. When Ariel comes back, show her

how much you’ve changed and how much she means to you. I have faith that she will

come back to you.”

I could feel a sense of peace washing over me. Father Michael’s words gave me hope and

strength to keep going. I thanked him for his wise words and promised to keep him

updated on any news about


I left the church more renewed. And I just hoped that my prayers would be answered. I

wanted Ariel back in my life, and I wanted to show her a lot of love. It was time to make

things straight and clear between us. And should I happen upon her at any moment, I

would spontaneously utter the exquisite


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