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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 475
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Feeling guilty, Sebastian had no choice but to turn toward the jewelry store boss.

“Bring me the store’s business license.”

“Yes, Mr. Hayes.”

The boss ran back to the store at once.

A few minutes later, Sasha saw the boss return with the business license in his hand while panting


When she saw who the legal owner of the store was, she was stunned.

My God! My name is right there!

By the time she left, she still felt giddy as if she was still in a dream.

When did he present me with a jewelry store?

Given how turbulent their relationship was and how much he used to hate her, she didn’t even dare hope

to receive a diamond ring, let alone an entire jewelry store.

So when did he prepare the gift?

Sasha was filled with turbulent emotions.

No matter when he had prepared the gift, she couldn’t deny the ecstasy in her heart.

The sensation she felt was similar to getting an answer to a burning question she had for years. Every

fiber of her body was filled with delight.

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“Thank you.” Beaming, she lowered her head in coy delight.

“Why are you thanking me? You are my wife after all. Isn’t it expected of me to present you something?

Just remember, whatever I have is yours, including my entire being.”

His last sentence was the ultimate declaration of love.

Even Roxanne staggered backward in shock.

After that, she stared daggers at both of them before running away with a grimace on her face.

Solomon was equally shaken.

He felt as if he had just been brutally slapped in the face. Even though what he did to Sasha was

unforgivable, he still harbored the fantasy that they could still be together.

After all, he assumed that he still had a place in her heart.

Moreover, given how much Sebastian had hurt her, their bond had likely been weakened.

But now, he was obviously proven wrong.

“In that case… why don’t we go home? Why did you come suddenly? Aren’t you supposed to be home?”

“I’m here for grocery shopping. This is the largest mall nearby and has the best selection available.”

“That’s true.”

“Mmm-hmm. Shall we go together?” Sebastian pinched her nose affectionately.

She really is gullible.

Despite looking clueless, she sometimes surprises me with a stroke of genius. Nevertheless, I can’t call

her smart as she can be too easy to fool sometimes.

Is it because she lets her guard down when she’s with me?

In the end, Sebastian and she left the mall holding hands.

Consequently, Sabrina stomped her feet in anger. “Damn it. Am I invisible to both of you? Why aren’t you

inviting me to join you?”

Both of them ignored her as if they were oblivious to her presence.

Bursting a vessel, Sabrina had no choice but to leave on her own.

As for Solomon, he too left in a miserable mood.

“Mr. George, Sinch Enterprise has sent someone to see you. He is waiting in your office,” the receptionist

informed Solomon when he returned to the president’s office at Hayes Corporation.

Solomon’s expression darkened in response.

However, he had no choice but to enter.

“Mr. George, you’re back. I’m here on behalf of the chairman and his wife.”

Just as expected, Solomon saw a bespectacled middle-aged Jetroinian man standing up to greet him.

However, he didn’t look like he came on friendly terms.

The chairman?

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Mr. Tsurka?

Solomon’s expression grew solemn. Pulling out his tie, he threw it onto the table in frustration.

“What is so important that the Tsurka family needs to send someone as important as you over?”

“No, Mr. George, you have misunderstood. Mr. and Mrs. Tsurka are just worried that you are unable to

cope with your role at Hayes Corporation. Hence, they have sent me to help you.

The man’s tone remained cordial.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Solomon lifted his gaze at the Jetroinian. “What is the meaning of this?”

“Mr. George, when Mr. Tsurka heard that your assistant was killed by Sebastian, he was worried about

the foundation of your strength. Hence, you can leave this matter to me.”

After glaring ferociously at the Jetroinian for a long time, Solomon finally asked, “What are you trying to

do? Hiro’s death was just an accident. You had better not mess around.”

“Mr. George, is it really? Hiro has served you for many years but died because of your desire for a

woman. Mr. and Mrs. Tsurka agree that love and loyalty may be something good, but not to the extent of

not knowing where the boundaries lie…”

The Jetroinian’s last sentence sounded like a dire warning which sent a chill down Solomon’s spine.

Widening his eyes, he glared at the Jetroinian with murderous intent.

“Ken, be forewarned. Don’t mess around with me, or I will make sure you regret it!”