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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 601
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Chapter 0601 "I don't understand," I said. My thoughts were entirely addled. How could Nicholas's parents not only forgive Bridget for all that she had done but also continue to want her to be Queen? Hasn't she proven herself unsuitable? Unstable? At least, disrespectful? They had to have known that she slapped Nicholas. Since they didn't care about me, I wasn't totally surprised that Bridget's actions againsthad been thrown to the side. But surely, Bridget's attack on a prince wouldn't be ignored? Nicholas frowned deeply. When he spoke, the words cout with disgust. "They said that her actions only prove that she has the mettle to survive in aggressive situations. They seem to think that she will do what needs to be done to protect the crown." "But she's only looking out for herself," I said.

"I agree. Unfortunately my parents do not see it the sway. They think her actions will shift to protect all of the royalty once she and I are married." I tried to understand their point of view, but it was difficult. Perhaps for the sake of self-preservation, Bridget might extend her defensiveness to include Nicholas. But I doubted it. Especially because of the way she had treated Nicholas already.

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That behavior was unlikely to change.

*They know that she slapped you, don't they?" I asked.

"Yes," Nicholas said. "Nathan had given them a full report after it happened, which I then corroborated during my meeting with them." He shook his head, face twisted with obvious disgust. "They have forgiven the slap. They said she was just emotional for being called out." I did not like this potential future, of Nicholas marrying Bridget and her continuing with her behavior. Nicholas was a strong Alpha. Bridget wouldn't be able to physically hurt him. But to be slapped and berated by the person he should be able to trust most in the world? It was too sad. Forgetting all other elements of my dislike of them being together, including my jealousy, I didn't want Nicholas to be resigned to a life of such misery.

He was the kindest, bravest man I'd ever known. He deserved so much better than a life with Bridget would give him.

*They won't listen to reason," Nicholas said. "They made their choice, and they are doubling down now." I didn't need for him to spell this out for me. I could read between the lines.

The King and Queen wanted Bridget to stay, which meant she would survive the next elimination ceremony well enough. But, as Bridget's biggest competition at the moment, I knew this likely meant the King and Queen would work as hard to keep Bridget, to get rid of me.

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*Surely the public should have a say..." I said. "I know sof the footage has been twisted to present Bridget in the best light, but the editors couldn't have possibly hidden everything that she did." Nicholas sighed. "I'm afraid they've done worse than that." "Worse?"

*The editors, under my parents' orders, have been trying to twist the footage so that when it aired, Bridget looked entirely blameless: Instead, they made it seem as if you, Piper, shamelessly educed Ronan and then rejected him. They want the kingdom to believe that you are at fault for your own attack." "That's ridiculous!" "You and I know that, but I have no idea if the public was receptive to it."

No. They couldn't be. Even if the footage had been shifted to makelook like the vilest of seductresses, I still would not be deserving of being attacked like I was. I was almost killed! Surely the worst victim blaming wouldn't side with an attempted murderer over me.

But then, who knew the lengths the editors had gone to, at the behest of them the King and Queen? Maybe evem doctored footage or dubbed my voice? There was no end to the bottomless well of the King and Queen's power. X