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The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups by Jane Above Story

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11 Family drama


Following the direction of Paisley’s pointing finger, I scan the crowded courtyard for my daughter’s look

alike. Despite my best efforts, I don’t see anyone fitting her description. I believe Paisley saw a child who

resembled her, but it seems like she’s gone now. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I don’t see her.”

Paisley drags her expectant gaze from my face, looking back across the mall. Her little face scrunches

up in disappointment when she too fails to find the child in question. “Daddy, I swear. She looked exactly

like me! Maybe she’s my sister!”

Chuckling warmly, I tug my pup towards the theater entrance. “I know you want a sister, my love, but

your mommy only gave birth to you.”

“No, daddy, that was my sister.” She insists stubbornly. “I decided!”

This is not the first time my daughter has invented an imaginary sibling or invisible friend to play with,

after all, don’t all children at this age? I know it’s no use arguing, and I don’t want to stifle her creativity.

Instead I shake my head in amusement and agree, “All right little one. Sister or not, it’s time for the


From her expression, Paisley suspects I’m merely humoring her, but she doesn’t argue. She’s too

excited to see this film. For the next two hours, my sweet pup delights at the antics of the characters on

the sprawling silver screen, and I sit back and enjoy the sound of her laughter. With her medical

troubles I have to relish every moment of joy we can find, especially the simple joys like this one.

Afterwards we take the elevator up to the top floor of the shopping center, entering our favorite

restaurant, which offers a 360 degree view of my beautiful city. Stuffing our faces full of rich Italian food,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

we gaze out the floor to ceiling windows as night falls over Nightfang Valley. Just as thousands of electric

lights spark to life below us, illuminating the darkened city, Paisley begins to dance in her seat. “Daddy T

have to go potty.”

“Alright angel.” | stand and guide her to the restroom. I always hate navigating public facilities like this. If

Jane was here she could take our pup inside the ladies’ room and help her through the process.

Unfortunately, I can do no such thing. I know it’s not a big deal, but I don’t like taking my eyes off Paisley

in public places, especially not when she’s so prone to exploring.

A number of attractive young women in line offer to help Paisley, but my little girl has a prideful streak.

“Daddy I’m not a baby ‘nymore, I can use the potty myself.”

“Okay munchkin, I’ll wait right here.” I vow, raising my palms in defeat.

| While Paisley disappears inside, I try to avoid the interested

gazes of the she-wolves still waiting in line, but I can feel their eyes on me nonetheless. This is the

downside of being Alpha; I can’t go anywhere without being recognized, and the tabloids keep my private

life plastered across the front page. These women not only know who I am, but my average net worth,

my complete romantic history and every sordid detail in hetween.

I’m nothing short of relieved when Paisley finally emerges, though she starts to walk off in the opposite

direction. “Paisley, Daddy’s over here.” I call to her.

She doesn’t respond. Stepping forward, I catch her easily, scooping her up and belatedly wondering if

she somehow managed to change clothes in the restroom. I’m almost certain she wasn’t wearing a pink

dress earlier.

To my surprise Paisley begins to writhe and fight my hold. “Stranger danger!” She calls, “Let me go!”

“Paisley, what’s gotten into you?” I ask in exasperation, tightening my grip on the squirming bundle so

that she does not topple out of my arms. I don’t know what game she’s playing, but I don’t care for it:

she’s struggling so fiercely I’m genuinely worried I’ll drop her.

“I’m not Paisley!” She narrows her green eyes to slits, “I’m Riley and I don’t like you. Let me go!” She

repeats, pummeling my muscular chest with her little fists.

“Daddy, what are you doing?” A small voice sounds in the vicinity of my hip, and I look down to find

Paisley staring up at me in confusion.

“I…” My gaze ping pongs between the identical children, the only dissimilarity between them being their

clothes, “What? How is this possible?” Scenting the pup in my arms, I realize she truly isn’t Paisley. She

smells similar, but Paisley’s fragrance is slightly sweeter and more delicate. More importantly, this pup

smells like Paisley did when Linda brought her home the other day; like the Blonde woman I’ve been


The girl who called herself Riley is staring down at Paisley in shock, and my daughter begins bouncing

up and down in excitement, “Daddy, you found her! You found my sister!”

Before any one of us can say another word, a beautiful she wolf in oversized sunglasses sweeps through

the crowd and plucks Riley out of my hands, stunning me so completely I freeze in place. She’s already

moving away when Paisley calls after her, “Mommy?” She swings her attention to me, “Daddy, that’s her!

That’s Mommy!”

Her words jolt me into action, and I push through the gathered shifters to follow the retreating mother and

pup. The blonde slipped away so quickly that I waste valuable time trying to find her, relying on my vision

rather than my other senses. By the time I knock enough sense into my head to track her scent, it’s too

late. I catch one last glimpse of the woman as she stands calmly in the elevator waiting for the doors to

close. I’ve barely stepped forward when the silver panels slide shut, obscuring her from view.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

What the hell just happened?


Oh my Goddess. Oh my Goddess. Oh my Goddess. I’ve never hyperventilated in my entire life, but I

certainly am now. I can’t breathe, I can’t believe that just happened. Seeing Ethan in the flesh was a

shock for which I was not prepared. He looks exactly like he did the last time I saw him: powerful,

dangerous, and so handsome I could swoon.

Over the years I’ve told myself that Ethan no longer holds any

power over me. I was sure I’d become immune to him, that I’ve gotten so strong and changed so much

that I would never be at risk of falling victim to the Alpha again. But if this moment is any indication, I’m in

as much danger as I ever was.

“Mommy are you okay?” Riley asks, “Why are we leaving? Who was that? What about Ryder and Parker

and Auntie Linda?”

“They’ll meet’us at home.” | explain swiftly, “I thought you and I could have some girl time together – just


Riley frowns, “But Mommy, who was that?”

“No one, my love.” Ilie, pulling out my phone to text Linda. It’s a blessing she came to dinner with us. If I’d

been alone with the kids I would never have made it out in time to evade Ethan. I’ll have my friend bring

the boys home separately, and pray Ethan tries to follow my trail rather than sticking around to realize

there are even more secrets to be found in the restaurant.

Though I’m relieved we got away, my heart aches knowing how poor Paisley must be feeling. Her little

voice echoes in m head, crying out for me and her sister. I wish I could go back and sweep her away this

instant, but I know it’s impossible. I have to be patient. I have to wait until the time is right.