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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114: Theo

I spent the next day between Randall’s secret room, the precinct, and the cellar. There

was so much information to go through that we planned shifts around the clock. I told

them about what Randall had said about the gag command he was under. But something

told me that even if we found this person who could overrule the order, bringing them to

Randall wouldn’t be a good idea.

Either way, finding them would hopefully give us more answers.

But we weren’t getting anywhere fast.

We started looking into the names and came up with nothing. So far, everyone was either

dead or had disappeared. That was likely why they were on the wall, but we couldn’t find

any connection. It all seemed random.

I was back down in the cellar sitting in front of Randall, trying to get something from him.

He wasn’t looking any better. The stronger command didn’t relieve the pain of denying

mine. He was covered in sweat and breathing heavily, slumped over in the chair.

“Come on, Randall,” I said. “Give me something to go on, and you’ll get a break. I’ll even

have them bring a cot in and let you get a decent night’s sleep.”

He looked up at me, a hopeless expression on his face. He shook his head.

“It’s no use,” he replied. “You’re not asking the right questions. And you’ll never figure it

out on your own.”



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“Then why don’t you just tell me the answers all on your own,” I suggested.

He smirked. “I’m not ready to make it that easy for you, Alpha.”

I nodded. “Okay, I can respect that,” I said. “But I hope you can respect that I’m forced to

change my methods.”

He lifted his head, his nostrils flaring.

I stood from the chair. “I’ll give you a little time to think about it.”

I left the cell. Briggs was waiting for me in the hall.

“We calling Carl?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m running out of patience with this,” I said. “Did you get anywhere with


“Ayla’s friend Emma had already told Beta Pierce about the ring,” Briggs said. “He said he

would do what he could, but he couldn’t guarantee it would be a quick turn-around. I’m

afraid to know what’s going on in that pack these days.”

“There’s no way I’m letting Ayla near that territory,” I said. “I don’t trust Kingston.”

“Beta Pierce said the same thing as before.” Briggs replied. “Even he doesn’t think it’s a

good idea for Ayla to be around him right now. I still have no idea what is going on, but

Beta Pierce has been friendly. I don’t want to push that relationship too far.”

“No,” I agreed. “We need to keep the goodwill there for now.”

Briggs’ phone pinged. He checked the message and started walking.


Chapter 114 Theo

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“I think Mina found something,” he said over his shoulder.

We didn’t get enough service to get calls down here. I followed Briggs eagerly. He was

calling before we were even out of the utility room.

“Hey, Mina,” he answered with it on speaker. “What’s going on?”

“You and Theo need to get to the precinct,” she said, sounding frantic. “You need to see


“What did you find?” I asked.

“Just get here now,” she said, hanging up.

We rushed into the city to the precinct and headed straight to Mina’s lab. Mina was pacing

by a table covered in the evidence from the hidden cache, chewing on a a fingernail.


“What’s going on?” I asked as I barged in.

She looked at me, and I could see she was scared.

“I found the connection,” she said. She picked up a stack of papers and set them out. “I

kept seeing this name, Callum Ackers. It rang a bell, but I thought it was a coincidence.

Until I talked to Ayla. Callum Ackers is linked to seven other names. All dead or missing

like the others. But there is absolutely no record of a Callum Ackers existing anywhere in

any pack.”

“You think it’s a false name?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, I think it’s a real name. Kingston’s.”

“Hang on,” Briggs said. “Why Kingston?”

“Ayla said his real name was Callum before they escaped the pack

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Chapter 114 Thes

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massacre,” Mina explained. “I didn’t get a last name, but at least seven families escaped

with him besides mine. This is about the Waar P*k Society. They’ve been hunting down

Onyxcrown survivors.”

“You can’t be sure about that,” I said, my heart rate picking up.

“I wasn’t,” she said. “Until I looked over a colleague’s assigned documents, and I found


She picked up a copy of a newspaper clipping. A section was circled in red, with

“children??” written beneath it.

“The column is about an explosion that killed three people,” Mina said. “No names are

listed. Only mentioning a celebrated social worker, his sister, and her mate. No one else in

this precinct would think anything of it.”

I couldn’t move. My eyes were stuck on the bright red word.

“This is about you and your cousins,” Briggs said angrily.

“No.” Mina shook her head, laying a newspaper clipping with more heavy red ink in front

of me.

The clipping was from what looked like a school newspaper. It was a piece honoring their

youngest graduate to date. A fifteen-year-old girl smiled up at me, silver-grey eyes shining

with pride.

“This is about Ayla.”

Chapter 115. Ayla

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