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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122: Ayla

“Kingston,” I said, trying to pull my hand away, but he held it tight. “What are you saying?

Have you been hunting…”

“Waar Pak members?” he interrupted. “Of course. The bastards thought they could come

back. They thought they could come into my territory and work under my nose. But he got

careless. I caught his scent.”

“Who, Kingston?” I asked, getting more nervous. “Who got careless?”

“Grogan,” he said. “Arthur Grogan. The asshole was supposed to be dead. I saw your

father kill him myself. But he must have survived and escaped.”

“Who is Grogan?”

“He’s one of the Waar Pak leaders,” Kingston clarified. “But it’s okay. He won’t get away

this time. I’m closing in.” He tugged me against him. “And he led me to you. So I know

we’ll prevail. It couldn’t mean anything else. My goddess came to me.”

Did he mean me? Was he talking about the tale?

“What goddess, Kingston? How did Grogan lead you to me?” I asked, trying to step away

from him.

“The night we met,” I said. “I was following his scent when you came around that bend.

That’s why I was in the road. But I wouldn’t have caught him. I wasn’t ready. I needed the

goddess’s support. I needed you.”

I managed to push away from him. “So you did know about the

Blessed One,” I said, hurt filling my gut. “You did believe I was her from the start. And you

didn’t tell me.”

“Ayla, you had to have known,” Kingston said, trying to reach for me again.

“How could I have known?” I yelled, dodging his embrace. “Did you know what would

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happen when we went to the Gathering? Did you know they would figure it out?”

Kingston froze, guilt filling his eyes before he looked away.

“Oh, my goddess,” I murmured. “You did. You bastard, you did.”

“I didn’t know Conner would act like that,” he insisted. “I didn’t mean for you to get hurt,


“No,” I bellowed, “you just wanted to use me as bait. You knew they would try to come for

me. You used me to flush out whatever Waar Pak members you could. That’s why you’re

hunting them down.”

“Of course I wanted to draw them out,” he spat. “They need to be destroyed. That’s the

only way we can bring our pack back. It’s the only way we can return to our land.”

My eyes went wide. This had been his plan all along. He was going to use me to reinstate

the Onyxcrown Pack. To become their Alpha.

“Kingston, that will never happen,” I guaranteed. “The Onyxcrown Pack is dead. I won’t

bring it back. All I want is my father’s ring. Now give it to me.”

“No, no, that’s not how this is supposed to go,” he growled. “You came to me. You came to

me because we are the last Onyxcrown ranking members. The Alpha and Beta. Now, the

Alpha and Luna. You belong by my side, Ayla.

“No, I don’t, Kingston,” I said. “I’m not your mate. I belong with Theo.”

Devastation filled Kingston’s expression, quickly followed by rage. And I realized the

mistake I had made. I started backing away toward the door.

“Kingston,” I said calmly, “calm down. I’m just going to go, okay? You‘ re not yourself right


“You won’t leave me again, Ayla,” Kingston growled. “This is our destiny.”

I shook my head. “No, Kingston, it’s not.‘

I rushed for the door, but Kingston was too fast. He grabbed my arm hard and spun me

around. His mouth was on mine before I knew what was happening. It was painful and

sickening. I pushed and pulled to get him off of me.


“He thinks he can trick you into choosing him,” Kingston rumbled. “I’ll show him how

wrong he is.”

His hold on me was hurting. He reached and started pulling my hair back. When he

grabbed my chin, turning my head sharply, I knew what he was planning.

He was going to mark me.

Terror ran through me and tears formed in my eyes. I fought harder but

he was too strong. He couldn’t do this. I couldn’t let him do this. I

searched for the strength I needed.

“Stop,” I commanded.

It was enough to make him pause. I yanked my arm free, punching up against his jaw. I

didn’t get enough leverage to break it but it did knock him back a few steps.

“Don’t touch me,” I followed.

His rage cleared and realization of what just happened filled his face.

“Ayla, I’m sor…”

“Don’t follow me, Kingston. Leave me and Theo alone.”

I ran out of the apartment, Kingston calling after me, and through the packhouse. I tore off

the property and drove in the direction of home.

I was too shaken to call anyone. I just needed to get out of Sablemane.

I was almost at my mother’s house before I finally allowed myself to stop and collect

myself. I took some deep breaths as I picked up the phone I had just purchased. I was still

too afraid to turn mine on. Kingston had tracked me before.

I dialed Theo’s number. Praying he would pick up.

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“Ayla,” Theo’s panicked voice sounded. “Please, goddess, tell me this is you, baby.”

“Yes, Theo, it’s me,” I rushed.

“Thank the goddess,” he muttered. I could hear the utter relief in his voice. “You scared

the fucking hell out of all of us.”

“I’m not going back with them, Theo,” I told him. “I’ve been taking care of myself for

years. I have a say in this, and I’m not leaving.”

“I know, sweetheart,” he replied. “Where are you? I’m coming to get you.”

“I’m almost to Ma’s,” I said. “Babe, I had to see Kingston first. I just wanted to get Dad’s

ashes and ring back. I promise.”

“Shh, it’s okay, baby,” he assured me. “I know. I’m on my way. We were already out

looking for you, so I’m not far.”

“Okay,” I said, pulling off the side of the road. “I’m getting Kylee and Ma. I don’t care if

they hate me right now. I’m not leaving them out here on their own.”

“Harden has agreed to take them to the safe house as well,” Theo said. “If you think

they’d prefer that.”

“I’ll let them decide,” I said.

“Did you get it back?”

“I got his ashes,” I said. “But Kingston… he’s not himself right now.”

“Ayla, what happened?” Theo demanded. “Did he hurt you?”

“No,” I lied. I didn’t need to start a war on top of everything else. “At least not physically.

He’s not taking the situation well.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Theo said. “I’m on my way, babe.”

I pulled into the driveway of my childhood home and my stomach dropped.


He had to have heard the panic in my voice. “Ayla, is something wrong?”

“The door is open.”