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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 158
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Chapter 6: Theo

Dinner was served quickly as we made any additional introductions. I didn’t miss the looks

both Malcolm and Julia kept giving Ayla. Malcolm’s eyes kept wandering, and Julia’s scowl

could peel paint.

“It’s a shame Harmon couldn’t be here, Alpha Theo,” Malcolm said halfway through the


“As I’m sure you know, he is with the Arrowclaw Pack negotiating our next deal.” I said.


He got a weekly update just like the rest of our investors. He knew exactly where Harmon


“Yes, I meant to ask you about that,” Malcolm went on. “He led the last… two

negotiations, I believe, as well, correct?”

“He did,” I confirmed.

“Well, you may want to remind him about your obligation to your suppliers. Your last two

projects seemed to be short a few orders,” Malcolm stated.

“They were not short,” I replied firmly. “We simply didn’t need more than what we ordered.

They were both eco–friendly builds, and your company has yet to meet our requirements

for those projects.”

“May I ask what materials your company supplies?” Ayla asked.

“They provide most of our lumber and insulation,” I stated before Malcolm had a chance to

respond. “However, they still haven’t managed to produce an eco–friendly insulation

option that meets our

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quality standards.”

“There is nothing wrong with that product and you know it,” Malcolm insisted.

“Except that it has half the life expectancy of comparable products,” I said. “Meaning we

would have to go in and replace it within the next ten years.”

“Alpha, that’s how money is made,” Malcolm said smugly.

“Not in my business, it’s not,” I asserted.

“Theo, love, if they aren’t able to provide the required product, we could always

renegotiate the contract.” Ayla said. “Don’t forget, Uncle Wally would be happy to do

business with you.”

I had no clue what she was talking about, but I was curious to see where this would go.

“Ha,” Malcolm snorted. “We’re the largest distributor within three packs, Luna. I don’t

know who your Uncle Wally is, but anyone else will be far overpriced.”

“Oh, he’s Wallace Douring,” Ayla said calmly.

I almost choked and I saw Mina hide a smile as she shook her head. Malcolm, however,

had gone a little pale, while Julia looked like she would have a meltdown. Wallace was

Malcolm’s employer’s biggest competitor, and they were having trouble keeping up.

Wallace had innovated with the new eco–friendly architecture. Malcolm’s boss hadn’t. We

only used them because Wallace hadn’t been accepting any new contracts when we

approached him.

“Your Wallace Douring’s niece?” Malcolm asked skeptically.



“Well, goddaughter, actually,” Ayla clarified. “He was Grandpop’s best friend. When he

passed, goddess rest his soul, Uncle Wally helped to fill the role.”

“I see,” Malcolm said slowly. “Well, Alpha, I suppose we can overlook the order shortages

for now. And I’ll be sure to reach out to our Rand D department to check on that green


“You do that,” I said.

I slipped my hand under the table and squeezed Ayla’s knee. She ran her foot up my leg in


The rest of the dinner went by quickly as the conversation soon dried out. The wait staff

escorted Malcolm and his entourage to the guest wing, and I let them off for the night.

They could come clean up in the morning. When I closed the door, Mina burst out laughing

behind me.

“What did I miss?” Briggs said.

“Uncle Wally?” Mina directed at Ayla.

“Babe, Wallace Douring isn’t really your godfather, is he?” I asked her.

“Technically, he is,” she said coyly.

“Yeah, Wallace Douring, the schlubby accountant from the Moonvalley Pack. Not Wallace

Douring, the CEO and business mogul,” Mina explained.

I shook my head with a smile. “I’m glad I didn’t get my hopes up,” I said.

“Sorry, but they do actually know each other,” Ayla said with a shrug. “There was an issue

with a bank loan and suspected identity theft. It was all cleared up, and they were on good

terms last I spoke with him.



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But I doubt they stayed in touch.”

“Honestly, I don’t even care,” I said, pulling her to me. “You were brilliant this evening.”

I kissed her strongly.

“Okay,” Briggs said. “That’s our queue to leave. We’ll see you two love

birds tomorrow.

“Don’t worry, Briggs,” I said. “In a little over a week, you’ll understand.”

“I’m counting the days,” I called over his shoulder as he led Mina out of the room.

‘Lock the door on your way out,‘ I linked him. ‘And make sure the halls stay clear.‘

‘Just clean up after yourself,‘ he said back. ‘Don’t leave that for our poor staff.‘

Ayla had stepped away and was clearing off the table. I watched her for a minute,

wondering if she would ever realize she wouldn’t have to do that anymore. I moved behind

her, letting my hands run down the sides of her body.

“How was your day?” I asked, burying my face in her hair and breathing in her scent.

“That Julia chick is a floozy bitch,” she said. “But I enjoyed knocking her down a peg, so I

guess it was pretty good.”

I chuckled. “You have no idea how much I owe you for saving me from her advances from

now on. Or how incredibly sexy it was to watch you put her in her place.”



“Oh, yeah?” Ayla said, leaning into me.

“Mmhmmm… So much so, I’ve been planning on bending you over this table ever since,” I

stated as I nipped her ear.

She pressed her ass against the bulge of my slacks, soliciting a growl from me.

“Is that so, Alpha?”

